;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; ; Rem's utility skills (define (morning-star mana) (car (car mana))) (define (demon-blood mana) (car (cdr (car mana)))) ; If True lw Has a Color, It has to be Blue! (Rem's Color !) (define t "#A0DCFF") (define r "#00A4FF") (define u "#0082FF") (define e "#0055BE") (define l "#080073") (define w "#FFFFFF") (define has "#D3D2E0") (define color "#000000") (define of "#FF73AA") (define rems "#FF5C61") (define sky "#B90067") (define blue "#FFE8D2") ; Rem is in charge of => Floor-Area~{0-55}; Num-Floors~{0-50} ; 0D (define oni-village 13) (pixelsize oni-village) ; 1D (define (oni-horn anger mana protect destroy) (cond ((= 1 mana) (pixel protect destroy anger)) (else (pixel protect destroy anger) (oni-horn anger (- mana 1) (+ protect 1) destroy) ) ) ) (define (ice-spike mana protect destroy) (cond ((null? mana) nil) (else (oni-horn (morning-star mana) (demon-blood mana) protect destroy) (ice-spike (cdr mana) (+ protect (demon-blood mana)) destroy) ) ) ) ; 2D (define ice-spike1 `((,color 4))) (define ice-spike2 `((,color 2) (,u 4) (,color 2))) (define ice-spike3 `((,color 2) (,u 1) (,w 2) (,color 2) (,w 2) (,u 1) (,color 2))) (define ice-spike4 `((,color 1) (,u 2) (,color 1) (,w 2) (,color 2) (,w 2) (,color 1) (,u 2) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike5 `((,color 1) (,w 2) (,color 2) (,u 4) (,color 2) (,w 2) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike6 `((,color 1) (,u 1) (,w 2) (,u 8) (,w 2) (,u 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike7 `((,color 1) (,u 1) (,color 1) (,u 10) (,color 1) (,of 2) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike8 `((,color 1) (,u 11) (,e 1) (,u 1) (,of 1) (,sky 1) (,u 1) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike9 `((,color 1) (,u 3) (,w 1) (,u 1) (,w 1) (,u 1) (,w 1) (,u 2) (,e 1) (,blue 1) (,e 1) (,of 1) (,u 2) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike10 `((,color 1) (,u 1) (,e 1) (,u 1) (,w 1) (,u 6) (,e 1) (,blue 1) (,e 1) (,of 4) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike11 `((,sky 2) (,t 2) (,sky 2) (,t 1) (,sky 3) (,color 1) (,u 1) (,e 1) (,u 7) (,e 1) (,color 3) (,u 1) (,of 2) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike12 `((,sky 1) (,t 1) (,sky 1) (,t 1) (,sky 1) (,t 2) (,sky 1) (,t 2) (,color 1) (,u 1) (,e 1) (,u 7) (,blue 1) (,l 2) (,u 1) (,color 1) (,u 2) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike13 `((,sky 1) (,t 1) (,sky 1) (,t 1) (,sky 2) (,t 1) (,sky 2) (,t 1) (,color 1) (,u 1) (,e 1) (,r 7) (,blue 1) (,l 1) (,w 1) (,blue 1) (,color 1) (,e 1) (,u 1) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike14 `((,sky 1) (,t 1) (,sky 1) (,t 1) (,sky 1) (,t 2) (,sky 1) (,t 2) (,color 1) (,u 1) (,e 1) (,blue 8) (,e 2) (,blue 1) (,u 1) (,blue 1) (,u 1) (,color 1) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike15 `((,sky 2) (,t 2) (,sky 2) (,t 1) (,sky 1) (,t 2) (,color 1) (,u 1) (,e 2) (,blue 10) (,u 1) (,blue 1) (,e 1) (,color 1) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike16 `((,color 1) (,e 2) (,blue 10) (,u 1) (,e 2) (,color 1) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike17 `((,u 2) (,t 2) (,u 2) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 1) (,color 1) (,e 1) (,blue 4) (,rems 2) (,blue 4) (,e 2) (,color 2) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike18 `((,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 2) (,u 3) (,t 1) (,color 1) (,e 1) (,color 1) (,blue 8) (,color 1) (,e 1) (,color 1) (,t 1) (,color 1) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike19 `((,u 2) (,t 2) (,u 2) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 2) (,color 3) (,w 2) (,color 2) (,w 2) (,color 3) (,t 3) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike20 `((,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 2) (,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 2) (,color 1) (,w 3) (,color 1) (,w 2) (,color 1) (,w 3) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike21 `((,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 2) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 1) (,u 1) (,t 3) (,color 1) (,blue 1) (,w 1) (,blue 4) (,w 1) (,blue 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike22 `((,color 1) (,w 1) (,blue 1) (,w 2) (,color 2) (,w 2) (,blue 1) (,w 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike23 `((,w 1) (,t 1) (,w 1) (,t 6) (,color 1) (,w 2) (,has 1) (,w 6) (,has 1) (,w 2) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike24 `((,w 1) (,t 3) (,w 1) (,t 2) (,w 1) (,t 3) (,color 2) (,has 1) (,color 6) (,has 1) (,color 2) (,t 6) (,color 1) (,t 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike25 `((,w 1) (,t 3) (,w 1) (,t 5) (,color 14) (,t 4) (,color 1) (,of 1) (,color 1) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike26 `((,w 1) (,t 3) (,w 1) (,t 2) (,w 1) (,t 2) (,color 6) (,w 2) (,color 6) (,t 4) (,color 1) (,of 3) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike27 `((,w 1) (,t 1) (,w 1) (,t 5) (,color 1) (,has 1) (,w 1) (,color 1) (,w 1) (,has 1) (,color 1) (,w 2) (,color 1) (,has 1) (,w 1) (,color 1) (,w 1) (,has 1) (,color 1) (,t 4) (,color 1) (,of 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike28 `((,color 1) (,has 1) (,w 2) (,color 1) (,w 1) (,has 6) (,w 1) (,color 1) (,w 2) (,has 1) (,color 1) (,t 4) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike29 `((,color 2) (,blue 1) (,color 2) (,w 6) (,color 2) (,blue 1) (,color 2) (,t 5) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike30 `((,color 14))) (define ice-spike31 `((,color 2) (,w 12) (,color 2))) (define ice-spike32 `((,color 2) (,has 1) (,color 1) (,has 2) (,color 2) (,has 2) (,color 1) (,has 1) (,color 2))) (define ice-spike33 `((,color 1) (,has 1) (,color 2) (,w 1) (,color 2) (,w 1) (,color 2) (,has 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike34 `((,color 1) (,t 1) (,color 1) (,has 1) (,color 2) (,has 1) (,color 1) (,t 1) (,color 1))) (define ice-spike35 `((,color 6))) (define ice-spear (list ice-spike1 ice-spike2 ice-spike3 ice-spike4 ice-spike5 ice-spike6 ice-spike7 ice-spike8 ice-spike9 ice-spike10 ice-spike11 ice-spike12 ice-spike13 ice-spike14 ice-spike15 ice-spike16 ice-spike17 ice-spike18 ice-spike19 ice-spike20 ice-spike21 ice-spike22 ice-spike23 ice-spike24 ice-spike25 ice-spike26 ice-spike27 ice-spike28 ice-spike29 ice-spike30 ice-spike31 ice-spike32 ice-spike33 ice-spike34 ice-spike35)) (define water-barrier (list 26 24 22 21 21 20 20 19 19 19 9 9 9 9 9 20 10 10 10 10 10 22 12 11 11 11 12 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 25)) (define (fight-with ice-spear water-barrier target) (cond ((null? ice-spear) nil) (else (ice-spike (car ice-spear) (car water-barrier) target) (fight-with (cdr ice-spear) (cdr water-barrier) (- target 1)) ) ) ) (define (draw) (bgcolor t) (fight-with ice-spear water-barrier 42) (exitonclick)) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. (draw)