Class 7 - Story Telling Guest Lecturer: Alex Seiden (Pixar by way of ILM) Topics: Story Structure Shot Selection Motivation: Fascination with situation when a story "touches" you When you achieve "empathy" and not merely "sympathy" Ground Rules We are talking about film (video, cartoons). We are not going to talk about interactive video. What are the rules of Film? What are the story telling tools? What makes a film effective? Or good? Question: Q: Is McKee the same guy mentioned in "Adaptation"? A: Yes. And "Story" is a great book. Elements of Story Protagonist Goals/Desires It is the engine that drives the drama. Many bad stories have protagonists w/o goals and desires... boring! Conflict w/ an antagonist w/ obstacles Progression Increase in tension, conflict, progress toward climatic moment Reversal Bambi vs. Godzilla Play against expectation Layers of Story Center - Layer 0 Protagonist (internal) often the provenance of the novel (internal dialogue) Layer 1 Conflict between protagonist and the Group sometimes the focus of film Layer 2 Conflict between protagonist and Society often the focus of film Creating a Story Time Lock vs. Option Lock Time Lock refers to the limit of how long they have succeed or fail Examples: High Noon, Ransom Option Lock refers to the limit of how many options they have left Examples: Detective Thrillers, Usual Suspect (n suspects) Formats Short Shorts (or Ultra shorts) Tend to be 15,30,60 seconds long (exactly) 900 frames in 30 second short Types of Shorts Mini Movie Protagonist, conflict, climax, resolution Visual Story Telling Pretty stuff happens on screen, feel good moments Big Gag Generally a visual joke Atomic Unit of Film Shot - Between cuts Continuity Style - Shot, reverse shot, with no time break. Jump Cuts - breaks of time Scene Sequence of shots, in the same continuous time and space Parallel Action The Phone Conversation (different space, same time) Line of Action Shot selection should not violate the 180 degree rule. Dialogue has convention of one face facing the other from shot to shot Screenings Snapple Protagonist - the bottle of snapple as skate boarder Story - Wipes out skate boarding Apple 1984 Ad