;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: All Along the Watchtower ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; Tower and sunset ;;; frozen in this time; the sun ;;; about to explode> (define (draw) (speed 0) (penup) ; Background (bgcolor "#EEEEEE") ; Sunset (bottom 1240 "#efeeeb") (bottom 1130 "#f0eee7") (bottom 1030 "#f0eee4") (bottom 940 "#f1efe1") (bottom 870 "#f2efdd") (bottom 800 "#f3efda") (bottom 740 "#f3efd7") (bottom 690 "#f4efd3") (bottom 650 "#f5f0d0") (bottom 620 "#f6f0cd") (bottom 600 "#f6f0c9") (bottom 590 "#f7f0c6") ; Ground (bottom 480 "#e0e0e0") (bottom 470 "#d2d2d2") (bottom 454 "#c4c4c4") (bottom 432 "#b5b5b5") (bottom 404 "#a7a7a7") (bottom 370 "#999999") (bottom 330 "#8b8b8b") (bottom 284 "#7d7d7d") (bottom 232 "#6e6e6e") (bottom 174 "#606060") (bottom 110 "#525252") ; Circle (setposition 40 206) (color "#ED4E33") (begin_fill) (circle 40) (end_fill) ; Pyramid (setposition 0 0) (left 180) (color "#222222") (define (curve1 x) (cond ((= x 5.5) 0) ((> x 5.5) (begin (setposition 0 (- (* 700 (/ x 10)) 603)) (right (arctan (- 11 x) x)) (pendown) (forward 1000) (penup) (left (arctan (- 11 x) x)) (curve1 (- x 0.3)) )))) (curve1 11) (define (curve2 x) (cond ((= x 5.5) 0) ((> x 5.5) (begin (penup) (setposition 0 (- (* 700 (/ x 10)) 603)) (left (arctan (- 11 x) x)) (pendown) (forward 1000) (penup) (right (arctan (- 11 x) x)) (curve2 (- x 0.3)) )))) (curve2 11) (exitonclick) ) (define (bottom height c) (begin (define height (* height 0.35)) (setposition -350 -350) (color c) (begin_fill) (forward height) (rt 90) (forward 700) (rt 90) (forward height) (rt 90) (forward 700) (rt 90) (end_fill) ) ) (define (arctan a b) (let ((t (/ (/ a 10) (/ b 10)))) (* (/ (+ (- t (/ (expt t 3) 3)) (/ (expt t 5) 5)) 3.14159265358979) 180) ) ) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. (draw)