Q. How do I use Java 1.3 on OS X? A. Java 1.3.1 is already installed in /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1. You need to put it at the beginning of your path. Q. Why do I get an error message when I try to install MacCvsX? A. Python TK doesn't really work on OS X despite the fact that it is installed. The one that comes with Fink should work though. Q. How do I login to a server with X forwarding enabled? A. Go to Applications, Utilities, open up X11. Now xterm should have fired up. Run "ssh -X user@host". You should have X11 forwarding. A. Put "export DISPLAY=:0" in your ~/.bash_profile (assuming you are using bash; you will need to logout and back for the changes to take effect), or run "export DISPLAY=:0" before you run ssh. Then run "ssh -X user@host". You will need X11 running for this to work. Q. With OS X Panther, pine and emans no longer work when sshed from Terminal instead of x11. How do I fix this? A. At the terminal, run "set term=xterm". You can also add that line to your .login so you don't have to run it every time you login. You can also set it in Terminal.app's preference. A. Add the following line to ~/.bash_profile (create this file if it doesn't exist): "export TERM=vt100". Or you can add "setenv TERM vt100" into your ~/.cshrc on your class account, assuming you haven't changed your shell on it. Q. How do you change key mappings in Apple's X11 window manager? A. Download a program called uControl. Q. When I login using ssh -X on OS X, why do I get an error message and can't any X apps? A. You need to start X11.app, and set DISPLAY as mentioned above.