;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: Withering Tree of 2016 ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; Dear Lord in Heaven, ;;; Didn't you tell the Mayans the world would end in 2012? ;;; That was a good idea, who messed that up (define (draw) (pu) (goto -400 -150) (addshape 'Excited2016.gif) (stamp) (goto -400 225) (addshape 'Start2016.gif) (stamp) (goto -400 -50) (pd) (tree 11 50) ;Leftmost Tree - very happy (pu) (goto -200 -150) (addshape 'AmericasFavGuerrilla.gif) (stamp) (goto -200 225) (addshape 'HarambeRIP.gif) (stamp) (goto -200 -50) (pd) (tree 9 50) ;2nd Tree from the left - upset (pu) (goto 0 -150) (addshape 'PublicFundsProtector.gif) (stamp) (goto 0 225) (addshape 'PublicFundsMisuse.gif) (stamp) (goto 0 -50) (pd) (tree 7 50) ;3rd Tree from the left - distraught (pu) (goto 190 -150) (addshape 'USFuture_DT.gif) (stamp) (goto 200 225) (addshape 'USA.gif) (stamp) (goto 200 -50) (pd) (tree 4 50) ;4th Tree from the Left - distressed (pu) (goto 400 -150) (addshape 'JohnAndWalker.gif) (stamp) (goto 400 225) (addshape 'CS61Final.gif) (stamp) (goto 400 -50) (pd) (tree 1 50) ;5th Tree from the Left - no words (ht) ) (define (tree levels size) (if (= levels 1) (begin (fd size) (fd (- size)) ) (begin (fd size) (lt 15) (tree (- levels 1) (* size 0.75)) (rt 30) (tree (- levels 1) (* size 0.75)) (lt 15) (fd (- size)) ) ) ) (draw)