""" This file contains a Distancer object which computes and caches the shortest path between any two points in the maze. It returns a Manhattan distance between two points if the maze distance has not yet been calculated. Example: distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout) distancer.getDistance( (1,1), (10,10) ) The Distancer object also serves as an example of sharing data safely among agents via a global dictionary (distanceMap), and performing asynchronous computation via threads. These examples may help you in designing your own objects, but you shouldn't need to modify the Distancer code in order to use its distances. """ import threading, sys, time, random class Distancer: def __init__(self, layout, default = 10000): """ Initialize with Distancer(layout). Changing default is unnecessary. This will start computing maze distances in the background and use them as soon as they are ready. In the meantime, it returns manhattan distance. """ self._distances = None self.default = default # Start computing distances in the background; when the dc finishes, # it will fill in self._distances for us. dc = DistanceCalculator() dc.setAttr(layout, self) dc.setDaemon(True) dc.start() def getDistance(self, pos1, pos2): """ The getDistance function is the only one you'll need after you create the object. """ if self._distances == None: return manhattanDistance(pos1, pos2) if isInt(pos1) and isInt(pos2): return self.getDistanceOnGrid(pos1, pos2) pos1Grids = getGrids2D(pos1) pos2Grids = getGrids2D(pos2) bestDistance = self.default for pos1Snap, snap1Distance in pos1Grids: for pos2Snap, snap2Distance in pos2Grids: gridDistance = self.getDistanceOnGrid(pos1Snap, pos2Snap) distance = gridDistance + snap1Distance + snap2Distance if bestDistance > distance: bestDistance = distance return bestDistance def getDistanceOnGrid(self, pos1, pos2): key = (pos1, pos2) if key in self._distances: return self._distances[key] else: raise Exception("Positions not in grid: " + str(key)) def isReadyForMazeDistance(self): return self._distances != None def manhattanDistance(x, y ): return abs( x[0] - y[0] ) + abs( x[1] - y[1] ) def isInt(pos): x, y = pos return x == int(x) and y == int(y) def getGrids2D(pos): grids = [] for x, xDistance in getGrids1D(pos[0]): for y, yDistance in getGrids1D(pos[1]): grids.append(((x, y), xDistance + yDistance)) return grids def getGrids1D(x): intX = int(x) if x == int(x): return [(x, 0)] return [(intX, x-intX), (intX+1, intX+1-x)] ########################################## # MACHINERY FOR COMPUTING MAZE DISTANCES # ########################################## distanceMap = {} distanceMapSemaphore = threading.Semaphore(1) distanceThread = None def waitOnDistanceCalculator(t): global distanceThread if distanceThread != None: time.sleep(t) class DistanceCalculator(threading.Thread): def setAttr(self, layout, distancer, default = 10000): self.layout = layout self.distancer = distancer self.default = default def run(self): global distanceMap, distanceThread distanceMapSemaphore.acquire() if self.layout.walls not in distanceMap: if distanceThread != None: raise Exception('Multiple distance threads') distanceThread = self distances = computeDistances(self.layout) print >>sys.stderr, '[Distancer]: Switching to maze distances' distanceMap[self.layout.walls] = distances distanceThread = None else: distances = distanceMap[self.layout.walls] distanceMapSemaphore.release() self.distancer._distances = distances def computeDistances(layout): "Runs UCS to all other positions from each position" distances = {} allNodes = layout.walls.asList(False) for source in allNodes: dist = {} closed = {} for node in allNodes: dist[node] = sys.maxint import util queue = util.PriorityQueue() queue.push(source, 0) dist[source] = 0 while not queue.isEmpty(): node = queue.pop() if node in closed: continue closed[node] = True nodeDist = dist[node] adjacent = [] x, y = node if not layout.isWall((x,y+1)): adjacent.append((x,y+1)) if not layout.isWall((x,y-1)): adjacent.append((x,y-1) ) if not layout.isWall((x+1,y)): adjacent.append((x+1,y) ) if not layout.isWall((x-1,y)): adjacent.append((x-1,y)) for other in adjacent: if not other in dist: continue oldDist = dist[other] newDist = nodeDist+1 if newDist < oldDist: dist[other] = newDist queue.push(other, newDist) for target in allNodes: distances[(target, source)] = dist[target] return distances def getDistanceOnGrid(distances, pos1, pos2): key = (pos1, pos2) if key in distances: return distances[key] return 100000