""" The ants module implements game logic for Ants Vs. SomeBees. Name: Login: TA: Section: """ import random import sys from ucb import main, interact, trace from collections import OrderedDict ################ # Core Classes # ################ class Place(object): """A Place holds insects and has an exit to another Place.""" def __init__(self, name, exit=None): """Create a Place with the given exit. name -- A string; the name of this Place. exit -- The Place reached by exiting this Place (may be None). """ self.name = name self.exit = exit self.bees = [] # A list of Bees self.ant = None # An Ant self.entrance = None # A Place # Phase 1: Add an entrance to the exit "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def add_insect(self, insect): """Add an Insect to this Place. There can be at most one Ant in a Place, unless exactly one of them is a BodyguardAnt (Phase 2), in which case there can be two. If add_insect tries to add more Ants than is allowed, an assertion error is raised. There can be any number of Bees in a Place. """ if insect.is_ant(): # Phase 2: Special handling for BodyguardAnt "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" assert self.ant is None, 'Two ants in {0}'.format(self) self.ant = insect else: self.bees.append(insect) insect.place = self def remove_insect(self, insect): """Remove an Insect from this Place.""" if not insect.is_ant(): self.bees.remove(insect) else: assert self.ant == insect, '{0} is not in {1}'.format(insect, self) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.ant = None insect.place = None def __str__(self): return self.name class Insect(object): """An Insect, the base class of Ant and Bee, has armor and a Place.""" def __init__(self, armor, place=None): """Create an Insect with an armor amount and a starting Place.""" self.armor = armor self.place = place # set by Place.add_insect and Place.remove_insect def reduce_armor(self, amount): """Reduce armor by amount, and remove the insect from its place if it has no armor remaining. >>> test_insect = Insect(5) >>> test_insect.reduce_armor(2) >>> test_insect.armor 3 """ self.armor -= amount if self.armor <= 0: print('{0} ran out of armor and expired'.format(self)) self.place.remove_insect(self) def action(self, colony): """Perform the default action that this Insect takes each turn. colony -- The AntColony, used to access game state information. """ def is_ant(self): """Return whether this Insect is an Ant.""" return False def __repr__(self): cname = type(self).__name__ return '{0}({1}, {2})'.format(cname, self.armor, self.place) class Bee(Insect): """A Bee moves from place to place, following exits and stinging ants.""" name = 'Bee' def sting(self, ant): """Attack an Ant, reducing the Ant's armor by 1.""" ant.reduce_armor(1) def move_to(self, place): """Move from the Bee's current Place to a new Place.""" self.place.remove_insect(self) place.add_insect(self) def blocked(self): """Return True if this Bee cannot advance to the next Place.""" # Phase 2: Special handling for NinjaAnt "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" return self.place.ant is not None def action(self, colony): """A Bee's action stings the Ant that blocks its exit if it is blocked, or moves to the exit of its current place otherwise. colony -- The AntColony, used to access game state information. """ if self.blocked(): self.sting(self.place.ant) else: if self.place.name != 'Hive' and self.armor > 0: self.move_to(self.place.exit) class Ant(Insect): """An Ant occupies a place and does work for the colony.""" implemented = False # Only implemented Ant classes should be instantiated damage = 0 food_cost = 0 def __init__(self, armor=1): """Create an Ant with an armor quantity.""" Insect.__init__(self, armor) def is_ant(self): return True class HarvesterAnt(Ant): """HarvesterAnt produces 1 additional food per turn for the colony.""" name = 'Harvester' implemented = True def action(self, colony): """Produce 1 additional food for the colony. colony -- The AntColony, used to access game state information. """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def random_or_none(l): """Return a random element of list l, or return None if l is empty.""" return random.choice(l) if l else None class ThrowerAnt(Ant): """ThrowerAnt throws a leaf each turn at the nearest Bee in its range.""" name = 'Thrower' implemented = True damage = 1 def nearest_bee(self, hive): """Return the nearest Bee in a Place that is not the Hive, connected to the ThrowerAnt's Place by following entrances. This method returns None if there is no such Bee. Problem B5: This method returns None if there is no Bee in range. """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" return random_or_none(self.place.bees) def throw_at(self, target): """Throw a leaf at the target Bee, reducing its armor.""" if target is not None: target.reduce_armor(self.damage) def action(self, colony): """Throw a leaf at the nearest Bee in range.""" self.throw_at(self.nearest_bee(colony.hive)) class Hive(Place): """The Place from which the Bees launch their assault. assault_plan -- An AssaultPlan; when & where bees enter the colony. """ name = 'Hive' def __init__(self, assault_plan): self.name = 'Hive' self.assault_plan = assault_plan self.bees = [] for bee in assault_plan.all_bees: self.add_insect(bee) # The following attributes are always None for a Hive self.entrance = None self.ant = None self.exit = None def strategy(self, colony): exits = [p for p in colony.places.values() if p.entrance is self] for bee in self.assault_plan.get(colony.time, []): bee.move_to(random.choice(exits)) class AntColony(object): """An ant collective that manages global game state and simulates time. Attributes: time -- elapsed time food -- the colony's available food total queen -- the place where the queen resides places -- A list of all places in the colony (including a Hive) bee_entrances -- A list of places that bees can enter """ def __init__(self, strategy, hive, ant_types, create_places, food=4): """Create an AntColony for simulating a game. Arguments: strategy -- a function to deploy ants to places hive -- a Hive full of bees ant_types -- a list of ant constructors create_places -- a function that creates the set of places """ self.time = 0 self.food = food self.strategy = strategy self.hive = hive self.ant_types = OrderedDict((a.name, a) for a in ant_types) self.configure(hive, create_places) def configure(self, hive, create_places): """Configure the places in the colony.""" self.queen = Place('AntQueen') self.places = OrderedDict() self.bee_entrances = [] def register_place(place, is_bee_entrance): self.places[place.name] = place if is_bee_entrance: place.entrance = hive self.bee_entrances.append(place) register_place(self.hive, False) create_places(self.queen, register_place) def simulate(self): """Simulate an attack on the ant colony (i.e., play the game).""" while len(self.queen.bees) == 0 and len(self.bees) > 0: self.hive.strategy(self) # Bees invade self.strategy(self) # Ants deploy for ant in self.ants: # Ants take actions if ant.armor > 0: ant.action(self) for bee in self.bees: # Bees take actions if bee.armor > 0: bee.action(self) self.time += 1 if len(self.queen.bees) > 0: print('The ant queen has perished. Please try again.') else: print('All bees are vanquished. You win!') def deploy_ant(self, place_name, ant_type_name): """Place an ant if enough food is available. This method is called by the current strategy to deploy ants. """ constructor = self.ant_types[ant_type_name] if self.food < constructor.food_cost: print('Not enough food remains to place ' + ant_type_name) else: self.places[place_name].add_insect(constructor()) self.food -= constructor.food_cost def remove_ant(self, place_name): """Remove an Ant from the Colony.""" place = self.places[place_name] if place.ant is not None: place.remove_insect(place.ant) @property def ants(self): return [p.ant for p in self.places.values() if p.ant is not None] @property def bees(self): return [b for p in self.places.values() for b in p.bees] @property def insects(self): return self.ants + self.bees def __str__(self): status = ' (Food: {0}, Time: {1})'.format(self.food, self.time) return str([str(i) for i in self.ants + self.bees]) + status def ant_types(): """Return a list of all implemented Ant classes.""" all_ant_types = [] new_types = [Ant] while new_types: new_types = [t for c in new_types for t in c.__subclasses__()] all_ant_types.extend(new_types) return [t for t in all_ant_types if t.implemented] def interactive_strategy(colony): """A strategy that starts an interactive session and lets the user make changes to the colony. For example, one might deploy a ThrowerAnt to the first tunnel by invoking: colony.deploy_ant('tunnel_0_0', 'Thrower') """ print('colony: ' + str(colony)) msg = '-D (-Z on Windows) completes a turn.\n' interact(msg) def start_with_strategy(args, strategy): usage = """python3 [ants.py|ants_gui.py] [OPTIONS] Run the Ants vs. SomeBees project. -h, --help Prints this help message -f, --full Loads a full layout and assault plan -w, --water Loads a full map with water. -i, --insane Loads an insane assault plan. Good luck! """ if "-h" in args or "--help" in args: print(usage) return assault_plan = make_test_assault_plan() layout = test_layout if '-f' in args or '--full' in args: assault_plan = make_full_assault_plan() layout = dry_layout if '-w' in args or '--water' in args: layout = mixed_layout if '-i' in args or '--insane' in args: assault_plan = make_insane_assault_plan() AntColony(strategy, Hive(assault_plan), ant_types(), layout).simulate() ########### # Layouts # ########### def mixed_layout(queen, register_place, length=8, tunnels=3, moat_frequency=3): """Register Places with the colony.""" for tunnel in range(tunnels): exit = queen for step in range(length): if moat_frequency != 0 and (step + 1) % moat_frequency == 0: exit = Water('water_{0}_{1}'.format(tunnel, step), exit) else: exit = Place('tunnel_{0}_{1}'.format(tunnel, step), exit) register_place(exit, step == length - 1) def test_layout(queen, register_place, length=8, tunnels=1): mixed_layout(queen, register_place, length, tunnels, 0) def dry_layout(queen, register_place, length=8, tunnels=3): mixed_layout(queen, register_place, length, tunnels, 0) ################# # Assault Plans # ################# class AssaultPlan(dict): """The Bees' plan of attack for the Colony. Attacks come in timed waves. An AssaultPlan is a dictionary from times (int) to waves (list of Bees). >>> AssaultPlan().add_wave(4, 2) {4: [Bee(3, None), Bee(3, None)]} """ def __init__(self, bee_armor=3): self.bee_armor = bee_armor def add_wave(self, time, count): """Add a wave at time with count Bees that have the specified armor.""" bees = [Bee(self.bee_armor) for _ in range(count)] self.setdefault(time, []).extend(bees) return self @property def all_bees(self): """Place all Bees in the hive and return the list of Bees.""" return [bee for wave in self.values() for bee in wave] def make_test_assault_plan(): return AssaultPlan().add_wave(2, 1).add_wave(3, 1) def make_full_assault_plan(): plan = AssaultPlan().add_wave(2, 1) for time in range(3, 15, 2): plan.add_wave(time, 1) return plan.add_wave(15, 8) def make_insane_assault_plan(): plan = AssaultPlan(4).add_wave(1, 2) for time in range(3, 15): plan.add_wave(time, 1) return plan.add_wave(15, 20) ############## # Extensions # ############## class Water(Place): """Water is a place that can only hold 'watersafe' insects.""" def add_insect(self, insect): """Add insect if it is watersafe, otherwise reduce its armor to 0.""" print('added', insect, insect.watersafe) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class FireAnt(Ant): """FireAnt cooks any Bee in its Place when it expires.""" name = 'Fire' damage = 3 "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False def reduce_armor(self, amount): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class LongThrower(ThrowerAnt): """A ThrowerAnt that only throws leaves at Bees at least 4 places away.""" name = 'Long' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False class ShortThrower(ThrowerAnt): """A ThrowerAnt that only throws leaves at Bees within 3 places.""" name = 'Short' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False class WallAnt(Ant): """WallAnt is an Ant which has a large amount of armor.""" name = 'Wall' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False def __init__(self): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" Ant.__init__(self) class NinjaAnt(Ant): """NinjaAnt is an Ant which does not block the path and does 1 damage to all Bees in the exact same Place.""" name = 'Ninja' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False def action(self, colony): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class ScubaThrower(ThrowerAnt): """ScubaThrower is a ThrowerAnt which is watersafe.""" name = 'Scuba' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False class HungryAnt(Ant): """HungryAnt will take three "turns" to eat a Bee in the same space as it. While eating, the HungryAnt can't eat another Bee. """ name = 'Hungry' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False def __init__(self): Ant.__init__(self) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def eat_bee(self, bee): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def action(self, colony): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class BodyguardAnt(Ant): """BodyguardAnt provides protection to other Ants.""" name = 'Bodyguard' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False def __init__(self): Ant.__init__(self, 2) self.ant = None # The Ant hidden in this bodyguard def contain_ant(self, ant): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def reduce_armor(self, amount): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def action(self, colony): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class QueenAnt(ThrowerAnt): """The Queen of the colony. The game is over if a bee enters her place.""" name = 'Queen' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False def __init__(self): ThrowerAnt.__init__(self, 1) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def action(self, colony): """A queen ant throws a leaf, but also doubles the damange of ants behind her. Impostor queens do only one thing: die.""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class AntRemover(Ant): """Allows the player to remove ants from the board in the GUI.""" name = 'Remover' implemented = True def __init__(self): Ant.__init__(self, 0) ################## # Status Effects # ################## def make_slow(action): """Return a new action method that calls action every other turn. action -- An action method of some Bee """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def make_stun(action): """Return a new action method that does nothing. action -- An action method of some Bee """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def apply_effect(effect, bee, duration): """Apply a status effect to a Bee that lasts for duration turns.""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class SlowThrower(ThrowerAnt): """ThrowerAnt that causes Slow on Bees.""" name = 'Slow' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False def throw_at(self, target): if target: apply_effect(make_slow, target, 3) class StunThrower(ThrowerAnt): """ThrowerAnt that causes Stun on Bees.""" name = 'Stun' "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" implemented = False def throw_at(self, target): if target: apply_effect(make_stun, target, 1) @main def run(*args): start_with_strategy(args, interactive_strategy)