from ucb import main, interact def indent_lines(s, n): """'s' with all lines prefixed by 'n' blanks.""" return "\n".join(map(lambda line: " " * n + line, s.split('\n'))) import re def indent_lines2(s, n): """'s' with all lines prefixed by 'n' blanks.""" return re.sub(r'(?m)^', ' ' * n, s) # Notes: # (?m) sets "multiline mode" # ^ means 'beginning of string' by default unless in multiline mode, # where it means 'beginning of line'. # "Lines" are substrings that begin at the beginning of the string or # immediately after a \n (newline) character. # # re.sub(PATTERN, REPLACEMENT, STRING) replaces all instances of PATTERN # STRING by REPLACEMENT and returns the result. # # We don't really need to make the pattern string raw here, but raw strings # are generally useful in pattern strings, since the pattern language uses # backslash as its own escape character (e.g., \d means 'any digit'). def indent_file(input, output, n): """Write the contents of file INPUT to OUTPUT, indented by N spaces.""" print(indent_lines(, n).rstrip(), file = output) # Notes: We use rstrip() to remove any final newline and whitespace, so # as not to introduce a bogus indentded empty line at the end. # Example: # To read file foo, indent by 8 spaces, and write file foo_indented: # in, out = open("foo"), open("foo_indented", "w") # indent_file(in, out, 8) # out.close() @main def main(): interact()