University of California at Berkeley Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Instructional Support Support /share/b/pub/ /share/b/pub/ Nov 29 2017 CONTENTS Renderman Tractor Licensing Renderman --------- Renderman from Pixar ( is software and an application programming interface (API) for network distributed rendering of three dimensional views. It is available for EECS classes on the MacOSX computers in 200 SDH ( along with Maya (animation editor) Tractor (render farm). See /share/b/pub/ for more information. Tractor ------- Tractor is from Pixar ( is software that manages distributed network computing such as for a render farm. Tractor is running a Renderman farm on the MacOSX computers in 200 SDH. It is typically used by CS198-3 (UCBUGG) and CS194-8 (CNM190). UCBUG has documented the usage at The IT support staff ( and some GSIs can restart the Tractor Renderman farm if needed. The Tractor server ("engine") runs on, a desktop Mac in 200 SDH. The clients ("blades") run on the other Macs and Linux workstations in 200 SDH. The command to start the Tractor engine on the York server is: sudo -s /bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pixar.tractor-engine.plist The command to stop the Tractor engine on the York server is: sudo -s /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pixar.tractor-engine.plist The command to start the Tractor blade on a Mac client is: sudo -s /bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pixar.tractor-blade.plist sudo -s /sbin/reboot # reboot the computer The command to stop the Tractor blade on a Mac client is: sudo -s /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pixar.tractor-blade.plist sudo -s /sbin/reboot # reboot the computer Licensing --------- Renderman licenses for the EECS department run on an Instructional server. Licenses have been obtained with the help of Profs O'Brien and Garcia. The current licenses and products can be displayed by users with EECS account at Instructional Support Group 384/386 Cory, 333 Soda