Video Semaphore format

The light(s) flashing in the image will use the same asynchronous serial data transmission protocol as you used in checkpoint 1 to communicate between the Xilinx board and the PC:
  1. Default is for the transmitter to be "high", which we will define to be "the light is on"
  2. A falling edge indicates the beginning of the start bit
  3. The following 8 bits are data, with "light on" meaning a logic 1, and "light off" meaning a logic zero
  4. The last bit is "high", logic 1, "light on"
As with the protocol in checkpoint 1, it takes 10 slots to transmit 8 bits, so the maximum data transmission rate will be 1.5 bytes/second for a 15Hz bit rate.  As with checkpoint 1, the communication is asynchronous, so you need to watch for the falling edge, and then hope that your clocks are close enough that for the next
ten bits worth of time that you don't get out of phase.  This shouldn't be a problem for your project.

The frame rate from the camera is 60 frames per second.  The serial bit stream will be transmitted at 15 bits per second.  This means that each bit should be four frames long.  Once you see a "falling edge" in the image (i.e. a transition from bright spot to dark spot), that indicates the beginning of a transmission.  Checking 1 or 2 frames later should put you in the middle of the start bit, checking 4 frames after that should put you in the middle of the first bit of the data, and so on.  You can assume that the computers 15 Hz clock is pretty accurate, so hopefully we won't see any drift between the two clocks.
In checkpoint 1, you were generating high and low voltages on a single electrical signal line to transmit information.  For the optical semaphore transmitter, we will be generating high and low light levels in a two dimensional array.  For testing your projects, this 2D array will be the computer screen.  In the real application, the 2D array is some part of the real world.  In either case, the 2D image goes into the camera, and turns into a time-varying set of electrical charges on a CCD camera chip.  Every 1/60 second these charges are read out, amplified, and converted into composite video by the electronics in the camera.  If you grab every frame and store it in SRAM on your Xilinx board, then the images you would see for a simple transmission in one second would look something like this: (note: in these pictures the intensity is inverted relative to what you will see on the computer screen when you test your devices.  The "light" appears black here, and the background appears white, because of my poor computer drawing skills)

Simple transmission sequence: these 60 frames represent 1 second of video images from the camera.  In the first three images a bright spot is visible in the center of the image (on paper ink means bright, no inc means dark, just like in astronomy).  In image #3, the spot has dissappeared, signalling that this may be the beginning of the start-bit of a digital transmission.  The next three frames (4,5, and 6) are also missing the bright spot, so it is a valid start-bit.  The next four frames (7-10), and the four after that (11-14) have the spot again, so they represent two consecutive 1 bits in the serial semphore transmission.  Frames 15-18 are a 0 bit, followed by another one bit (frames 19-22), 0 bit (23-26), 1 bit (27-30), two 0s (31-38), and then a stop bit (39-42).  Frame 45 shows the beginning of a new transmission with a valid start bit (45-48) followed by three 1s, and we don’t see the rest of the transmission

This is a simplified picture because:

Two transmitters

The figure below shows an example of a harder problem in which there are two transmitters, one circular and the other rectangular.  You do not need to decode two simultaneous transmitters to get full credit on this project.  This figure is just to help you understand the concept.  For full credit, you need to be able to find either of the transmitters, assuming that each one stays constant during the transmission of the other.  In other words, if the circular transmitter stayed constant until frame 40, and then started transmitting some time after 41 while the rectangular transmitter stayed constant, then your project should transmit the coordinates and data of the rectangular transmitter after frame 40, and later transmit the coordinates and data from the circular transmitter after it is done.

Two transmitters: In the first 14 frames, the circular transmitter stays on, and should be ignored.  The rectangular transmitter sends 10101111 from frames 1 through 40 (begining of start bit to end of stop bit).  From frames 14 to 53 the circular transmitter sends 01111111.


Noise, blur, etc.

The analog signal coming out of the camera is not perfect - bright spots may not be completely saturated, and black areas may not be completely black.  The analog to digital converter (ADC) samples this analog signal and gives an 8 bit binary representation of its magnitude, where 0 represents black ideally, and 255 represents white/bright ideally (it's not a color camera, so any bright color will give a high number).  In practice, even in a dark room you will see signals which are not zero, and even if you point the camera at a constant image you will see variation in pixel values between frames.  This variation comes from several noise sources including both poor design and fundamental physical limitations in the camera electronics.  Whatever it's source, you need to be able to deal with it, and not mistake noise for a digital signal.  You also don't want to let noise make you ignore a signal that's real.
The figure below shows what the analog intensity received by a single pixel in the video camera might look like.  It's pretty clear that there's a digital signal here, but it certainly isn't ones and zeros.  The vertical lines represent sampling times when this particular pixel had it's analog signal read-out, it became a part of the composite video stream, and then was sampled by the ADC on your board.  So the sampling interval is 1/60 second. In the figure below, we first see a start bit which lasts for 4 frames, then the signal is high for 12 frames (3 ones), low for 4, high for 12, low for 4, and then finally high for at least 4 frames, giving a valid stop bit.  The bits transmitted are then: 11101110.  Since the serial protocol is to transmit the LSB first, this corresponds to the hex number 88.
Near the transitions, the signals are not very clear - sometimes we're still part of the way down a falling edge, for example.  For this reason, you want to make your determination of the logic value as close to the middle of the bit time as possible.


Note that this is not a picture of the composite video! There are thousands of pixels in the camera, each one sees an analog intensity level over time.  Here's another example (below) of what the intensity at three different pixels in the image might look like.  They all move around a little bit with time due to noise, but clearly one of them has a digital signal hiding in it, and the other two don't.

Given this kind of intensity variation, it can be a little tricky to figure out how to tell when you've got a signal, and when you've just got noise. To do this you need to have some kind of threshholding algorithm which says "that's a 1" and "that's a 0", and maybe "can't tell what that one is".

Image threshholding

The pixel intensity at location i,j and time n assuming a fixed background should be something like:
Iij(n) = Iij0 + Nij(n) + Dij(n)*Sij0
Where Iij0 is the constant background light intensity (a positive integer), Dij(n) is the random noise in the intensity which varies from frame to frame (a random integer, probably varying from -10 to +10), Sij0  is the intensity of the light due to the transmitter when it is on (a positive integer), and  Dij(n)  is the binary value of the signal being transmitted.  So if we pick a pixel at random and look at it's intensity, we should see just Iij0 + Nij(n).  Different pixels will have different background intensity and different noise.  If we look at a pixel that is looking at a transmitter, then we will see a signal that hops back and forth between two intensities, Iij0 and  Iij0 + Sij0 (plus noise).We want to choose a threshholding scheme that will ignore  the (relatively) small noise-induced changes in constant pixels and still identify the (relatively) large changes in flashing pixels.

A successful project should at the very least be able to see large signals when there is little background light and little noise.  Ideally (i.e., for extra credit), you would also be able to see large signals in the presence of  lots of background light and lots of noise, and you would be able to see small signals if background and noise were small.  Finally, it would also be nice if you could deal with all of the above situations without having to change your threshhold level!

Single threshhold

In the simplest scheme, you pick a single threshhold T.  If the value of the pixel is greater than or equal to T, then it has a logic 1.  If the value of the pixel is less than T, it has a logic 0.  The problem with this approach is that if  a constant pixel Iij0 happens to be very close to T then even small changes in pixel intensity due to noise will appear to be binary transitions.  Since you will be looking at thousands of pixels in the image, the probability of finding several that have intensity very close to T is almost 1, so this approach probably won't work very well.

Double threshhold

Another approach is similar to the definitions of logic 1 and 0 that are used in digital electronic systems.  In these schemes, there are two threshholds: T0 and T1.  A signal less than T0 is a logic zero, and a signal greater than T1 is a logic 1.  A signal in between is not a valid logic signal, and should probably cause the rest of the transmission to be ignored.  The problem with this approach is that it is difficult to set the threshholds to allow for a wide range of background intensities, Iij0.

Percent of reference signal

Since we will be looking for a falling edge to start our digital transmission, we can use the value of the signal before the falling edge to set a reference level, and then refer our 1 and 0 decisions to that intensity.  This should give us a reference level of  Iij0 + Sij0 The threshhold for this particular pixel and this particular transmission could then be some fraction of that reference - maybe 50% or 90%, depending on how much noise there is in the pixel readings.  This requires a multiplier in your circuit, which is probably more than you want to bite off.

Delta below reference signal

My favorite approach at this point is to measure the reference intensity Rij = Iij0 + Sij0 just before the high to low transition of the start bit and then set a threshhold Tij = Rij-D.  Now can be set (on the dip switches) based on the noise in the digitized video signal, and we can still see weak signals on top of strong background light intensity, as long as the signal is not so weak that  it becomes comparable to the noise.


To implement any of these techniques, each time you get a new pixel intensity value from the ADC you will need to
  1. read the previous value from SRAM
  2. compare the two using some threshholding approach
  3. write the new value into the SRAM
Based on the comparison of the current and previous values, you may decide that the input just made a transition from a logic 1 to a logic 0.  If this is the case, then you need to activate some additional circuitry to start paying attention to this particular i,j location, and track what it does over the next 40 frames (40 frames = 10 bits * 4 frames/bit; 10 bits = start, 8 data, stop).

The threshhold(s) should be input from the dip switches on your Xilinx board.

Single detector circuit

The minimal successful project needs to be able to find one transmitter at a time.  One approach to this would be to have two registers to hold the i and j address of the current transmitter, a frame counter to keep track of where you are in the transmission sequence timing, and a shift register to hold the data that has been seen so far.  After getting the "I found a start bit!" alert from the pixel reader above, the sequencing might look something like this:
  1. Clear the frame counter and data reg., load the row/col registers with the current address
  2. foreach frame from 1 to 39, for each row/col pair in the frame:
    1. if current row/col != row/col of interest continue, else
    2. if frame = 2,3, or 4, check to make sure that this is a valid start bit
    3. if frame = 37, or 38, check to make sure that this is a valid stop bit
    4. if frame = 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34          % middle of all of the data bits
      1. use threshhold alg. to figure out what the value of this bit is
      2. shift that bit into the data register
  3. send data to the serial transmitter

Multiple detector circuits

One of your TAs (Charles Kunzman) had the clever idea that if you implement the single detector circuit above as a block, and can make multiple copies, then you just need to have a little bit of circuitry in the block that figure out if it should grab the "I found a start bit!" signal, or pass it on to the next block.  That way you can add as many blocks as will fit on your xilinx chips, and be able to receive that many signals at once.

Single detector per row

Since you've got 10 microseconds at the end of each line of video to think, you might consider using that time to read and write to some SRAM locations.  This would allow you to dedicate some of your SRAM to perform the register functions of a single detector circuit.  In this case, you only need to store the column, data, and frame count information, since the row information is supplied by the current value of your row pointer.

Detector on every pixel

If you've got enough RAM and enough time, you could store several variables per pixel.  In particular: last pixel value (like all of the modes above), current frame count (zero means haven't seen any falling edge), and data. You could either add more RAM chips onto your board (if you've got enough free i/o pins on the Xilinx to bring in 24 bits of data per RAM access instead of 8), or maybe you've got enough time to do multiple RAM accesses per pixel, or maybe a combination of the two.