Assignment #2 -- Basic Shading

Due Date

This assignment is due at 11:59pm on Monday, September 25th. Projects turned in late will lose points as described in the policies handout. This assignment should be done alone or in pairs. You may share ideas with other groups, but you may not share code.

This assignment is worth 53 points.


You may develop on Unix, OS X, or Windows. The platform you use will be the one used to grade assignments. Keep in mind that there are slight variations due to OS versions, different libraries, and other factors, so you should verify that your code runs on the instructional machines appropriate for you plat form choice.

We will be using the submit software for submission of this assignment. Refer to Assignment #0 for instructions on how to use this software.

You should include a README file that at the minimum contains the following data:

All files needed to compile your code should appear in the submitted directory. It is your responsibility to make sure that they will compile and run properly.

Windows: The grader should be able to recompile your program by simply opening the project and rebuilding it from scratch.

Unix and OS X: The grader should be able to recompile your program simply by typing "make".

Do not wait until the last minute to start this assignment. This assignment should be easy, but it may also be your first experience coding for graphical output. Assume the unexpected and give yourself time to deal with it.

Check the news group regularly for updates on the assignment or other clarification. We will assume that anything posted there is henceforth known to all.

You should also update your class web page to include images generated by this code. If you like, you may write code to output image directly from your software, or you can use screen shots. This class has graders so the Professor generally does not see assignments unless there was some issue in grading them that required his attention. He does, however look at the web pages. If you don't post anything there then he can only conclude that you did not do the assignment or that your results were too poor to post. It is also a nice place to show off your work to others in the class.


For this assignment, you will write a program that: You program will take a series of command line options: