University of California at Berkeley Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Instructional & Electronics Support Group /share/b/pub/ Mar 2, 2006 CONTENTS: How to set your account up to use Jikes How to compile Java classes with Jikes How to find documentation on Jikes How to set your account up to use Jikes --------------------------------------- Jikes is the IBM Java compiler. It is available on Solaris UNIX (SPARC and X86) systems in EECS, in /usr/sww/pkg/jikes-1.22/. To add the programs and manual pages to your path, for csh or tsch: % set path = ( /usr/sww/pkg/jikes-1.22/bin $path ) % setenv MANPATH "/usr/sww/pkg/jikes-1.22/man:${MANPATH}" % rehash or, for sh and ksh: $ PATH="/usr/sww/pkg/jikes-1.22/bin:$PATH" $ MANPATH="/usr/sww/pkg/jikes-1.22/man:${MANPATH}" $ export PATH MANPATH How to compile Java classes with Jikes -------------------------------------- You can invoke the compiler directly as "jikes", but it does not know about the java.* classes by itself; "jdkjikes" is a wrapper which tells it where to find these classes. So, to compile a program with Jikes, you should use the program "jdkjikes": % jdkjikes To generate debugging information please use the -g flag (i.e. jdkjikes -g You can then run the program with the usual Java virtual machine: % java Evil How to find documentation on Jikes ---------------------------------- Set your manual path to include the directory "/usr/sww/pkg/jikes-1.22/man". For more information, visit the IBM developerWorks Jikes web page at Instructional Support Group 378/386/384 Cory, 333 Soda