from collections import namedtuple from sql_exec import Select env = {} def select(columns, tables, condition=None, order=None): for row in Select(columns, tables, condition, order).execute(env): print('|'.join(map(str, row))) ######## # Dogs # ######## """ create table dogs as select 'abraham' as name, 'long' as fur, 26 as height union select 'barack' , 'short' , 52 union select 'clinton' , 'long' , 47 union select 'delano' , 'long' , 46 union select 'eisenhower' , 'short' , 35 union select 'fillmore' , 'curly' , 32 union select 'grover' , 'short' , 28 union select 'herbert' , 'curly' , 31; """ Dog = namedtuple("Dog", ["name", "height"]) dogs = [Dog("abraham" , 26), Dog("barack" , 52), Dog("clinton" , 47), Dog("delano" , 46), Dog("eisenhower", 35), Dog("fillmore" , 32), Dog("grover" , 28), Dog("herbert" , 31)] env['dogs'] = dogs def dogs_examples(): select("name", "dogs", None, "height") select(",", "dogs as a, dogs as b") ########## # Stacks # ########## """ with recursive stacks(names, n, total, tallest) as ( select name, 1, height, height from dogs union select names || ',' || name, n+1, total+height, height from stacks, dogs where n < 4 and tallest < height ) select names, total from stacks where n=4 and total>=170 order by total; """ Stack = namedtuple("Stack", ["names", "n", "total", "tallest"]) base_stacks = [Stack(, 1, dog.height, dog.height) for dog in dogs] def recursive_stack(stack, dog): """Yield a new stack from a joined stack and dog.""" if stack.n < 4 and stack.tallest < dog.height: yield Stack(stack.names + "," +, stack.n+1, + dog.height, dog.height) def stack_select(): """Create the recursive stacks table.""" stacks, agenda = [], base_stacks while agenda: input = agenda.pop() for dog in dogs: for output in recursive_stack(input, dog): agenda.append(output) stacks.append(input) return stacks env['stacks'] = stack_select() def stacks_examples(): select("names,total", "stacks", "n==4 and total>170", "total") ######## # Sums # ######## """ Note: This SQL query will not execute because it is tree recursive. with recursive ints(n) as ( select 1 union select n+1 from ints where n < 5 ), sums(exp, value) as ( select n, n from ints union select '(' || a.exp || '+' || b.exp || ')', a.value + b.value from sums as a, sums as b where a.value + b.value <= 5 ) select exp from sums where value=5; """ Sum = namedtuple("Exp", ["exp", "value"]) target = 5 base_sums = [Sum(str(i), i) for i in range(1, target+1)] def recursive_sum(first, second): """Yield a new sum by adding first and second.""" value = first.value + second.value if value <= target: yield Sum("(" + first.exp + "+" + second.exp + ")", value) def sum_select(): """Create the recursive sums table.""" sums = [] new = base_sums while new: sums, new = sums+new, [] for first in sums: for second in sums: for output in recursive_sum(first, second): if output not in sums: new.append(output) return sums env['sums'] = sum_select() def sums_examples(): select("value", "sums", "exp=='(1+1)'") select("value", "sums", "exp=='((1+1)+2)'") select("value", "sums", "exp=='((1+2)+2)'") select("exp", "sums", "value==2") select("exp", "sums", "value==5")