Assignment #4 -- Parametric Surfaces

Due Date

This assignment is due at 11:59pm on Friday, November 10th. Projects turned in late will lose points as described in the policies handout. This assignment should be done alone or in pairs. You may share ideas with other groups, but you may not share code.


You may develop on Unix, OS X, or Windows. The platform you use will be the one used to grade assignments. Keep in mind that there are slight variations due to OS versions, different libraries, and other factors, so you should verify that your code runs on the instructional machines appropriate for you plat form choice.

As with the last assignment, we will be using Prof. Hilfinger's submit software for submission of this assignment.

You should include a README file that at the minimum contains the following data:

All files needed to compile your code should appear in the submitted directory. It is your responsibility to make sure that they will compile and run properly. You will also need to set the permissions properly.

Windows: The grader should be able to recompile your program by simply opening the project and rebuilding it from scratch.

Unix and OS X: The grader should be able to recompile your program simply by typing "make".

Check the news group regularly for updates on the assignment or other clarification. We will assume that anything posted there is henceforth known to all.


For this assignment you will write a program that will convert input from a Bezier surface representation to a polygonal representation and then display it with OpenGL. To do this, your program should:

Your Program

Your program will take two command line arguments with a third option parameter. These are: the input file name, the subdivision parameter, and a flag which determines if subdivision should be adaptive or uniform. An example command would look like:

% myprogram3 inputfile.bez 0.1 -a

The input file contains a list of patches. The subdivision parameter should be interpreted as the step size in U and V for uniform subdivision, or as an error measure for adaptive subdivision. If the -a is present, then adaptive subdivision should be used, otherwise uniform.

The Input File

The input file contains the control points for the patches and an output file name. Keep in mind that the control points are vectors, not scalars! An example file would look like arch or teapot. You can see the shape of the example files by looking at arch or teapot Inventor files. (See below for information on Inventor.)

Conversion and Subdivision

For uniform subdivision, quadrilateral polygons should be formed by taking subdivision parameter sized steps in the U and V direction. For adaptive subdivision, the error between the actual surface and the quadrilateral polygon should be less than subdivision parameter. The error should be distance evaluated at the midpoints of the quadrilateral edges and the center of each quadrilateral1. Techniques to avoid cracking should be used in the adaptive subdivision code. You may prefer to use a subdivision technique that yields triangles. If you do then the error should be checked at the center of each triangle edge.


The use of Inventor for this assignment is optional and will be worth some small amount of bonus points. The TAs have compiled a viewer program, ivview, that can be used to view inventor files. (See news group posting for information.) You may write Inventor files by either using the Inventor API or simply writing your own output routines. Inventor is not supported on instructional machines, so compiling and linking against Inventor libraries should be "fun". There is a free version of inventor from Coin3D that you can install on your own machines. If you implement optional Inventor output then your program should accept an optional command line argument that comes after the required ones. This is -o and a file name. If the -o option is given then no OpenGL window should be opened and instead the model should be written to the specified output file name.

More Optional

If you like, you may use Maya (or some other program) to create additional input files. Maya can be used to create B-Spline surfaces that can be exported to files. Figure out how to get data out of Maya and converted to the format expected by your program.

Questions should be posted to the news group