CS184 AS0: Account Setup and Math Review

DUE: Tuesday January 25th 2011 at 11:00pm

Welcome to CS184! We're incredibly excited about this semester's Graphics class, and we'll be bringing you several new additions to this class. This initial assignment is to get everyone up and running with accounts, personal web pages, access to the newsgroup, and review some useful math for the course.

To complete this assignment, you need to do the following:

  1. Get an INST account form, register it
  2. Math review (SELF-TEST)
  3. Make a personal webpage on your INST account for your assignments
  4. Submit a photo of yourself using the INST submission scripts
  5. Make a newsgroup post with your name and a link to your webpage (OPTIONAL)

1. INST account registration

You should pick up an account form in lecture. Once you have your account form, log into your account, change your password, and forward your email to an address of your choosing.

Changing password

% ssh po

Forwarding email

% echo "personal.email@berkeley.edu" > .forward

Replace personal.email@berkeley.edu with your email address, and test this forwarding by sending yourself an email to your cs184-XX@inst.eecs.berkeley.edu account.

2. Math Review Self-Test

Find the math review here. This is a self-test to give you an indication of the mathematics presented in this class. It is not an easy self-test, and you should expect to spend some time on it to re-familiarize yourself with the topics you should already know from Math 53 and 54.

3. Personal Webpage

During the course you will be showing off your work on your inst website. It does not necessarily need to be elaborate, simply a showcase of your work for each assignment, so that the staff and your peers can see your work. To create a website on your inst account: NOTE: Do not put your Student ID on your website!

4. Photo submission

We want to build a class roster from your photos. Thus, we ask that you submit: Submit these two files using "submit as0"

5. Newsgroup Post (NOT GRADED, OPTIONAL)

This is not a required part of the assignment, however note that course has a newsgroup on the news.csua.berkeley.edu server which can be a great resource for students. Please make sure you can access it! See http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/connecting.html#news for instructions on connecting.