CS61C Class Final Survey -- Summer 2005

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Please provide your login so that we can check you off for this part of the lab. As with the mid-semester survey, your responses will be 100% anonymous and completely detached from your login by the submission script.

PART I. About lecture

Which sentence describes your lecture attendance?
I never went to lecture.
I went to lecture but not very often.
I often went to lecture but missed one here and there.
I always went to lecture.

PART II. Coverage of Material

Which topic in the course did you feel was covered the best? (ie. Was interesting, you really understood it, the presentation was compelling, etc.)

Which topic in the course did you feel was covered the worst? (ie. Wasn't interesting, you didn't understand it from the lecture and reading, the presentation of the material did not help you learn it effectively, etc.)

Did you find the coverage of Synchronous Digital Systems (logic gates, boolean algebra, timing, etc.) to be too fast, too slow, or about right? If you have a strong opinion, please explain.

PART III. Projects, Homework & Labs

Here you are going to rate the relevance and difficulty of the projects. For difficulty, rate the projects on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being impossible and 1 being trivial. For relevance, a 10 would mean that the project was clearly related to class material and really helped you understand concepts.
Difficulty Relevance Project
Project 1. - Lisp interpreter
Project 2. - sprintf in MIPS
Project 3. - Cache Simulator
Project 4. - CPU in Logisim

Any constructive criticism about projects?

Pick your favorite and least favorite labs from this list
Favorite Least Favorite Lab
Lab 1. - Simple C & Number Rep
Lab 2. - Ptrs, Strings, and GDB
Lab 3. - Memory Maps and Memory Allocation
Lab 4. - Assembly Code Practice
Lab 5. - Ptrs and Assembly Code
Lab 6. - Floating Point and Integer Representation
Lab 7. - Linker Stuff: .o and a.out files
Lab 8. - FSM
Lab 9. - Logisim Intro
Lab 10. - Logisim FSM (Traffic Signal)
Lab 11. - Pipeline
Lab 12. - Caches
Lab 13. - VM Simulator
Lab 14. - "Interrupt" driven I/O
Lab 15. - Ping & Traceroute

Any constructive criticism about labs?

PART IV. Instructors

Please answer the following questions based on your experience since the midterm.

How might Andy improve the way he teaches?

What is Andy doing especially well in class?

Any other comments about Andy?

My TA is:

What might your TA do to improve the way he teaches?

What is your TA doing well?

Do you have any comments about the other TA? (For instance, if you have different TAs for lab and discussion, etc.)
Please note which TA you are referring to in each comment.

PART V. Logisim & Visualization

Do you have any general comments about the features or interface of Logisim?

Was the use of Logisim in this course useful to you?

More generally, is the use of visualizations of complex systems (CPU design, VM, cache...) in 61c useful in building understanding?

PART VI. General Comments

What should we definitely keep the same next time we teach the course? (i.e., what works?)

What should we definitely change next time we teach the course? (i.e., what's broken?)

Any additional comments about the course in general?