CS184 AS3: Model and Scene Hierarchy

DUE DATE: Thursday February 19th, 11:00pm


In this assignment you will build an animated, hierarchical scene and then render it with dynamically computed bounding boxes.
This will expose you to the following concepts:

Program Overview

This program does not need user input, but instead will display a time- (frame#-) dependent animation that is procedurally generated. It should display a new frame of animation approximately 30 times per second.

Terminology and Conventions

Modelview matrix: The matrix transforms that compose and position your model and its view in world coordinates.
Matrix stack: A stack of matrix transformations that allows you to easily apply and undo transformations to the current modelview matrix.
Scene graph: A directed acyclic graph (DAG) that describes your scene.

Minimum Specifications

Write a program that accomplishes at least the following:
  1. On launch, opens a 600px by 600px OpenGL window.
  2. Updates the screen approximately 30 times per second.
  3. Importing OBJ Files
    1. Import one or more polygons to be drawn in your scene.
  4. Defining the Scene
    1. Describe your scene in our custom SCD_09 scene file format, explained below.
    2. Use your scene nodes to define a scene graph with three to four hierarchical levels -- for example, three levels would be: a sea which contains 2-3 schools of fish, each of which contain several fishes.
    3. Expand the render function in main.cpp to traverse and render your scene graph each frame
  5. Transforming Nodes
    1. Use scale, rotation, translation, and skew transformations to place elements of the scene (objects and groups) into parent groups.
    2. Animate the scene by defining some of your matrix entries in some of your transformation matrices as expressions in terms of a "time" parameter "t" (which is really a frame-count number).
  6. Hierarchical Level of Detail (LOD)
    1. Render any instance in yout scene hierarchy according to level of detail:
      if LOD = 3, full, render all polygons "fully", i.e., colored and solidly filled in (note we don't expect you to implement polygon tesselation for this; if the polygon is not convex, it is okay if it is not rendered correctly at this LOD);
      if LOD = 2, outline, render the polygons as a colored "wire-frame" outline,
      if LOD = 1, bounding box, render just the bounding box around this subtree of the instance hierarchy,
      if LOD = 0, none, render nothing at all.
    2. The lowest LOD in the hierarchy above the node of interest dominates and defines how this node should be rendered.
      For example, if a node has LOD = none, the whole subtree can be ignored, and no nodes beneath it in the hierarchy are rendered.
  7. Hierarchical Color
    1. Render each leaf of the hierarchical scene tree using the color that is closest to the leaf, i.e. the lowest color in the hierarchy dominates. For example, if the sea is blue, containing a red instance of a school of fish, which contains a fish in that has not had its color set, then that fish should be colored red, while other fish that have been individually colored, keep that color.
  8. Hierarchical Bounding Boxes
    1. Draw differently colored bounding boxes for each level of the hierarchy: from the top down use the colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta (only as far as necessary).
      Each bounding box should enclose the transformed bounding boxes of its children.
  9. Export Animation and Scene File
    1. On pressing  a  your program will export at least 100 BMP files showing at least a 3.3 second (30 frames per second) portion of your animation. (A longer animation is fine, but keep file size reasonable.)
    2. Not part of the code: You will use imagemagick to convert this set of BMPs to an animated GIF for submission purposes and for your website.

Extra Credit Ideas

  1. Start your modeling activity with only simple convex polygons that can be filled in easily by OpenGL, and then group several simple n-gons into interesting elements with concavities (fish, car, plane, robot, flower ...) as the lowest level in your scene hierarchy. Demonstrate the use of the LOD hierarchy up to the "full" level, which can now readily fill in the various geometical shapes.
  2. Alternatively, handle arbitrary filled, concave polygons by automatically decomposing them into convex parts. GLU has a tesselator which can help you do this.
  3. Load morphing polygons, as created by your as2 editor, in addition to static ones. Like most extra credit, you have some freedom in how you do this -- one approach would be to extend your OBJ file with animation information, and update the file loading code in the Polygon class accordingly.

Creating animated GIFs from a series of Bitmap images

We recommend using ImageMagick to create your animated GIFs. ImageMagick is free software, and you can find the source and binary distributions here. Once you have installed ImageMagick and exported a set of BMPs, you can create an animated gif using the convert utility of ImageMagick:

convert -delay 1x30 -loop 0 frame*.bmp animation.gif

Creating Your Hierarchical Scene

The basic polygons that form the leaves of your scene tree will be imported as straight OBJ files (which you may create with your editor from assignment A#1 and A#2). To capture the hierarchical scene composition, we will use our own little Scene Description Format, "SCD_09", described below.
Using this notation, define how a few instances of imported polygons form a group, and how each polygon is placed into that group.
Then define how several instances of such groups will make up your scene.

SCD_09 scene descriptions consist of the following commands:

In addition, anything on a line after a '#' symbol will be ignored, so you can comment your files.
Since some values (in particular for the transforms) will be defined by parametric expressions for your animation, in any place where you would put a number you can alternatively place any expression in {curly braces} in terms of the time variable t (which really counts display frames).
If your expressions use trig functions, note that they will take radians. For readability, we provide a constant dgr, equal to pi/180, which you can use in expressions to convert degrees to radians.

Example Scene Description ( SCD_09 )

(Include   fish1   "fish.obj"   )      ## this calls the polygon in that file "fish1"

(G school_A
    (I   inst1   fish1   (S  0.5 0.5 )   (T  5  3.4 )   (color  1  0.8  0.2 )   )     ## orange fish
    (I   inst2   fish1   (S  0.7 0.4 )   (T  7.2  6 )   )     ## uncolored fish
    (I   inst3   fish1   (R  {t*2} )   (T 8 9 )   )     ## blank fish, rotating 2 degrees per frame around it center

(G school_B
    (I   inst1   fish1   (S  -0.5 0.5 )   (T 2 {0.4*sin(t*6)} )   )    ## mirrored fish, doing a complete vertical wiggle every 60 frames.
    (I   inst2   fish1   (S {1 + 0.5*sin(t*3)}  0.6 )   (T  4 6 ) (color 0 1 0)   )    ## green fish, changing in length with a cycle of 120 frames.

(G myScene
    (I   i_1   school_A   (color  0 1 1)   )    ## cyan version of school_A
    (I   i_2   school_A   (S  -1 1)   (color  1 0 1)   )    ## magenta, mirrored version of school_A
    (I   i_3   school_B   (T  {t*0.01}{t*0.01} )     (lod  2)   )    ## school_B, slowly drifting diagonally off the view window, wire-frame only.

(Render  myScene  )


To submit this project, all of the following needs to be done by the deadline: Windows Users: The grader should ONLY have to open your .sln file and press F5 to build and run your solution.
*Nix Users: The grader should ONLY have to run make with the appropriate makefile to build your project. Thus, for Mac and Linux make and for solaris gmake.

Note: The submit program retains the directory structure of what you send it. Thus, we recommend making a new directory for your assignment on the server, cd'ing into that directory, copying the whole framework with your code into this directory, and running yes | submit as3 to easily submit the whole project to us.

Group submissions

For this project, groups of two are allowed. If you're working in a group, only one of you should submit the full project results; the other should only submit the README.txt file. Both of you should include your partner's name in the README.txt file.


See the Framework page here. Note: Version 3 of the framework, which includes code to read SCD_09 files, is now out.

Implementation Tips

See the Red Book (The OpenGL Programming Guide) and the Blue Book (The OpenGL Reference Manual). Glut function calls can be found here. OpenGL is responsible for all the actual drawing, while GLUT is responsible for managing the window that appears on your screen.

READ the code given in main.cpp! It contains the RenderInstance function which you will need to implement for this assignment.

OBJ* Files and Parsing

Later we may create a superset of the OBJ file format called OBJ* to support the storing of hierarchical data. See our specification page here. For this project you need only knowledge of standard OBJ files as in A#2.

SCD_09 Files and Parsing

The framework code will be updated for as3 with an SCD_09 loader, which reads an SCD file and creates your scene graph data structures in memory. The code the loader uses is a bit ugly, but as an end user of it you should only need to use the public functions defined in Scene.h, SceneInstance.h, and SceneGroup.h. Calling the Scene class' constructor with your scene file name will build your scene graph in memory, and the Scene::getRoot function will return a group node you can use to begin traversal of the scene. An example of this usage can be found in main.cpp. Note that you should not need to edit any of the Scene-related classes (although you are free to do so) -- all your code can go in main.cpp.

OpenGL matrices

Familiarize yourself with glPushMatrix, glPopMatrix, and glMultMatrixd. When passing a matrix to OpenGL, note the "column-major" ordering OpenGL expects the values take in memory.