from operator import add, sub def a_plus_abs_b(a, b): """Return a+abs(b), but without calling abs. >>> a_plus_abs_b(2, 3) 5 >>> a_plus_abs_b(2, -3) 5 """ if b < 0: f = _____ else: f = _____ return f(a, b) def two_of_three(a, b, c): """Return x*x + y*y, where x and y are the two largest members of the positive numbers a, b, and c. >>> two_of_three(1, 2, 3) 13 >>> two_of_three(5, 3, 1) 34 >>> two_of_three(10, 2, 8) 164 >>> two_of_three(5, 5, 5) 50 """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def largest_factor(n): """Return the largest factor of n*n-1 that is smaller than n. >>> largest_factor(4) # n*n-1 is 15; factors are 1, 3, 5, 15 3 >>> largest_factor(9) # n*n-1 is 80; factors are 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, ... 8 """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def if_function(condition, true_result, false_result): """Return true_result if condition is a true value, and false_result otherwise. >>> if_function(True, 2, 3) 2 >>> if_function(False, 2, 3) 3 >>> if_function(3==2, 3+2, 3-2) 1 >>> if_function(3>2, 3+2, 3-2) 5 """ if condition: return true_result else: return false_result def with_if_statement(): """ >>> with_if_statement() 1 """ if c(): return t() else: return f() def with_if_function(): return if_function(c(), t(), f()) def c(): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def t(): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def f(): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def hailstone(n): """Print the hailstone sequence starting at n and return its length. >>> a = hailstone(10) 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 >>> a 7 """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" challenge_question_program = """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" """