Lab 2: Expressions and Control Structures

Due at 11:59pm on 01/28/2015.

Starter Files

Download Inside the archive, you will find starter files for the questions in this lab, along with a copy of the OK autograder.


By the end of this lab, you should have submitted the lab with python3 ok --submit. You may submit more than once before the deadline; only the final submission will be graded.

Table of Contents

Using Python

When running a Python file, you can use flags on the command line to inspect your code further. Here are a few that will come in handy. If you want to learn more about other Python flags, take a look at the documentation.

Using OK

In 61A, we use a program called OK for autograding labs, homeworks, and projects. You should have downloaded ok at the start of this lab. You can use ok to run doctests for a specified function. For example,

python3 ok -q factors

You can also use the -i option: if an error occurs, an interactive interpreter will open, allowing you to enter Python commands to test out your program:

python3 ok -q factors -i

By default, only errors will show up. You can use the -v option to show all tests, including successful ones:

python3 ok -v

Finally, when you have finished all the quesitons in, you can submit the assignment using the --submit option:

python3 ok --submit


Question 1: What would Python print?

Think about what the output of each of the following expressions will be. Then type them into Python to verify your answers!

>>> 3
>>> 2 + 3
>>> -16 - -16
>>> 3 * 4 + 1
>>> 3 * (4 + 1)
>>> 2 ** 3
>>> x = 4
>>> 3 + x
>>> x + y
>>> x, y = 1, 2 >>> 3 + x
>>> x + y
>>> from operator import mul, add
>>> mul(3, 4)
>>> mul(3, add(4, 1))
>>> pow(2, 3)
>>> pow(pow(2, 3), abs(-2))

Primitive Expressions

A primitive expression requires only a single evaluation step: use the literal value directly. For example, numbers, names, and strings are all primitive expressions.

>>> 2
>>> 'Hello World!'
'Hello World!'

Call Expressions

A call expression applies a function, which may or may not accept arguments. The call expression evaluates to the function's return value.

The syntax of a function call:

  add   (    2   ,    3   )
   |         |        |
operator  operand  operand

Every call expression requires a set of parentheses delimiting its comma-separated operands.

To evaluate a function call:

  1. Evaluate the operator, and then the operands (from left to right).
  2. Apply the operator to the operands (the values of the operands).

If an operand is a nested call expression, then these two steps are applied to that operand in order to evaluate it.

Question 2: What Would Python Print?

>>> from operator import add
>>> def double(x):
...     return x + x
>>> def square(y):
...     return y * y
>>> def f(z):
...     add(square(double(z)), 1)
>>> f(4)
# Nothing shows up, the return value is None
>>> def welcome():
...     print('welcome to')
...     return 'hello'
>>> def cs61a():
...     print('cs61a')
...     return 'world'
>>> print(welcome(), cs61a())
welcome to cs61a hello world


Let's compare the different division-related operators in Python:

Pure and Non-Pure Functions

  1. Pure functions have no side effects – they only produce a return value. They will always evaluate to the same result, given the same argument value(s).
  2. Non-pure functions produce side effects, such as printing to your terminal or returning different outputs on different invocations of the function (non-determinism).

Later in the semester, we will expand on the notion of a pure function versus a non-pure function.

Question 3: What Would Python Print?

>>> x = print(9 + 1)
>>> x == 10
>>> print(print(2))
2 None
>>> def om(foo):
...     return -foo
>>> def nom(foo):
...     print(foo)
>>> nom(4)
>>> om(-4)
>>> brian = nom(4) >>> brian + 1
>>> michelle = om(-4) >>> michelle + 1
>>> x = 6
>>> def beep(x):
...     print(x)
>>> def boop(x):
...     y = x
...     x = 7
...     print(x)
>>> y = beep(x)
>>> boop(x)
>>> y + beep(8)
8 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'`

Boolean operators

Question 4: What Would Python Print?

What would Python print? Try to figure it out before you type it into the interpreter!

>>> a, b = 10, 6
>>> a != 0 and b > 5
>>> a < b or not a
>>> not not a
>>> not (not a or not not b)

Boolean order of operations

What do you think the following expression evaluates to?

True and not False or not True and False

It turns out that Python interprets that expression in the following way:

(True and (not False)) or ((not True) and False)

Using parentheses can be helpful to understand how a program will behave.

Boolean operators, like arithmetic operators, have an order of operation:

Short-circuit operators

In Python, and and or are examples of short-circuiting operators. Consider the following code:

True or 1 / 0

Notice that if we just evaluate 1 / 0, Python will raise an error, stopping evaluation altogether!

However, the original line of code will not cause any errors — in fact, it will evaluate to True. This is made possible due to short-circuiting, which works as follows:

Informally, false-y values are things that are "empty". The false-y values we have learned about so far are False, 0, None, and "" (the empty string).

Question 5: What Would Python Print?

>>> True and 1 / 0 and False
>>> True or 1 / 0 or False
>>> True and 0
>>> False or 1
>>> 1 and 3 and 6 and 10 and 15
>>> 0 or False or 2 or 1 / 0

Question 6: Fix the Bug

The following snippet of code doesn't work! Figure out what is wrong and fix the bugs.

def both_positive(x, y):
    Returns True if both x and y are positive.
    >>> both_positive(-1, 1)
    >>> both_positive(1, 1)
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" return x and y > 0
return x > 0 and y > 0

The original line (return x and y > 0) will check that two things are true:

  1. x
  2. y > 0

When will x be considered True? In Python, any number that is not 0 is considered True. Thus, the first doctest will fail: x = -1 and -1 != 0, and y = 1 > 0, so both clauses are True.

You can test your solution by using OK:

python3 ok -q both_positive

If statements

Question 7: What Would Python Print?

>>> a, b = 10, 6
>>> if a == 4:
...     6
... elif b >= 4:
...     6 + 7 + a
... else:
...     25
>>> def abs(x):
...     if x >= 0:
...         return x
...     return -x
>>> abs(-5)
>>> abs(5)
>>> def abs(x):
...     if x >= 0:
...         print(x)
...     print(-x)
>>> abs(-5)
>>> abs(5)
5 -5

While loops

Question 8: What Would Python Print?

>>> n = 3
>>> while n >= 0:
...     n -= 1
...     print(n)
2 1 0 -1
>>> n, i = 7, 0 >>> while i < n: ... i += 2 ... print(i) ...
2 4 6 8
>>> # typing Ctrl-C will stop infinite loops >>> n = 4 >>> while True: ... n -= 1 ... print(n) ...
3 2 1 0 -1 -2 # continues forever
>>> n = 2 >>> def exp_decay(n): ... if n % 2 != 0: ... return ... while n > 0: ... print(n) ... n = n // 2 ... >>> exp_decay(64)
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
>>> exp_decay(5)
# No output

Question 9: Factor This II

Define a function factors(n) which takes in a number, n, and prints out all of the numbers that divide n evenly. For example, the factors of 20 are 20, 10, 5, 4, 2, 1.

def factors(n):
    """Prints out all of the numbers that divide `n` evenly.

    >>> factors(20)
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
x = n while x > 0: if n % x == 0: print(x) x -= 1

You can test your solution by using OK:

python3 ok -q factors

Question 10: Fibonacci

The Fibonacci sequence is a famous sequence in mathematics. The first element in the sequence is 0 and the second element is 1. The nth element is defined as Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2.

Implement the fib function, which takes an integer n and returns the nth Fibonacci number. Use a while loop in your solution.

def fib(n):
    """Returns the nth Fibonacci number.

    >>> fib(0)
    >>> fib(1)
    >>> fib(2)
    >>> fib(3)
    >>> fib(4)
    >>> fib(5)
    >>> fib(6)
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
curr, next = 0, 1 while n > 0: curr, next = next, curr + next n -= 1 return curr

You can test your solution by using OK:

python3 ok -q fib

Error messages

By now, you've probably seen a couple of error messages. Even though they might look intimidating, error messages are actually very helpful in debugging code. The following are some common types of errors (found at the bottom of an error message):

Using these descriptions of error messages, you should be able to get a better idea of what went wrong with your code. If you run into error messages, try to identify the problem before asking for help. You can often Google unknown error messages to see what similar mistakes others have made to help you debug your own code.

For example:

>>> square(3, 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: square() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

Notice that the last line of the error message tells us exactly what we did wrong - we gave square 2 arguments when it only takes in 1 argument. In general, the last line is the most helpful.

Here's a link to an extremely helpful Debugging Guide written by Albert Wu. It is highly recommended that you read this in its entirety! Pay particular attention to the section called "Error Types" (the other sections are fairly involved but will be useful in the larger projects).

Extra Questions

Questions in this section are not required for submission. However, we encourage you to try them out on your own time for extra practice.

Question 11: Disneyland Discounts

Disneyland is having a special where they give discounts for grandparents accompanying their grandchildren. Help Disneyland figure out when the discount should be given. Define a function gets_discount that takes two numbers as input (representing the two ages) and returns True if one of them is a senior citizen (age 65 or above) and the other is a child (age 12 or below). You should not use if in your solution.

def gets_discount(x, y):
    """ Returns True if this is a combination of a senior citizen
    and a child, False otherwise.

    >>> gets_discount(65, 12)
    >>> gets_discount(9, 70)
    >>> gets_discount(40, 45)
    >>> gets_discount(40, 75)
    >>> gets_discount(65, 13)
    >>> gets_discount(7, 9)
    >>> gets_discount(73, 77)
    >>> gets_discount(70, 31)
    >>> gets_discount(10, 25)
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
return (x <= 12 and y >= 65) or (x >= 65 and y <= 12)

You can test your solution by using OK:

python3 ok -q gets_discount

Question 12: Factor This

Define a function is_factor that checks whether its first argument is a factor of its second argument. We will assume that 0 is not a factor of any number but any non-zero number is a factor of 0. You should not use if in your solution.

def is_factor(x, y):
    """ Returns True if x is a factor of y, False otherwise.

    >>> is_factor(3, 6)
    >>> is_factor(4, 10)
    >>> is_factor(0, 5)
    >>> is_factor(0, 0)
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
return x != 0 and y % x == 0

You can test your solution by using OK:

python3 ok -q is_factor

Question 13: Factorials

Let's write a function falling, which is a "falling" factorial that takes two arguments, n and k, and returns the product of k consecutive numbers, starting from n and working downwards.

def falling(n, k):
    """Compute the falling factorial of n to depth k.

    >>> falling(6, 3)  # 6 * 5 * 4
    >>> falling(4, 0)
    >>> falling(4, 3)  # 4 * 3 * 2
    >>> falling(4, 1)  # 4
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
total, stop = 1, n-k while n > stop: total, n = total*n, n-1 return total

You can test your solution by using OK:

python3 ok -q falling