High Order FUNctions!
Here are some problems that I've compiled together so that you guys of how well you know High Order Functions. I realize I only have 1 easy problem here but I'll put up more problems when I get a chance. These were what we were suppose to do in discussion, but we didn't have time.


Write a procedure called has-duplicates? which takes a sentence and returns true if and only if the sentence contains a repeated word

	 > (has-duplicates? '(here there and everywhere))
> (has-duplicates? '(she loves you yeah yeah yeah))

Create a function called at-least? whcihs takes a number, a function, and a list and returns #t if at least that number of elements in the list make the function true and #f otherwise. Write one answer using HOFs and the other using recursion.

	 > (at-least? 4 even? '(1 2 2 2 3 5 7 9 11 12 13 14))
> (at-least? 2 odd? '(1 2 4 6))
> (at-least? 0 odd? '(2 4 6 8 10))

Write deeper-count which take a predicate and a sentence and counts only the letters in each word that make the predicate return true. NO RECURSION use HOFs! (there's a nice solution using accumulate)

	 > (deeper-count number? '(a g00d 5p3ll3r))
> (deeper-count even? '(337 42 963))

Write a procedure make-non-functional that takes a function of two arguments f and returns a procedure that acts like f half the time and returns a false value the other half of the time *HINT* (rand 2) returns a value 0 or 1.

	 > (define (minus x y) (- x y))
> (define mnf-minus (make-non-funtional minus))
> (mnf-minus 2 1)
> (mnf-minus 2 1)