CS184 AS1: Interactive Polygon Builder

DUE DATE: Thursday February 5th, 11:00pm


You will create an interactive 2D polygon drawing application. It will allow a user to use the mouse to draw a polygon, and write it out to a simplified OBJ file. This assignment aims to accomplish the following:

User Interaction

Your application will allow you to draw a polygon by interactively placing vertices with the mouse. Place points by pressing the left mouse button somewhere in your application, then dragging the temporary vertex and rubber band edge until you are happy with the current edge of the polygon, and release the mouse button. Continue doing this for all the vertices you want to place, and finally close the polygon by clicking the right mouse button. (For Macs, this is equivalent to holding down Apple and Left-clicking).

Terminology and Conventions

Vertex: The corner of a geometric object, where two or more straight edges connect.
Edge: The straight line between two vertices.
Face: A single polygon
Rubber Banding: Drawing a temporary line between a fixed point and a point being edited to show the position of a future edge.
Coordinates: Position relative to the current coordinate axes. We will use coordinates in the range [-1,+1], and we will place the origin of the coordinate axes at the center of the screen. If there are more coordinates that necessary (for example, drawing 2D in a 3D environment), set all the unnecessary coordinates to 0.
Coordinate System: We use a coordinate system centered at the origin, increasing towards the right and the top of the screen.

Minimum Specifications

Write a program called draw that accomplishes at least the following (and conforms to this user interface):
  1. On launch, open a 600px by 600px OpenGL window.
  2. Draw a crosshair at the current location of the mouse pointer in the window.
  3. On left mouse button DOWN:
    • Place a temporary vertex at the current mouse position.
    • Move this temporary vertex along with the mouse pointer's movement
    • Rubber Banding: If this is not the first vertex placed, draw a line from the previously placed vertex to this temporary one.
  4. On left mouse button UP:
    • Place a permanent vertex at this position (thus changing the temporary vertex to a permanent one)
    • Draw a line from the previous vertex to this new vertex.
  5. Always have all the edges between permanent vertices visible as lines.
  6. On right mouse button click:
    • Close the polygon by drawing a line from the last placed vertex to the first vertex.
    • Write out the polygon to polygon.obj in the current directory as an OBJ file. Let the coordinates be in the range [-1, +1] relative to the center of the window. (Thus the vertex at pixel (300,300) maps to (0,0))
    • Keep the window open displaying the polygon, but any other action is undefined. Yes, you can crash if the user attempts to add another point, but feel free to do something more elegant such as starting a new polygon (This is a good opportunity to learn memory management in C++).
Read the implementation tips for detailed instructions on accomplishing these things easily.
See an example of the program's interaction in the example implementation applet on the bottom of the page.

Extra Credit Ideas
Berkeley students never fail to impress when given free reigns, so once you've implemented this minimum specification, consider extending this project to do some of the following (ranked approximately in level of difficulty):

Since AS2 will be concerned with modifying an already-created polygon, I suggest you start with AS2 if you want to experiment with that.


To submit this project, all of the following needs to be done by the deadline:


Download the framework for all platforms here.

We will be using the same core components throughout this course for all the projects, thus you can start to familiarize yourself with them now. They are: C++ is a platform-dependent language, thus we will do our best to maintain and release multiple copies of our framework for Windows (Microsoft development environment), Macintosh OSX, Linux and Solaris. If you are having compilation issues, please ask the GSIs! Getting the framework to compile should be very simple, thus ask (preferably in person with the compilation environment available on your laptop).

Our framework, following the layout of most C and C++ based projects, contains:

  src/       Contains all the source code for your project.
      main.cpp       Main source code file.
  include/       Contains header files of third party code.
      algebra3.h       Matrix and vector library
  lib/       Contains binary files of third party code.
  makefile       Specifies building instructions in gmake-compatible format


Place your source code in the src directory, starting with main.cpp. You can create more files to organize your source code, even going so far as to follow the Java convention of creating a separate file for each class (in this case .h and .cpp).

There exists a plethora of tools for C++ authoring. Windows users tend to use the Visual Studio environment, which we recommend (download legally for free here or here). Vim, Emacs and Nedit are all popular text editors used for programming, while Eclipse, Xcode and KDevelop are IDE-based environments that assist greatly in programming.


Windows   You can either install Cygwin and its associated packages (compilers and GLUT) and follow a linux-like approach, or you can download Microsoft Visual Studio (alternative link) to use for development (probably an easier option for windows users).

For Visual Studio: Open the .sln file and press F5 to Build Solution. If you are using Visual Studio Express 2005, you should either install the platform sdk (instructions) or (preferably) upgrade to Express 2008 or a full version of Visual Studio for free.
Mac OSX   You need to install the Xcode developer toolkit from Apple. Register for a free account. From here you can use your favorite editor and compile from the terminal using the same approach as Solaris. Compile with gmake -f makefile.osx
Linux   You need to install gcc (or similar compiler), the standard c++ libraries, and GLUT. On an aptitude-based system (Debian, Ubuntu), you can accomplish this by installing the build-essential and freeglut package. You can now follow the same instructions as on Solaris.
Solaris   Assuming you are on one of the instructional machines, you should be able to compile immediately by running gmake -f makefile

Implementation Tips

The Bible of OpenGL programming comes in the form of two books known as the Red Book (The OpenGL Programming Guide) and the Blue Book (The OpenGL Reference Manual). Older editions of this book is available online for free, and luckily not much has changed in the standard of OpenGL.

READ the code given in main.cpp! It already contains templates of some incredibly useful OpenGL functions. It demonstrates the basic layout, and how to create classes.

OpenGL Concepts and Suggested Methods:

You will be using GLUT, an OpenGL windowing system, and basic OpenGL.

C++ Concepts in this project

You will find this project quite simple if you use some good C++ organization of your code. You should consider the following suggestions:

OBJ Files

This is your first taste of the beautifully simple OBJ file format. OBJ files are ASCII files, with a command per line. you need to be concerned with the following commands for this project:
v x y Define a vertex at coordinates (x,y).
It is customary to have coordinates have a range of [-1, +1] in OBJ files.
f v1 ... vn Define a face with vertices v1 through vn
vi refers to the index of a vertex, where vertices are indexed from 1 in the order they appear in the file.
Thus an example OBJ for a rectangle should look something like the following:

# OBJ file:
v -0.5 0.5
v -0.5 -0.5
v 0.5 -0.5
v 0.5 0.5
f 1 2 3 4

More OBJ File specifications can be found here, various examples here, programs and sample files here and a MAN-page-like reference page by Martin Reddy here

Example Implementation

Feel free to play with the following Java applet to get an idea of the user interaction we're looking for.

Click with your mouse to add vertices. User Interface follows the project spec.
Left Mouse: Add a new vertex (try dragging the mouse while holding the left button).
Right Mouse: Close the polygon and dump the OBJ file contents.
Note: Your implementation should write the OBJ to disk, NOT display it in the window.