;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: The Woe of Kirby ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; (define (star len) (color 'yellow) (begin_fill) (define (draw_star n) (if (= n 0) (penup) (begin (pendown) (forward len) (right 216) (draw_star (- n 1))))) (draw_star 5) (end_fill)) (define (head rad) (color 'pink) (pendown) (begin_fill) (circle rad) (end_fill) (penup)) (define (dots rad) (begin_fill) (color 'red) (pendown) (circle rad) (penup) (end_fill)) (define (eyes len rad) (color 'blue) (begin_fill) (pendown) (forward len) (circle rad 180) (forward len) (end_fill) (color 'white) (begin_fill) (circle rad) (end_fill) (penup)) (define (mouth len rad) (color 'red) (begin_fill) (pendown) (left 10) (forward len) (right 90) (circle rad 180) (end_fill) (penup)) (define (feet rad) (color 'red) (begin_fill) (pendown) (circle rad -180) (right 90) (penup) (end_fill)) (define (hands ang len) (seth ang) (color 'pink) (begin_fill) (pendown) (circle len -180) (end_fill) (penup)) (define (draw) (penup) (right 90) (speed 0) (goto -200 -75) (star 800) (goto 0 -250) (head 250) (left 125) (forward 300) (dots 30) (right 135) (forward 350) (dots 30) (goto -75 -100) (mouth 150 -75) (goto -125 75) (right 180) (eyes 75 25) (right 90) (forward 150) (right 90) (eyes 75 25) (left 90) (forward 50) (left 90) (forward 325) (feet 100) (backward 525) (right 90) (feet 100) (goto 120 200) (hands -135 75) (goto -140 200) (hands -235 -75) (hideturtle)) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. All Scheme tokens in this file (including the one below) count ; toward the token limit. (draw)