;;; Your entry for the Scheme contest ;;; ;;; Title: ;;; Passion from Confusion ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; Chemistry, not fun ;;; Turned to computer science ;;; Enjoy it so much ;;; My drawing is more of enjoying some simple capabilities that come from programming and how I like computer science so much more, and am switching from a chemical engineering major to EECS or ;;; CS. Confusion about my major and whether I wanted to switch made me take this class and a passion for it, despite its difficulty, arose. This is not the best example of art of course, but I ;;; wanted to do something like this for myself. (clear) (penup) (setposition -200 250) (pendown) (color 'purple) (right 90) (forward 100) (backward 50) (right 90) (forward 200) (right 90) (forward 50) (backward 100) (penup) (setposition 55 55) (setheading 0) (pendown) (begin_fill) (left 45) (forward 140) (right 15) (forward 30) (right 15) (forward 20) (right 45) (forward 40) (right 45) (forward 40) (right 55) (forward 50) (left 90) (forward 50) (right 55) (forward 40) (right 45) (forward 40) (right 45) (forward 20) (right 15) (forward 30) (right 15) (forward 125) (end_fill) (penup) (setposition -100 -50) (pendown) (setheading 0) (left 45) (forward 80) (left 90) (forward 80) (setheading 180) (forward 150) (left 45) (forward 80) (left 90) (forward 80) (penup) (setposition 140 -50) (pendown) (setheading 0) (left 45) (forward 80) (left 90) (forward 80) (left 90) (forward 200) (right 90) (forward 80) (right 90) (forward 80) ;(exitonclick) ;(define (C-curve size level) ;; (if (= level 1) (fd size) ; ((lt 45) (C-curve size (- level 1)) (rt 90) (C-curve size (- level 1)) (lt 45)) ;(fd 50) (rt 10) (fd 100) (rt 10) (fd 100) (rt 29) (fd 50) (rt 18) ;(C-curve 100 5)