Gamesman - The "Shall We Play a Game?" Project
Gamesman: Shall We Play a Game? is a fun, enjoyable project emphasizing data abstraction and game theory to beginning computer science students.
A SIGCSE 2002 Nifty Project(tm)

News & Updates (old updates)

2009-04-29 @ 01:06AM: To make sure you have the most current versions of gamesman, here are the version numbers of the latest updates to Gamesman: Gamesman.scm: v7.1.3
gdraw.scm: version 2009-04-8 (on the top line)
mttt.scm: v4.3b
If you are not using these, please redownload the files and update.

2009-04-21 @ 02:09AM: Gamesman.scm has now been updated to fix some of the earlier bugs. Be sure to replace your current one!

2009-04-09 @ 11:39AM: We apologize for the recent troubles with Gamesman and we are working to fix them as soon as possible. To make sure you are up to date with the most recent versions of the files, please check that you are working with these following versions:
gamesman.scm: v7.1.2
gdraw.scm: version 2009-04-8 (on the top line)
mttt.scm: v4.3b
If you are not using these, please redownload the files and update.

2009-04-06 @ 8:26PM: Welcome to Spring '09 Gamesman!

[Dan Garcia icon] [Department of Computer Science] [Official Website for the University of California, Berkeley]

Gamesman ©2003 Dan Garcia. All rights reserved.
Site design by Steven Chan. Site maintained by Hesam Samimi.