""" Pacclient provides an interface to the server. You should not need to change any of this code, but you can read about the command line options in readCommand. If you choose to use another language besides python or to not use our starter files, this is the object you need to interface with. It is the only object that talks to the server. """ from capture import * import cPickle, asyncore, socket import re, time import threading import game SERVER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 30 # seconds def debugl(s): # print s return def secs(): return '%0.2f' % (time.time() % 100) class TeamThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, agents, pacClient): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.gotGameStateEvent = threading.Event() self.gameState = None # Slot filled by PacClient self.gotTimeout = False self.agentIndex = 0 self.stateNumber = 0 self.agents = agents self.semaphore = threading.Semaphore() self.gameOver = False self.pacClient = pacClient # For sending actions self.rules = CaptureRules() self.setDaemon(True) def run(self): while not self.gameOver: debugl( "Waiting for event.." ) self.gotGameStateEvent.wait(SERVER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) if not self.gotGameStateEvent.isSet(): print >>sys.stderr, 'Lost connection with server' self.pacClient.finishGame() return if self.gameOver: return # Grab the next state self.semaphore.acquire() localGS = self.gameState localIndex = self.agentIndex localMoveNumber = self.stateNumber self.gotGameStateEvent.clear() self.semaphore.release() # Check for the end of the game self.rules.process(localGS, self) if self.gameOver: return agent = self.agents[localIndex] action = agent.getAction(localGS) debugl(action) self.pacClient.sendAction(localMoveNumber, action) class PacClient(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, server, port, agentFactoryBuilder, display, user, password, gamename): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print >>sys.stderr, "Connecting to server(%s:%d)..." % (server, port) self.connect((server, port)) self.bufSema = threading.Semaphore() self.sendbuf = "" self.recvbuf = "" self.__pickled = False self.responses = {200:self.userpass, 202:self.notify, 203:self.notify, 250:self.joingame, 400:self.error, 401:self.error, 402:self.error, 404:self.error, 350:self.notify, 500:self.startgame, 501:self.setAgent, 502:self.gogogadgetpickle, 504:self.ok, 505:self.win, 506:self.lose, 510:self.notify, 511:self.badness} self.agentFactoryBuilder = agentFactoryBuilder self.gameState = None self.statesReceived = 0 self.display = display self.user = user self.password = password self.layout = None if gamename != '': self.gamename = gamename self.anygame = False else: self.anygame = True self.gamename = False self.teamThread = None # Created on launch of game asyncore.loop() def handle_connect(self): pass def handle_close(self): print "Server closed connection" self.close() def handle_read(self): stuff = self.recv(4096) self.recvbuf += stuff self.parse_read(stuff) def parse_read(self,stuff): debugl("Received "+str(len(stuff))+" chars, now "+str(len(self.recvbuf))+" in buffer") if(self.__pickled): debugl("Searching for a pickle...") rxp = re.compile("(.*?)(\r\n511: EOP \(End of Pickle\))\r\n",re.DOTALL) m = rxp.match(self.recvbuf) if(m): debugl("Found a pickle!") self.__pickled = False self.handle_pickle(m.group(1)) self.recvbuf = self.recvbuf[len(m.group(1))+len(m.group(2))+2:] self.parse_read("") else: debugl("No pickle :(") else: rxp = re.compile("(.*?)\r\n") m = rxp.match(self.recvbuf) if(m): debugl("Found a command!") self.recvbuf = self.recvbuf[len(m.group(1))+2:] self.parse_line(m.group(1)) self.parse_read("") def parse_line(self,line): if int(line.split(":")[0]) in self.responses.keys(): code = int(line.split(":")[0]) debugl( "Dispatching to "+str(code)) self.responses[code](code,line) else: debugl("line \""+line+"\" didn't give me a code I understand :(") def error(self,code,line): print >>sys.stderr, "General error: " print >>sys.stderr, line def notify(self,code,line): print >>sys.stderr, "The server requests our attention:" print >>sys.stderr, line def userpass(self,code,line): print >>sys.stderr, "Logging in..." if not self.user: print "Please enter your username:" self.user = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if not self.password: print "Please enter your password:" self.password = sys.stdin.readline().strip() self.bufline("201:"+self.user+":"+self.password) def joingame(self, code,line): if not self.anygame and not self.gamename: print line.split(":")[1:] print "If you know the name of the game you are trying to reach, please press 1, now. If you would like to wait for a game, please press 2, now." choice = sys.stdin.readline().strip() print "Thank you. Your input is important to us." if (int(choice) == 1): print "Please enter the extension of the game you are trying to reach... now." gamename = sys.stdin.readline().strip() self.bufline("300:" + self.gamename) else: print "All our games are currently busy. Please hold. You will be matched with a game as soon as one is available." self.bufline("301:ANYGAME") elif self.gamename: self.bufline("300:" + self.gamename) elif self.anygame: self.bufline("301:ANYGAME") def gogogadgetpickle(self,code,line): self.__pickled = True debugl("Waiting for a pickle...") def setAgent(self, code, line): if self.lastAction: a, gs, agentIndex = self.lastAction, self.gameState, self.realAgent legals = gs.getLegalActions(agentIndex) if a in legals: self.display.update(gs.generateSuccessor(agentIndex, a).data) debugl("Agent " + line.split(":")[1]) self.agentNum = int(int(line.split(":")[1])/2) self.realAgent = int(line.split(":")[1]) def startgame(self,code,line): print "Initializing agents..." agentIndexBase = int(line.split(":")[1]) self.lastAction = None self.isBlue = (agentIndexBase == 1) agentFactory = self.agentFactoryBuilder(not self.isBlue) self.agents = [agentFactory.getAgent(agentIndexBase+2*i) for i in range(3)] for agent in self.agents: if 'registerTeam' in dir(agent): agent.registerTeam(self.agents) self.teamThread = TeamThread(self.agents, self) self.teamThread.gotTimeout = False self.teamThread.daemon = True self.teamThread.start() def handle_pickle(self, pickle): # TODO Add error handling for a bad pickle stateNumber, gameState = cPickle.loads(pickle) # print secs(), 'Received:', stateNumber # Cache and reconstitute states if gameState.data.layout: self.layout = gameState.data.layout else: gameState.data.layout = self.layout gameState.data.food = game.reconstituteGrid(gameState.data.food) if not self.gameState: self.registerInitialState(gameState) self.gameState = gameState debugl(gameState.data._agentMoved) self.display.update(gameState.data) self.gameState = gameState self.pushState(stateNumber, gameState) # Send state to agent def ok(self,code,line): debugl("You don't say what to do with 'ok'") def badness(self,code,line): debugl("We were not expecting a "+line+" here ???") def win(self,code,line): print "You Win!" self.finishGame() self.close() def lose(self,code,line): print "You Lose :(" self.finishGame() self.close() def bufline(self, s): self.sendbuf += (s + "\r\n") def writable(self): return (len(self.sendbuf) > 0) def handle_write(self): sent = self.send(self.sendbuf) self.sendbuf = self.sendbuf[sent:] def registerInitialState(self, gameState): """ Registers the initial state """ self.display.initialize(gameState.data, self.isBlue) for agent in self.agents[:len(gameState.data.agentStates)/2]: if 'registerInitialState' in dir(agent): agent.registerInitialState(gameState) def pushState(self, stateNumber, gameState): debugl("storing a state...") self.teamThread.semaphore.acquire() self.teamThread.agentIndex = self.agentNum self.teamThread.stateNumber = stateNumber self.teamThread.gameState = gameState self.teamThread.semaphore.release() self.teamThread.gotGameStateEvent.set() agent = self.teamThread.agents[self.agentNum] if '_distributions' in dir(agent): self.display.updateDistributions(agent._distributions) def sendAction(self, stateNumber, action): self.lastAction = action self.bufline("503:"+str(stateNumber) + ':' + action) self.handle_write() def finishGame(self): self.teamThread.gameOver = True self.teamThread.gotGameStateEvent.set() self.display.finish() def run(self): print "PacClient is running!" asyncore.loop() def parseAgentArgs(str): if str == None: return {} pieces = str.split(',') opts = {} for p in pieces: if '=' in p: key, val = p.split('=') else: key,val = p, 1 opts[key] = val return opts def readCommand( argv ): """ Processes the command used to run pacman from the command line. """ from optparse import OptionParser usageStr = """ USAGE: python pacclient.py EXAMPLES: (1) python pacclient.py - starts an interactive game with a random teammate. EXAMPLES: (2) python pacclient.py -2 OffenseAgent - starts an interactive game with a random teammate. """ parser = OptionParser(usageStr) parser.add_option('-a', '--agents', help=default('Agent factory for your team'), default='OffenseDefenseAgents') parser.add_option('--agentArgs', help=default('Arguments passed to the factory'), default='') parser.add_option('-t', '--textgraphics', action='store_true', help='Display output as text only', default=False) parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='Display minimal output', default=False) # parser.add_option('-G', '--pygame', action='store_true', dest='pygame', # help='Display output with Pygame graphics (faster)', default=False) parser.add_option('-z', '--zoom', type='float', help=default('Zoom in the graphics'), default=1) parser.add_option('-s', '--server', help=default('The SERVER to connect to'), default='discourse.millennium.berkeley.edu') parser.add_option('-p', '--port', type='int', help=default('The PORT to connect to'), default=7226) parser.add_option('-U', '--user', help=default('Your username'), default='guest') parser.add_option('-P', '--password', help=default('Your password'), default='guest') parser.add_option('-g', '--gamename', help=default('The name of the game you wish to contact'), default='') parser.add_option('-f', '--fixRandomSeed', action='store_true', help='Fixes the random seed to always play the same game', default=False) options, otherjunk = parser.parse_args() if len(otherjunk) != 0: raise Exception("Illegal args: " + otherjunk) args = dict() agentArgs = parseAgentArgs(options.agentArgs) args['agentFactoryBuilder'] = loadAgentFactoryBuilder(options.agents, agentArgs) # Choose a display format #if options.pygame: # import pygameDisplay # args['display'] = pygameDisplay.PacmanGraphics() if options.quiet: if options.agents.startswith('Keyboard'): raise Exception('Using the keyboard requires graphics (not text display)') import textDisplay args['display'] = textDisplay.NullGraphics() elif options.textgraphics: if options.agents.startswith('Keyboard'): raise Exception('Using the keyboard requires graphics (not text display)') import textDisplay args['display'] = textDisplay.PacmanGraphics() else: import graphicsDisplay args['display'] = graphicsDisplay.PacmanGraphics(options.zoom, 0, True) if options.fixRandomSeed: random.seed('cs188') args['server'] = options.server args['port'] = options.port args['user'] = options.user args['password'] = options.password args['gamename'] = options.gamename return args def loadAgentFactoryBuilder(factory, args): "Returns a function that takes isRed and returns an agent factory" # Looks through all pythonPath Directories for the right module, import os pythonPathStr = os.path.expandvars("$PYTHONPATH") if pythonPathStr.find(';') == -1: pythonPathDirs = pythonPathStr.split(':') else: pythonPathDirs = pythonPathStr.split(';') pythonPathDirs.append('.') for moduleDir in pythonPathDirs: if not os.path.isdir(moduleDir): continue moduleNames = [f for f in os.listdir(moduleDir) if f.endswith('gents.py')] for modulename in moduleNames: try: module = __import__(modulename[:-3]) except ImportError: continue if factory in dir(module): factoryClass = getattr(module, factory) return lambda isRed: factoryClass(isRed=isRed, **args) if __name__ == '__main__': """ The main function called when pacman.py is run from the command line: > python pacclient.py See the usage string for more details. > python pacclient.py --help """ args = readCommand( sys.argv[1:] ) # Get game components based on input======= PacClient(**args)