// The classes are basically the same as the BinaryTree // file except the visitor classes and the accept method // in the Tree class class TreeVisitor{ public static void main(String[] a){ System.out.println(new TV().Start()); } } class TV { public int Start(){ Tree root ; boolean ntb ; int nti ; MyVisitor v ; int cmd; int arg; cmd = MiniJava.ReadInt(); arg = MiniJava.ReadInt(); while (!(cmd < 0)) { if (cmd < 0+1) { root = new Tree(); ntb = root.Init(arg); } else if (cmd < 1+1) { ntb = root.Print(); } else if (cmd < 2+1) { System.out.println(arg); } else if (cmd < 3+1) { ntb = root.Insert(arg); } else if (cmd < 4+1) { System.out.println(root.Search(arg)); } else if (cmd < 5+1) { ntb = root.Delete(arg); } else if (cmd < 6+1) { v = new MyVisitor(); System.out.println(arg); nti = root.accept(v); } else { System.out.println(0-999); } cmd = MiniJava.ReadInt(); arg = MiniJava.ReadInt(); } return 0 ; } } class Tree{ Tree left ; Tree right; int key ; boolean has_left ; boolean has_right ; Tree my_null ; //Tree new_node ; //Tree current_node ; //Tree parent_node ; // boolean ntb ; //boolean cont ; //boolean found ; //int ifound ; // boolean is_root ; // int nti ; // int key_aux ; // int auxkey1 ; // int auxkey2 ; public boolean Init(int v_key){ key = v_key ; has_left = false ; has_right = false ; return true ; } public boolean SetRight(Tree rn){ right = rn ; return true ; } public boolean SetLeft(Tree ln){ left = ln ; return true ; } public Tree GetRight(){ return right ; } public Tree GetLeft(){ return left; } public int GetKey(){ return key ; } public boolean SetKey(int v_key){ key = v_key ; return true ; } public boolean GetHas_Right(){ return has_right ; } public boolean GetHas_Left(){ return has_left ; } public boolean SetHas_Left(boolean val){ has_left = val ; return true ; } public boolean SetHas_Right(boolean val){ has_right = val ; return true ; } public boolean Compare(int num1 , int num2){ boolean ntb ; int nti ; ntb = false ; nti = num2 + 1 ; if (num1 < num2) ntb = false ; else if (!(num1 < nti)) ntb = false ; else ntb = true ; return ntb ; } public boolean Insert(int v_key){ Tree new_node ; boolean ntb ; Tree current_node ; boolean cont ; int key_aux ; new_node = new Tree(); ntb = new_node.Init(v_key) ; current_node = this ; cont = true ; while (cont){ key_aux = current_node.GetKey(); if (v_key < key_aux){ if (current_node.GetHas_Left()) current_node = current_node.GetLeft() ; else { cont = false ; ntb = current_node.SetHas_Left(true); ntb = current_node.SetLeft(new_node); } } else{ if (current_node.GetHas_Right()) current_node = current_node.GetRight() ; else { cont = false ; ntb = current_node.SetHas_Right(true); ntb = current_node.SetRight(new_node); } } } return true ; } public boolean Delete(int v_key){ Tree current_node ; Tree parent_node ; boolean cont ; boolean found ; boolean ntb ; boolean is_root ; int key_aux ; current_node = this ; parent_node = this ; cont = true ; found = false ; is_root = true ; while (cont){ key_aux = current_node.GetKey(); if (v_key < key_aux) if (current_node.GetHas_Left()){ parent_node = current_node ; current_node = current_node.GetLeft() ; } else cont = false ; else if (key_aux < v_key) if (current_node.GetHas_Right()){ parent_node = current_node ; current_node = current_node.GetRight() ; } else cont = false ; else { if (is_root) if (!current_node.GetHas_Right() && !current_node.GetHas_Left() ) ntb = true ; else ntb = this.Remove(parent_node,current_node); else ntb = this.Remove(parent_node,current_node); found = true ; cont = false ; } is_root = false ; } return found ; } public boolean Remove(Tree p_node, Tree c_node){ boolean ntb ; int auxkey1 ; int auxkey2 ; if (c_node.GetHas_Left()) ntb = this.RemoveLeft(p_node,c_node) ; else if (c_node.GetHas_Right()) ntb = this.RemoveRight(p_node,c_node) ; else { auxkey1 = c_node.GetKey(); auxkey2 = (p_node.GetLeft()).GetKey() ; if (this.Compare(auxkey1,auxkey2)) { ntb = p_node.SetLeft(my_null); ntb = p_node.SetHas_Left(false); } else { ntb = p_node.SetRight(my_null); ntb = p_node.SetHas_Right(false); } } return true ; } public boolean RemoveRight(Tree p_node, Tree c_node){ boolean ntb ; while (c_node.GetHas_Right()){ ntb = c_node.SetKey((c_node.GetRight()).GetKey()); p_node = c_node ; c_node = c_node.GetRight() ; } ntb = p_node.SetRight(my_null); ntb = p_node.SetHas_Right(false); return true ; } public boolean RemoveLeft(Tree p_node, Tree c_node){ boolean ntb ; while (c_node.GetHas_Left()){ ntb = c_node.SetKey((c_node.GetLeft()).GetKey()); p_node = c_node ; c_node = c_node.GetLeft() ; } ntb = p_node.SetLeft(my_null); ntb = p_node.SetHas_Left(false); return true ; } public int Search(int v_key){ Tree current_node ; int ifound ; boolean cont ; int key_aux ; current_node = this ; cont = true ; ifound = 0 ; while (cont){ key_aux = current_node.GetKey(); if (v_key < key_aux) if (current_node.GetHas_Left()) current_node = current_node.GetLeft() ; else cont = false ; else if (key_aux < v_key) if (current_node.GetHas_Right()) current_node = current_node.GetRight() ; else cont = false ; else { ifound = 1 ; cont = false ; } } return ifound ; } public boolean Print(){ boolean ntb ; Tree current_node ; current_node = this ; ntb = this.RecPrint(current_node); return true ; } public boolean RecPrint(Tree node){ boolean ntb ; if (node.GetHas_Left()){ ntb = this.RecPrint(node.GetLeft()); } else ntb = true ; System.out.println(node.GetKey()); if (node.GetHas_Right()){ ntb = this.RecPrint(node.GetRight()); } else ntb = true ; return true ; } public int accept(Visitor v){ int nti ; System.out.println(333); nti = v.visit(this) ; return 0 ; } } class Visitor { Tree l ; Tree r ; public int visit(Tree n){ int nti ; if (n.GetHas_Right()){ r = n.GetRight() ; nti = r.accept(this) ; } else nti = 0 ; if (n.GetHas_Left()) { l = n.GetLeft(); nti = l.accept(this) ; } else nti = 0 ; return 0; } } class MyVisitor extends Visitor { public int visit(Tree n){ int nti ; if (n.GetHas_Right()){ r = n.GetRight() ; nti = r.accept(this) ; } else nti = 0 ; System.out.println(n.GetKey()); if (n.GetHas_Left()) { l = n.GetLeft(); nti =l.accept(this) ; } else nti = 0 ; return 0; } }