University of California at Berkeley Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Instructional Support Group /share/b/pub/ Apr 16 2018 CONTENTS Go on the Instructional computers Go on the Instructional computers --------------------------------- Go ( (aka Golang) is a programming language that is designed for multi-core processors. It uses goroutines instead of the more traditional threads to manage concurrent execution, locking, race conditions and deadlocks. Go code is compiled. Go is designed and supported by Google. The Go compiler and documents can be run as /share/instsww/bin/go (on Linux systems) /share/instsww/bin/godoc (on Linux systems) You can add that to your Linux search path with the UNIX command: export PATH=/share/instsww/bin:$PATH (for the bash shell) setenv PATH /share/instsww/bin:$PATH (for the csh shell) The current version is installed in /share/instsww/pkg/. To find our Linux computers, please see EECS Instructional Support 378/386 Cory, 333 Soda