CURRENT_YEAR = 2014 class Animal(object): def __init__(self): self.is_alive = True # It's alive!! class Pet(Animal): def __init__(self, name, year_of_birth, owner=None): Animal.__init__(self) # call the parent's constructor = name self.age = CURRENT_YEAR - year_of_birth self.owner = owner def eat(self, thing): if thing == "poison": self.lose_life() print( + " ate a " + str(thing) + "!") def talk(self): print("..") class Cat(Pet): """ >>> my_cat = Cat("Furball", 2011, "Me", lives=2) >>> Meow! >>> 'Furball' >>> my_cat.lose_life() >>> my_cat.is_alive True >>>"poison") Meow! Furball ate a poison! >>> my_cat.is_alive False >>> my_cat.lose_life() 'Cat is dead x_x' """ def __init__(self, name, year_of_birth, owner, lives=9): assert type(lives) == int and lives > 0 "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def talk(self): """A cat says 'Meow!' when asked to talk.""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def lose_life(self): """A cat can only lose a life if it has at least one life. When there are zero lives left, the 'is_alive' variable becomes False. """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class NoisyCat(Cat): """ >>> my_cat = NoisyCat("Noisy Kitty", 2011, "Me", lives=1) >>> Meow! Meow! >>> 'Noisy Kitty' >>> my_cat.lose_life() >>> my_cat.lose_life() 'Cat is dead x_x' """ def __init__(self, name, year_of_birth, owner, lives=9): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" # hint: do you need to write another __init__? def talk(self): """A NoisyCat will always repeat what he/she said twice.""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"