University of California at Berkeley Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Instructional & Electronics Support /share/b/pub/xfig/README For sys admins: To update /share/b/pub/*.fig classroom diagrams, etc: 1) Login to cory as "root" or "src". 2) If the file is called "330Soda.fig", type set file = 330Soda 3) Run cd /share/b/pub xfig fig/${file}.fig 3) Edit the file. 4) Save FIG file, export to PS and JPEG output files called: xfig/${file}.fig ps/${file}.ps jpg/${file}.jpg 5) Create PDF version: ps2pdf ps/${file}.ps pdf/${file}.pdf 6) Set permissions: chown src.src /usr/pub/{xfig,ps,jpg,pdf}/${file}.* chmod 644 /usr/pub/{xfig,ps,jpg,pdf}/${file}.* These files are referenced in the programs moebius:/share/b/bin/clients kevinm@eecs Fri Mar 16 17:40:48 PST 2001