;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; ;;; This creates the faded background using a new PIXEL SIZE (define (fade_left x y r g b limit) (pixelsize 100) (pixel x y (rgb r g b)) (if (> limit 1) (fade_left (+ x 0.075) (+ y 0.075) (- r 0.025) (- g 0.025) (- b 0.025) (- limit 1))) ) (define (fade_right x y r g b limit) (pixelsize 100) (pixel x y (rgb r g b)) (if (> limit 1) (fade_right (- x 0.075) (+ y 0.075) (- r 0.025) (- g 0.025) (- b 0.025) (- limit 1))) ) (define (repeat_fade_left index) (fade_left -5 index 1 1 1 40) (if (>= index -5) (repeat_fade_left (- index 1))) ) (define (repeat_fade_right index) (fade_right 4 index 1 1 1 40) (if (>= index -5) (repeat_fade_right (- index 1))) ) ;;; A way to move to a certain point on the canvas without making a mark (define (teleport x y) (penup) (setposition x y) (pendown) ) ;;; This marks the end of the background SETUP (define (draw) (bgcolor "#bf0000") (pixelsize 1) (teleport -110 -300) (begin_fill) (color "white") (fd 610) (right 90) (fd 220) (right 90) (fd 610) (end_fill) (teleport -100 -290) (begin_fill) (color "black") (right 180) (fd 590) (right 90) (fd 200) (right 90) (fd 590) (end_fill) (teleport -110 310) (color "#060606") (begin_fill) (right 180) (fd 300) (right 90) (fd 220) (right 90) (fd 300) (end_fill) (repeat_fade_left 5) (repeat_fade_right 5) (hideturtle) (exitonclick) ) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. (draw)