Design Document for a Chess Program

(Note:  This document is meant to give you an idea what we're looking for.  Yours need not follow exactly the same structure.  In fact, this one is incomplete.  For example, many of the correctness constraints are not satisfied by what we have here.  Also, pseudo-code is missing for some of the methods.  These sorts of things will not be acceptable in your design doc.)

The Problem

Our goal is to implement a completely functional chess program.  We will not implement an AI for the program.  Rather, this game is meant for two human opponents to play against each other.  A game of chess involves chess pieces, and a chess board.

The Board

The chess board is an 8 by 8 grid.  The initial configuration of the pieces is as follows:

Where R=rook, N=knight, B=bishop, Q=queen, K=king, P=pawn

The Pieces

  1. Pawns
    1. Normally move forward one space.
    2. Move diagonal one space to kill.
    3. May move two spaces forward on the first move.
      1. But may be killed En Passant after this move by attacking the space behind the pawn.
    4. May be exchanged for any piece except a King by reaching the opposite side of the board.
  2. Bishops
    1. Move diagonally any distance.
    2. Kill by landing on a space occupied by an opponent's piece.
  3. Knights
    1. Move in "L" shape (one space one direction, two in a perpendicular direction).
    2. May go "over" other pieces.
    3. Kill by landing on a space occupied by an opponent's piece.
  4. Rooks
    1. Move horizontally or vertically any distance.
    2. Kill by landing on a space occupied by an opponent's piece.
    3. May "castle" with the king under certain circumstances (see below).
  5. Queens
    1. Move any distance horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
    2. Kill by landing on a space occupied by an opponent's piece.
  6. Kings
    1. Move one space horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
    2. Kill by landing on a space occupied by an opponent's piece.
    3. May "castle" with a rook under certain circumstances (see below).
    4. The game is over:
      1. when the opponent's king cannot escape being taken (i.e. Checkmate).
      2. or one player can make no move without putting his/her king in danger (i.e. Stalemate)

The Object

The object of the game is to kill the opponent's king (i.e. get him/her in Checkmate).

Added Features

We will also implement a feature which records the progression of the game, and thus it will be possible to undo a move or look back at how the game progressed.  This will also prove useful for implementing En Passant.



The API for this program is very simple.  After creating a new Board object, one needs merely design a GUI which calls Board::TryToMove() to try to make a given move.  The piece occupying a space on the board at a given time may be accessed by calling Board::PieceAt().


Point: Since we will be dealing with a lot of two dimensional coordinates, we will implement a class called Point, which will allow us to more easily return two dimensional results from methods such as GetPosition().
class Point {
        int x, y;
        Point(int i, int j);  // x = i; y = j;
        int GetX();
        int GetY();
        void SetX(int i);
        void SetY(int j);
        void SetPoint(int i, int j); x = i; y = j;

The methods in the class are pretty trivial.

Correctness/What to test for:

History:  A list of the moves which have taken place.  It will store the moves as a pair of points and a piece.  That way, a move can be undone by taking the piece at "to" and moving it to "from".  Then killed_piece can be placed at "to".
class History {
        Board *board;
        Point from;        // the point a piece was moved from
        Point to;            // the point a piece was moved to
        Piece killed_piece;  // remembers what piece was killed
                                      // on this move.
        History *next;
        History *prev;
        History(Point f, Point t, Board* b, History *p);
        SetNext(History *n);
        void UndoLastMove();
        void RedoUndoneMove();

History::History(Point f, Point t, Board* b, History *p) {
    from = f;
    to = t;
    board = b;
    prev = p;
    next = NULL;
    killed_piece = board->PieceAt(to);

History::SetNext(...) -- trivial

Correctness/What to test for:

Board: The board class will represent the playing board itself.  It will keep track of which pieces are in which positions at a given moment.

class Board {
        Piece* the_board[width][height];
        Color turn;
        History* first_history;
        History* last_history;
        Point en_passant:
        Board();            // creates board with pieces in initial configuration;  white's turn
        Piece* PieceAt(Point p);            // return the piece at location p
        Piece* PieceAt(int x, int y);        // return the piece at location (x,y)
        PlacePieceAt(Piece* p, Point* pt);    // place piece p at location pt
        void Move(Point p1, Point p2);    // move piece at p1 to p2
        void Move(Point p1, Point p2, Point ep); // move piece at p1 to p2, remembering
                                                                       // space that was jumped over
        void TryToMove(Point p1, Point p2);
        Point GetEnPassant();

Board::Board() {
    Piece *temp_piece;
    turn = WHITE;
    first_history = last_history = NULL;
    en_passant = NULL;
    for (int i; i < width; i++)
        for (int j; j< width; j++) {
            temp_piece =  the correct piece (NULL for empty squares)
            the_board[i][j] = temp_piece;

// This method moves the piece occupying p1 to p2,
// without any check as to whether the move is legal
void Board::Move(Point p1, Point p2, Point ep) {
    add the move from p1 to p2 to the history;
    en_passant = ep;
    change the turn;
    set location p2 on the board to point to the piece that is at p1 now;
    set location p1 to NULL;

void Board::Move(Point p1, Point p2) {
    Move(p1, p2, NULL);

// Moves the piece from p1 to p2 only if the move is legal
void Board::TryToMove(Point p1, Point p2) {
    Piece * temp_piece = piece at p1;
    if (temp_piece != NULL)

The rest of the methods are trivial.

Correctness/What to test for:

Piece: We will need a class for all pieces to inherit from.  Therefore, we will create a class called Piece, which will implement some shared methods between all pieces, as well as some virtual functions used by all pieces.

class Piece {
        Board* board;
        Color color;
        Point location;
        virtual MoveType CanMove(Point p);
            //    MoveType can be ILLEGAL, NORMAL, CASTLE, DOUBLESTEP,
            //    ENPASSANT
        Piece(Point p, Color c, Board* b);
        Point GetLocation();
        Color GetColor();
        void SetLocation(Point p);
        void SetLocation(int x, int y);
        virtual void TryToMove(Point p);


// returns ILLEGAL for illegal moves, ENPASSANT
// when the move kills a pawn by the en passant rule
MoveType Piece::CanMove(Point p) {
    if (p is on the board) {
        if (there is no piece at p)
            if (board->GetEnPassant() == p)
                return ENPASSANT;
                return NORMAL;
        if (the color of the piece at point p is different than mine)
            return NORMAL;
    return ILLEGAL;

// moves the piece to p only if the move is legal
// kills the en passant pawn if necessary
void Piece::TryToMove(Point p) {
    if (CanMove(p) != ILLEGAL)
        if (CanMove(p) == ENPASSANT)
            kill pawn;
        board->Move(location, p);

All other methods are trivial.

Correctness/What to test for:

Pawn: This class inherits from Piece and defines it's own CanMove() and TryToMove().  A pawn is the only piece with any concept of direction (they can never move backwards), so the direction attribute is unique to this class.
class Pawn : Piece {
        int direction;  // 1 for up, -1 for down
        bool CanMove(Point p);
        Pawn(Point p, Color c, Board * b, int d);
        void TryToMove(Point p);

Pawn::Pawn(Point p, Color c, Board* b) {
    Piece(p, c, b);
    if (c = WHITE)
        direction = 1;
        direction = -1;

// redefine CanMove according the rules of pawn movement
MoveType Pawn::CanMove(Point p) {
    if(Piece.CanMove(p) == ILLEGAL)
        return ILLEGAL;
    int dy = p.GetY() - location.GetY();
    int dx = p.GetX() - location.GetX();
    if(dy == direction) { // one space forward
        if ((abs(dx) == 1) && (piece at p is opposite color))     // if we're killing diagonally
            return NORMAL;
        if ((dx == 0) && (point p is unoccupied))        // one step forward
            return NORMAL;
    if ((dy == 2*direction)
        && (dx == 0)
        && (point p is unnoccupied)
        && (point (location.getX(), location.getY() + direction) is unoccupied)
            return DOUBLESTEP;
    return ILLEGAL;

// redefine TryToMove such that, if this pawn made a double step,
// the fact that it can be killed en passant is recorded
void Pawn::TryToMove(Point p) {
    MoveType mt = CanMove(p);
    if (mt != ILLEGAL) {
        if (mt == DOUBLESTEP)
            board->Move(location, p, space between location and p);
        else {
            if (mt == ENPASSANT)
                kill pawn;
            board->Move(location, p);

Correctness/What to test for:

Bishop: This class inherits from Piece and defines it's own CanMove().  Piece::TryToMove() is sufficient for bishop, because they have no special moves like double step or en passant that we have to deal with.
class Bishop : Piece {
        MoveType CanMove(Point p);

MoveType Bishop::CanMove(Point p) {
    MoveType move = Piece.CanMove();
    if (move == ILLEGAL)
        return ILLEGAL;
    int dy = p.GetY() - location.GetY();
    int dx = p.GetX() - location.GetX();
    if (abs(dx) == abs(dy))    //same distance in x and y dirs
        if (no pieces between location and p)
            return move;
    return ILLEGAL;

Correctness/What to test for:

Rook, Knight, etc... You get the idea.  (btw, you CANNOT say this on your design doc...)