def date_demos(): from datetime import date today = date(2018, 9, 21) freedom = date(2015, 12, 12) str(freedom - today) today.year today.strftime('%A, %B %d') type(today) def string_demos(): hex(ord('A')) print('\a') print('1\n2\n3') from unicodedata import lookup, name name('A') lookup('SNOWMAN') lookup('SOCCER BALL') lookup('BABY') s = lookup('SNOWMAN') len('A') 'A'.encode() len(frown) len(frown.encode()) dir('') "hello".capitalize() "hello".upper() def list_demos(): suits = ['coin', 'string', 'myriad'] # A list literal original_suits = suits suits.pop() # Removes and returns the final element suits.remove('string') # Removes the first element that equals the argument suits.append('cup') # Add an element to the end suits.extend(['sword', 'club']) # Add all elements of a list to the end suits[2] = 'spade' # Replace an element suits suits[0:2] = ['heart', 'diamond'] # Replace a slice [suit.upper() for suit in suits] [suit[1:4] for suit in suits if len(suit) == 5] def dict_demos(): numerals = {'I': 1.0, 'V': 5, 'X': 10} numerals['X'] numerals['I'] = 1 numerals['L'] = 50 numerals sum(numerals.values()) dict([(3, 9), (4, 16), (5, 25)]) numerals.get('A', 0) numerals.get('V', 0) def tuple_demos(): (3, 4, 5, 6) 3, 4, 5, 6 () tuple() tuple([1, 2, 3]) # tuple(2) (2,) (3, 4) + (5, 6) (3, 4, 5) * 2 5 in (3, 4, 5) # {[1]: 2} {1: [2]} {(1, 2): 3} # {([1], 2): 3} {tuple([1, 2]): 3} def divide_exact(n, d): return n // d, n % d def identity_demos(): a = [10] b = a a == b a is b a.extend([20, 30]) a == b a is b a = [10] b = [10] a == b a is not b a.append(20) a != b