import sys from math import sqrt from subprocess import Popen, DEVNULL, PIPE sin60 = sqrt(3) / 2 # To use interactively: Get and copy it to Then, # >>> from lect07 import * # >>> d = make_displayer() # >>> make_gasket(6, d.stdin) # >>> make_gasket(10, d.stdin) # ... # >>> stop_displayer(d) def make_gasket(x, y, s, n, output): """Draw an nth approximation to Sierpinski's gasket, with lower-left corner at (x,y), and size s x s. Writes Postscript commands to the the standard output to do the drawing.""" if n == 0: print("{0:.2f} {1:.2f} moveto " "{2:.2f} 0 rlineto " "-{3:.2f} {4:.2f} rlineto " "closepath fill" .format(x, y, s, s/2, s*sin60), file=output) else: make_gasket(x, y, s/2, n - 1, output) make_gasket(x + s/2, y, s/2, n - 1, output) make_gasket(x + s/4, y + sin60*s/2, s/2, n-1, output) def draw_gasket(n, output=sys.stdout): print("%!", file=output) make_gasket(100, 100, 400, n, output=output) print("showpage", file=output) output.flush() def make_displayer(): """Create a Ghostscript process that displays its input (sent in through .stdin).""" return Popen("gs", universal_newlines=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=DEVNULL) def stop_displayer(d): """Terminate execution of displayer D (created by make_displayer).""" d.stdin.close() d.wait() # Sum digits def split(n): """Split a positive integer into all but its last digit and its last digit.""" return n // 10, n % 10 def sum_digits(n): """Return the sum of the digits of positive integer n. >>> sum_digits(9) 9 >>> sum_digits(18117) 18 >>> sum_digits(9437184) 36 >>> sum_digits(11408855402054064613470328848384) 126 """ if n < 10: return n else: all_but_last, last = split(n) return sum_digits(all_but_last) + last # Iteration vs recursion def fact_iter(n): total, k = 1, 1 while k <= n: total, k = total * k, k + 1 return total def fact(n): if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * fact(n-1) # Luhn algorithm: mutual recursion def luhn_sum(n): """Return the digit sum of n computed by the Luhn algorithm. >>> luhn_sum(2) 2 >>> luhn_sum(12) 4 >>> luhn_sum(42) 10 >>> luhn_sum(138743) 30 >>> luhn_sum(5105105105105100) # example Mastercard 20 >>> luhn_sum(4012888888881881) # example Visa 90 >>> luhn_sum(79927398713) # from Wikipedia 70 """ if n < 10: return n else: all_but_last, last = split(n) return luhn_sum_double(all_but_last) + last def luhn_sum_double(n): """Return the Luhn sum of n, doubling the last digit.""" all_but_last, last = split(n) luhn_digit = sum_digits(2 * last) if n < 10: return luhn_digit else: return luhn_sum(all_but_last) + luhn_digit # Converting iteration to recursion def sum_digits_iter(n): """Sum digits iteratively. >>> sum_digits_iter(11408855402054064613470328848384) 126 """ digit_sum = 0 while n > 0: n, last = split(n) digit_sum = digit_sum + last return digit_sum def sum_digits_rec(n, digit_sum): """Sum digits using recursion, based on iterative version. >>> sum_digits_rec(11408855402054064613470328848384, 0) 126 """ if n == 0: return digit_sum else: n, last = split(n) return sum_digits_rec(n, digit_sum + last)