CS61AS Programming Project #4: Schython >>> WARNING: This project is significantly longer than the previous projects and we strongly recommend that you start ASAP. ================ REVISION HISTORY ================ *Version 7: February 5, 2014* Fixed infinite loops regarding (READ-CHAR) and mutable objects in recursion. Fixed bugs in handling arithmetic operations. Fixed many other bugs. Changed use cases of EVAL-ITEM and HANDLE-INFIX. Added dictionaries to Schython. Added problems 8 and 9. *Version 6: August 3* 3 is definitely not equal to 4. Also, updated the specification for the "__contains__" method to be clearer, and fixed the example involving "range (3, 10, 2)", which was earlier "range (3, 2, 10)". Added test cases for question 5. *Version 5: August 2* Fixed the description of the 'range' function. *Version 4: August 1* Removed the need to implement the AND? and IN? procedures; they are already present! Also, the NEGATE-BOOL procedure is in the "py-primitives" Scheme file. *Version 3: July 31* Added test cases to questions 1, 2, and 3; clarified the GET-NUM procedure. *Version 2: July 30* Released part B; entire specification now available. Typos fixed and comments added to part A. *Version 1: July 27* Initial version; released part A. ============ INTRODUCTION ============ In Chapter 4, we study a Scheme interpreter written in Scheme, the metacircular evaluator. In this project, we modify that evaluator to turn it into an interpreter for a different programming language -- Python. This project is valuable for several reasons: * It will make you more familiar with the structure of the metacircular evaluator, because you will have to understand which procedure to modify in order to change some aspect of its operation. * Working with another language may help overcome some of the confusion that students often have about working in two different versions of Scheme at once. In this project, it will be quite obvious when you are talking to Scheme and when you are talking to Python. * This project will encourage you to think about the design of a programming language. Why did Scheme's designers and Python's designers make different choices? * We hope that this project will encourage you to create your own language with its own syntax! One of the beautiful aspects of computer science is that if there isn't a tool or a language that satisfies your requirements, you can make your own! As in the Adventure Game project, you will be in a group of two people, person A and person B. Before going ahead with the rest of the specification, pick one person to be person A and the other to be person B. This project has more common questions than separate questions, so you will be spending more time coding together than coding separately. However, the parts that you will be coding separately are similar in content and task, and are essentially present to achieve twice as many features in the same amount of time. We have provided a very basic implementation of Schython, our Python-in-Scheme interpreter. As you progress through the project, you will be adding more features to Schython to bring it as close to regular Python as possible. However, you will only be able to implement a small subset of all of the features of regular Python in the short period of two weeks. Please start early on this project! There is a *lot* of reading that you must do before you can start coding, so you need not have to be at a computer when you start the project. We suggest reading through the project at least once before starting the project. Section titles labeled with a star (*) contain exercises to be completed. IMPORTANT: You will need to turn in a copy of transcripts indicating that you have ran and tested your project. ====================== INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON ====================== Python was implemented in 1989 by Guido Van Rossum in the Netherlands. It is a high-level computer programming language that has gained a large (and steadily growing) following in the past decade. One of its main advantages over other languages is its dedication to clear syntax and readable code: the Python community aims to ensure that programmers do not have to type a lot of extra unnecessary words/symbols to get their tasks done. Let's try it out! At a command prompt, open a Python interpreter with the command "python". (The most recent version of Python is 3.0, but we will be implementing features from Python 2.6.4.) You should see the Python interpreter prompt: >>> How would you ask Python to print "Hello World"? Well, >>> print "Hello World" Hello World and that's it! (Yeah, srsly.) As you may have noticed from that simple example, Python does not need left parentheses to call functions; you do not need to precede 'print' with a left parenthesis. Python is case-sensitive, so "PRINT" would not work. Another key difference is that Python only supports infix operators, where the operator is present between its operands: >>> print 2 + 2 4 You don't actually need the 'print' statement; the interpreter automatically evaluates whatever is typed at the prompt, using a Read-Eval-Print loop that is very similar to that used in the metacircular evaluator (We'll explore this two sections from now.) For example: >>> 2 + 2 4 Assignments in Python are similar to assignments in other languages. If, for example, you would like to provide a value to a variable called 'x': >>> x = 2 >>> print x 2 In contrast to Scheme, Python makes no distinction between DEFINE and SET!. If a variable 'x' is not already present, the above assignment creates a new variable 'x' in the global environment; otherwise, any previous value of 'x' is overwritten. An important aspect of Python, born of its dedication to readable code, is its usage of INDENTATION. In most other languages, including Scheme, indentation is not an issue, since these languages ignore the number of spaces, and instead use spaces to delimit symbols, numbers and words. However, in Python, the number of spaces at the beginning of a line is important. >>> x = 2 >>> if x == 1: ... x = x + 1 ... print x (You will have to press the ENTER key once more at the "..." prompt that will show immediately after, to signify that you are done with the 'if'-statement.) The 'if'-statement in Python works the same as its equivalent in Scheme: if the condition of the 'if'-statement is satisfied, then the body is evaluated. Notice that we have used '==' instead of '=': since the '=' character is already used for assignment, we use '==' to check for equality. Notice also that the body is indented: all statements in the body need to begin with the same indentation. As a result, the following would not work: >>> x = 2 >>> if x > 1: ... x = x + 1 ... print x because the second statement in the body is indented more than the first statement. Similarly, the following would not work: >>> x = 2 >>> if x > 1: ... x = x + 1 ... print x because the second statement in the body is indented less than the first statement. In general, you would only DEDENT when you are done with a set of related statements, or a BLOCK. All statements in a block need to be indented with the same number of spaces. As a further example, an 'if'-statement can also have an 'else'-clause, which is evaluated if the condition is not satisfied. >>> x = 2 >>> if x > 1: ... x = x + 1 ... print x ... else: ... x = x - 1 ... print x Notice that the lines inside the blocks corresponding to the 'if'-statement and its 'else'-clause are indented the same amount, but the blocks themselves are indented by different amounts (though they don't have to be!). The 'if'-statement and the 'else'-clause, however, need to be indented by the same amount because they belong to the same statement. However, *all statements that are not part of a block or sub-block of statements should have no indentation*. Try the following statement (which has an indentation of two spaces after ">>> ") at the Python interpreter prompt: >>> 2 + 3 Indentation enforces clean code, but can take a while to get used to; the key thing to remember is that you only need to indent when you are starting a new block of statements. Python also has FUNCTIONS, its analog to Scheme's procedures. The following defines the 'square' function: >>> def square(x): ... return x * x (Again, you will have to press the ENTER key once more at the "..." prompt that will show immediately after, to signify that you are done with the procedure body.) This syntax is similar to C-like languages, where the arguments to the function are enclosed between parentheses and present immediately after the name of the function. To call the function: >>> square(3) 9 In this sense, the left parenthesis can be considered an infix operator, where the operator is between its operands. To see why this is the case, recall that in Scheme, the left parenthesis can be considered as a prefix operator, which "calls" its first argument on the subsequent arguments. Similarly, in Python, the left parenthesis "calls" its first argument ('square') on the next argument ('3'). Also, if Python procedures need to return values, we have to explicitly add a 'return'-statement to the body to return the answer; by contrast, in Scheme, the very last line of a procedure definition is always returned. This allows us to distinguish between Python functions that return values, and Python functions that do not return values but are used primarily for their side-effects: >>> def foo(): ... print "Hello World" Python has lists! (Why wouldn't it?) >>> x = [1, 2, 3] "x" is now a variable that stores a list of three numbers. As you can guess, the Scheme analog is "(list 1 2 3)". Python lists can also be deep: >>> x = [[1, 2, 3], 2, 3] Unfortunately, we can't CAR or CDR down a Python list. To access particular elements of a list: >>> x[1] 2 The notation "x[1]" returns the second element of the list (Python uses zero-based counting). Again, in this case, the "[" character can be considered an infix operator. Finally, we can also load Python files using 'import'. If, say, we need to load the Python file "foo.py", we use the command: >>> import foo We will explore more features of Python as we implement features in Schython. If you need to exit Python, you can do so by typing 'quit()' at the prompt or pressing Ctrl+D. =============== GETTING STARTED =============== The version of Python most widely used is written in C, but there are other popular versions written in Java, in C#, in Chinese (!), and yes, in Python itself. Our version will be written in a language that you already know (and maybe love): Scheme. You should have the following files to run and code Schython: obj.scm parser.scm py-meta.scm py-primitives.scm primitives.py start.scm A note about the syntax of this specification: all capitalized words are either new terms or Scheme procedures and all words between single-quotes are to be typed in Python. Assume correct syntax; you are welcome to throw errors using the PY-ERROR procedure if you would like, but it is not required. To start Schython, you would load the "start" Scheme file into the STk interpreter: (If you're using emacs, make sure to read the comments inside start.scm to get it working when running the file from within emacs). STk> (load "start") >>> The Python interpreter prompt should show up. The INITIALIZE-PYTHON procedure sets up the global environment and the primitives necessary for a basic version of Schython to run. You should be able to perform basic arithmetic and simple assignments. At the top of the "py-meta" Scheme file, we have included a **DEBUGGING** flag. If it is set to true, then all errors will dump you back into Scheme; if it is set to false, then all errors will be hidden, but PY-ERROR invocations will still print an error message and return you back to Python. The error-handling in Schython has a few rough edges: though we have tried to catch most errors in your Schython instructions and print appropriate Python-like errors, some errors could potentially dump you back into Scheme. If this happens, type STk> (driver-loop) to return to Schython. You should only use (initialize-python) once, or else you will lose any Schython variables or procedures you have defined. >>> NOTE TO MACINTOSH GAMBIT USERS: Before running this project you must tell Gambit to read a line, not a Scheme expression, in response to the ENTER key. To do this, look in the Edit menu and select Window Styles. Near the bottom right corner of the window that will appear are three check boxes; the middle one is labelled "Enter = Send Line". Check that box (so that you see an X in the box), then click OK. >>> NOTE TO WINDOWS USERS: If the INITIALIZE-PYTHON procedure causes an infinite loop, then your computer does not understand UNIX-based newline characters. We don't see any workaround for this problem, so we suggest that you work on the lab computers, such as either STAR or NOVA. ==================== READ-EVAL-PRINT LOOP ==================== We will build the Schython interpreter upon the environment model framework that we constructed for the metacircular evaluator; in other words, we will be able to extend environments, add bindings to frames, and find the value corresponding to a variable in a frame, among other things. The heart of the Schython interpreter is the Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL), which is very similar to the Read-Eval-Print Loop in the metacircular evaluator. In the metacircular evaluator, the driver-loop (define (driver-loop) (prompt-for-input input-prompt) (let ((input (read))) (let ((output (mc-eval input the-global-environment))) (announce-output output-prompt) (user-print output))) (driver-loop)) *reads* input from the user, *evaluates* it in the global environment, and then *prints* the output, and it does so infinitely. Similarly, in the Schython interpreter, the (simplified) driver-loop (define (driver-loop) (define (repl) (prompt ">>> ") ... (let ((line-obj (make-line-obj (py-read)))) ... (begin (py-print (eval-line line-obj the-global-environment)) (repl)))))) ...) *reads* input from the user, *evaluates* it in the global environment, and then *prints* the output, and it does so infinitely as well. There are significant differences, however, in reading and evaluating input: differences that we will need to explore in the project. ============= THE TOKENIZER ============= One main difference in the REPL, as you may have noticed, is that the input is read using the PY-READ procedure, and not the standard Scheme READ or READ-LINE procedures. This is because of the syntax differences between Scheme and Python: Scheme expressions are very simple, and are already in the form of either self-evaluating expressions or lists, where each TOKEN (numbers, words, and symbols) is separated by spaces. This is why READ directly returns a list that we can evaluate straightaway using MC-EVAL. However, Python expressions need to be TOKENIZED (or LEXED) for several reasons: * In Scheme, the expression "a+3" will be considered as ONE token, since Scheme tokens are considered to be separated by spaces. For example, in the procedure (define (a+3 a) (+ a 3)) we want a procedure named "a+3"; we don't want to evaluate "a + 3". In Python, however, we do not have this luxury: we need to read each character and decide that 'a', '+', and '3' are THREE separate tokens, since 'a+3' is a valid Python expression that increments the variable "a" by 3. In other words, we cannot rely on spaces separating tokens; we need to go to each character (and sometimes, the character just ahead) and decide where one token starts and another begins. (The New Oxford American Dictionary defines a TOKEN as 'the smallest meaningful unit of information in a sequence of data for a compiler'.) * Since Python depends significantly on indentation, we need to count the number of spaces at the beginning of each line, and check that lines have been properly indented. Again, we will need to go to each character and determine the indentation of each line. The tokenizing procedure for Schython is called PY-READ and is located in the "parser.scm" Scheme file. The PY-READ procedure reads characters at the Schython prompt using (among other things) the READ-CHAR procedure, and returns a list of the corresponding tokens, prefixed with the number of spaces in the indentation. For instance, if PY-READ reads "if a == 3:" at the Schython prompt, it will return the *Scheme* list "(0 if a == 3 :)", where the 0 denotes that the line was not indented at all (or was indented by 0 characters). Since the PY-READ procedure eventually returns a SCHEME list (which will eventually be evaluated in the underlying Scheme), special Scheme characters such as parentheses and commas are distinguished using pipes, so "(a + b) * 3" becomes the Scheme list "(0 |(| a + b |)| * 3)". ======================== THE GET-TOKENS PROCEDURE ======================== The main workhorse of the PY-READ procedure is the internal GET-TOKENS procedure, which reads characters and groups them into tokens. It uses the PEEK-CHAR procedure to look at the next character typed at the Schython prompt *without processing (or "eating") it*, so that the character can be used again; this is different from the READ-CHAR procedure, which reads the next character and processes (or "eats") it. Think about why this is useful: suppose you were provided the characters that are typed at the Schython prompt. As you work your way through the prompt, you will have to look ahead one character to determine if the current token ends and another one begins. (If you take a class in Compilers, you will be told this is an example of a "LALR(1)-parser": LookAhead by 1 character, going from Left to Right.) Both the PEEK-CHAR and READ-CHAR procedures return characters. The GET-TOKENS procedure uses the CHAR->SYMBOL procedure to convert a character to a Scheme symbol, the WORD procedure to combine Scheme symbols into one token, and the CONS procedure to stick the tokens into a list. Notice that we are making a distinction between *characters*, which the READ-CHAR and PEEK-CHAR procedures read from the user at the prompt, and Scheme *symbols*, which are the numbers and words that Scheme understands. We need to convert characters from the prompt into Scheme symbols, because we will eventually be constructing a Scheme list that will be evaluated in a Scheme procedure. Characters in Scheme are represented as #\, so the character "a" would be represented as "#\a", without the quotes, in Scheme. The GET-TOKENS procedure will keep reading characters until one of two conditions are satisfied: 1. We have reached the end of a line, and all parentheses, braces, and brackets have been properly closed. If there is at least one open parenthesis, brace, or bracket, then the end of a line is ignored and the procedure keeps reading characters. The end of a line is represented by the character #\newline. 2. We have reached the end of a file, if we are reading from a file. Every file ends with an EOF character (Ctrl+D) that responds with #t to the in-built Scheme predicate EOF-OBJECT?. If any one of these two conditions are satisfied, then the GET-TOKENS procedure returns the final Scheme list of tokens that it has collected. This brings us to one final note about the GET-TOKENS procedure: it has an extra argument called BRACES, which keeps track of open parentheses, braces, or brackets that it has seen; this is how the procedure knows whether or not there is a dangling parenthesis, brace, or bracket. ========================= AUGMENTING THE TOKENIZER* ========================= We have written a lot of the tokenizer for you already, so you can look at our code to get a better idea of how a tokenizer works. However, we do not yet have support for either real numbers, strings, indentation, or comments, and this is where you come in. This section has two common questions, followed by one question to be separately but in parallel. At the end of this section, both partners will combine code and proceed to the next section. You can test the PY-READ procedure, once you have loaded the "py-meta.scm" Scheme file, as follows: STk> (py-read)x = 3 (0 x = 3) STk> (py-read) if a == 3: (0 if a == 3 :) STk> (py-read)(3+4) (0 |(| 3 + 4 |)|) Yes, the second example should have an indentation of two, not zero. You will be fixing that in the second exercise below. The following exercises should be completed in the "parser" Scheme file. *** COMMON EXERCISES *** 1. (*) In Python, one-line comments are preceded with the #-character (the equivalent in Scheme is the ;-symbol). Currently, the tokenizer does not understand Python comments: if you were to type >>> if a == 3: # This should be ignored at the Schython prompt, you would obtain the Scheme list (0 if a == 3 : |#| this should be ignored). We do not want the comment in the final Scheme list, because we do not want it to be EVAL'd. We have provided a stub for a procedure called IGNORE-COMMENT that is local to the PY-READ procedure: currently, it returns an error. Fill in the body for the IGNORE-COMMENT procedure, so that it keeps reading characters at the Schython prompt (using the READ-CHAR procedure) until it either sees a newline character (#\newline) or the end of a file, at which point it returns the word *COMMENT-IGNORED*. You may find it useful to define a helper procedure that reads a character and decides whether to stop reading characters, or whether to call itself recursively; this approach will also provide a template for future procedures. You will also find the EOF-OBJECT? Scheme predicate useful to detect the end of a file. Once you are done with the IGNORE-COMMENT procedure, observe the following COND-clause in the body of GET-TOKENS: ((eq? char #\#) (ignore-comment) '()) Notice that this COND-clause calls your procedure once it locates a #-character, and ignores its return value, returning an empty Scheme list instead. Nonetheless, the IGNORE-COMMENT procedure should still return *COMMENT-IGNORED* since all Scheme procedures need to return a value. Test your IGNORE-COMMENT procedure by providing different test cases to the PY-READ procedure. For example: STk> (py-read)x = 3 # I am a comment IGNORE ME (0 x = 3) STk> (py-read)x = 3 # Om # nom # nom (0 x = 3) These test cases are not exhaustive, however. 2. (*) The PY-READ procedure does not call the internal GET-TOKENS procedure directly; instead, it calls the GET-INDENT-AND-TOKENS procedure first, which counts how many spaces are present at the beginning of a line. As soon as the GET-INDENT-AND-TOKENS procedure sees a non-space character, it calls the GET-TOKENS procedure to begin collecting tokens into a Scheme list. It then prepends this list with the indentation. However, as we have noted above, the current version of GET-INDENT-AND-TOKENS does not actually count the number of spaces present at the beginning of a line: it calls GET-TOKENS immediately and prepends 0 to the resulting list. Fix the GET-INDENT-AND-TOKENS procedure. Potentially helpful notes: * You will find the PEEK-CHAR and the READ-CHAR procedures helpful. * You may also find it useful to use a helper procedure that keeps track of the current indentation. * The space character is denoted as "#\space" in Scheme (without the quotes). Again, test your GET-INDENT-AND-TOKENS procedure by providing different test cases to the PY-READ procedure. For example: STk> (py-read)x = 3 (0 x = 3) STk> (py-read) x = 3 (1 x = 3) STk> (py-read) x = 3 (3 x = 3) The following exercise should be done separately. After both partners have finished coding (and testing!) their answers, combine both answers. *** PERSON A *** A3. (*) In the Adventure Game project, we used strings in Scheme to display sentences that needed to be case sensitive; strings are essentially collections of characters. Scheme strings are made of *characters*, not Scheme symbols. Python also has string support, but Schython does not. In this exercise, we will implement basic string support in Schython. In Python, strings can be delimited either with double-quotes or single-quotes. However, if we use a double-quote to start a string, we need to use a double-quote to end the string; any single-quotes will be considered part of the string. The case is similar if we use a single-quote to start a string. So, for instance, "This is a string" is a Python string, and so is the entirety of 'Is this a "string"? Why, yes it is.' The GET-TOKENS procedure calls a GET-STRING helper procedure whenever it sees a double-quote or a single-quote; it calls the GET-STRING procedure with the quote as an argument. The GET-STRING procedure should collect all of the characters that constitute the string (*excluding* the delimiting quotes!) into a list. The resultant list of CHARACTERS (not SYMBOLS) is then passed to the LIST->STRING procedure, which converts the list into a string token. We need the list to be of characters, not symbols, because a string is made of characters. However, the version of GET-STRING provided does not collect the characters of the string: it merely returns an error. Fix the GET-STRING procedure so that it collects all of the characters of the string into a list. Remember, you will only stop collecting the characters of the string when you see a quote character that matches the starting quote; this is where the initial argument to the GET-STRING procedure should prove handy. Test your GET-STRING procedure by feeding the following inputs to the PY-READ procedure: STk> (py-read) print "Hello 'world'." (1 print "Hello 'world'.") STk> (py-read) print 'Hello 'world'.' (1 print "Hello " world ".") ("Hello ", world, and "." are three different tokens.) STk> (py-read) print 'Hello "world".' (1 print "Hello \"world\".") In the responses to the above test cases, the double-quotes signify the start and the end of the Scheme string (no matter if the original Python string was delimited by single- or double-quotes). The \" symbol refers to a double-quote that is *inside* a string, and helps to distinguish it from double-quotes that delimit the string. You need not worry about these double-quotes though; you need only be concerned with the contents of the string. *** PERSON B *** B3. (*) The basic code framework that we have provided is able to handle and tokenize integers. The GET-TOKENS procedure calls the GET-NUM helper procedure that returns a word representing a number, such as the words 314 and "012". It stops reading characters as soon as it peeks ahead and sees either an operator, a space, or a special Python symbol. However, we are unable to tokenize real numbers with a decimal part, such as "3.14159". Currently, if the GET-NUM helper procedure sees a #\. character, it assumes that the user created a syntactically incorrect number and returns an error instead. Improve the GET-NUM procedure so that the tokenizer also understands real numbers with a decimal part; in other words, the GET-NUM procedure should keep collecting SYMBOLS (not CHARACTERS) to construct a number even if it sees a #\. character. (Use the CHAR->SYMBOL procedure that we provide to convert the characters returned by READ-CHAR or PEEK-CHAR into the corresponding Scheme symbols.) However, you also need to take into consideration inputs such as '3.1415.foo', with multiple dot-symbols; in this case, the GET-NUM procedure should only return the number "3.1415". (Do not throw an error! We will soon see why this syntax can work.) One way to do this is to maintain a Boolean (#t/#f) flag, which is true if a #\. character has already been seen, and false otherwise. You can either attach this flag as an argument to the GET-NUM procedure, or as an argument to a helper procedure. You will find the CHAR-NUMERIC? predicate useful: it returns #t if the character provided is a number. Test your GET-NUM procedure by feeding the following inputs to the PY-READ procedure: STk> (py-read) print 3.14.foo (1 print 3.14 .foo) STk> (py-read) print 3.14 (1 print 3.14) STk> (py-read) print 3.14 + 5.15 (1 print 3.14 + 5.15) *** COMBINE WORK NOW *** At this point, both partners should have code that successfully manages to tokenize strings and real numbers, to ignore comments, and also to prepend the correct indentation to the lists returned by the GET-TOKENS procedure. ================== THE LINE-OBJ CLASS ================== Phew. We're done with reading input from the user and converting it into separate, usable tokens. *All tokens are now either Scheme symbols or Scheme strings.* Now, we actually have to evaluate these tokens. Looking back at the REPL for the Scheme interpreter, we notice the following line: (let ((line-obj (make-line-obj (py-read)))) We invoke the MAKE-LINE-OBJ procedure, which takes in the list of tokens returned by PY-READ, and creates an object of the LINE-OBJ class, defined near the top of the "parser.scm" Scheme file. A LINE-OBJ object is instantiated with a list of tokens (and the indentation of this list), and produces what is essentially the corresponding "interactive" list of tokens, that allows you to process through the list. Every LINE-OBJ object accepts the following messages: EMPTY? Is the line of tokens empty? EXIT? Is the line a command to exit? ("exit()" or "quit()") PEEK What is the next token in the line of tokens? PUSH Push the token to the front of the line of tokens. NEXT Return the next token in the line of tokens. PEEK and NEXT are analogous to PEEK-CHAR and READ-CHAR: the former message returns the token at the front of the line of tokens, while the latter message returns *and removes* the token. We need the LINE-OBJ class essentially because Python has infix operators. This is not a problem in Scheme because all operators are prefix operators: the operation you need to perform always occurs *before* the arguments you need to perform it on (for example, (+ 2 3)). However, in Python, we have statements such as "2 + 3", where we have to remove the first token (2) before we realize that we have to add it to the second token (3). We could potentially CDR down the list of tokens, but this approach gets particularly tricky for statements like "square(3 + 4) * 2", where we have to know to evaluate "3 + 4" before calling the SQUARE function. The LINE-OBJ class also provides a clean interface that allows us to easily remove from, peek at, and add to a list of tokens, without worrying about the underlying details. You will see a fair amount of LINE-OBJ instances sprinkled throughout the Schython interpreter code. ============= THE EVALUATOR ============= Looking further at the REPL, we see the following call to the EVAL-LINE and PY-PRINT procedures: (py-print (eval-line line-obj the-global-environment)) The EVAL-LINE procedure, as you can guess, evaluates the line of tokens (wrapped in a LINE-OBJ object, which we will herein call "line object"). It produces an answer that will be printed by the PY-PRINT procedure. At a high level of abstraction, this is all we need to know. However, since we need to modify the EVAL-LINE procedure for this project, we look further at its definition. The EVAL-LINE procedure performs basic error checks: it evaluates the line using the PY-EVAL workhorse procedure, but only if the line of tokens is not empty, has zero indentation, and has only one Schython statement. Essentially, the EVAL-LINE procedure ensures that the PY-EVAL procedure receives input that is free of common syntactic errors. The PY-EVAL adds two more procedures to this call hierarchy: EVAL-ITEM and HANDLE-INFIX. The structure of the EVAL-ITEM procedure is very similar to that of the MC-EVAL procedure in the metacircular evaluator: we look at the first token and check for certain keywords; based on the keyword, we decide what needs to be returned. Because of the infix nature of Python, EVAL-ITEM processes as many tokens that constitute the "first operand" of an infix operator as it needs to. Once done, EVAL-ITEM returns its output to HANDLE-INFIX. At this point, if the line object is not empty, then the first token in the line object *may* be an infix operator: if it is, HANDLE-INFIX uses PY-EVAL (or EVAL-ITEM) again to evaluate the rest of the line object (or the next item) after the infix operator, and then combines the "left" and the "right" operands of the infix operator to return the final result. To summarize, the EVAL-LINE procedure calls PY-EVAL with a line object that is free of common (though certainly not all!) syntactic errors. PY-EVAL then uses EVAL-ITEM to evaluate the first ("left") operand of an infix operator, if need be, and passes the result to HANDLE-INFIX. If there is indeed an infix operator in the line object, HANDLE-INFIX uses either PY-EVAL or EVAL-ITEM again to evaluate the second ("right") operand, and then combines the results. As their names imply, EVAL-ITEM evaluates the next "item" in the line object, while PY-EVAL evaluates an entire line object. Look at the code further to familiarize yourself with this call hierarchy. Notice how the line object is constantly passed between all of these procedures. Since the line object maintains state, it is important to remember what is (or could be) on a line object at any given point of the evaluator. ================ THE PY-OBJ CLASS ================ What does the EVAL-ITEM procedure return? It returns an instance of the PY-OBJ class, or one of its subclasses, as defined in the "py-primitives" Scheme file. Every "type" of data supported by Schython has a corresponding subclass of the PY-OBJ class: primitive procedures (PY-PRIMITIVE), user-defined procedures (PY-PROC), strings (PY-STRING), integers (PY-INT), real numbers (or "floats") (PY-FLOAT), Booleans (PY-BOOL), and lists (PY-LIST). If we detect a number in EVAL-ITEM, for example, we create a PY-NUM object that "wraps" around the number and is able to respond to messages such as NUMBER?, PROCEDURE? and VAL, among many other messages. Why do we do this? Solely to mimic the behavior of Python, where *everything is an object*, even numbers and strings. For example, when Python sees the statement >>> a = 3.5 + 4 it internally converts it to the equivalent statement >>> a = 3.5.__add__(4) (Try this out in regular Python!) Here, the number "3.5" has been converted into an object, which understands the method '__add__'. The equivalent in OOP-Scheme would be the statement "(ask 3 __add__ 4)", although this doesn't quite work in Scheme because 3.5 is a number, not an object. We have to "wrap" the number 3.5 in a PY-INT object so that it can understand the '__add__' method. (By the way, this is why, in question B3, we asked you not to consider '3.14159.foo' as an error; this implies that you are calling a procedure called 'foo' on the number 3.14159. This proves useful when the infix operator can mean more than one thing. For example, when you add two numbers, the "+" operator does regular arithmetic addition; when you add two *strings*, the "+" operator concatenates them: >>> a = "foo" + "bar" foobar Since Python internally converts the statement to the equivalent >>> a = "foo".__add__("bar") all we need to do is ensure that numbers and strings respond differently to the '__add__' method. A note on convention: The methods equivalent to arithmetic operators begin and end with double underscores. So, for instance, the "*" operator is equivalent to the '__mul__' method. Strings can be multiplied as well, because they provide a '__mul__' method. >>> print 3 * 4 12 >>> print "foo" * 4 foofoofoofoo The main idea is that *everything in Python is an object*. For example, numbers are "wrapped" in PY-NUM objects, strings are "wrapped" in PY-STRING objects, and booleans are "wrapped" in PY-BOOL objects. As we have seen above, this allows us to simplify our code significantly, even with the extra difficulties introduced by infix operators. In the "py-primitives" Scheme file, we have provided helper constructors, such as MAKE-PY-STRING, MAKE-PY-BOOL, and MAKE-PY-INT (among others) that create these objects for you. We have also provided two global true and false PY-BOOL objects, known as *PY-TRUE* and *PY-FALSE* respectively, accessible from any file in the project. An important note about Schython: in general, the methods of the PY-OBJ class and its subclasses return instances of either the PY-OBJ class or one of its subclasses. The only exceptions to these are: * "Predicate" methods -- methods that end with the "?"-character, such as 'true?' -- which return the *Scheme* booleans #t and #f, * The 'type' method, which returns a *Scheme* word: the type of the PY-OBJ instance, and * The 'val' method, which returns the Scheme value wrapped in the PY-OBJ instance. These exceptions are necessary for Python objects to interact with Scheme objects and primitives. Finally, we talk about Python's 'None' object, which has no equivalent in Scheme. Python has a 'None' object, which is returned by a function when the function has no value to return. This is useful in cases where a procedure returns a value in some cases, but in other cases, the function is unable to return anything; however, to maintain consistency, the function returns 'None' in such cases. For example, >>> def foo(bar): ... if bar > 0: ... return factorial(bar) ... else: ... return None In the above example, the 'foo' function returns the factorial of a positive number, but if the number provided is not positive, 'foo' returns 'None'. As a result, the 'foo' function returns something no matter what its input. In the "py-primitives" Scheme file, we have defined a NONE class to represent the 'None' object; the NONE class is a subclass of the PY-OBJ class. We have also defined a global object called *NONE*, which is an instance of the NONE class. Let's do an exercise to solidify our understanding of the PY-OBJ class and its subclasses. The following exercises should be done separately. After both partners have finished coding (and testing!) their answers, combine both answers. *** PERSON A *** A4. (**) Implement the '__contains__' method in the PY-LIST class, stored in the "py-primitives" Scheme file. This method takes in a PY-OBJ object as argument; it determines if the Scheme list wrapped by this PY-LIST object "contains" the argument PY-OBJ object. We test for containtment by checking if any of these elements are "equal" to the argument PY-OBJ object. Potentially helpful notes: * PY-LIST objects return the contained Scheme list through the method 'val'. * We provide an example of how to check if one PY-OBJ object ("obj") is "equal" to another ("other"): (ask (py-apply (ask obj '__eq__) (list other)) 'true?) * __contains__ returns a python boolean, not a scheme boolean You may find the global true and false PY-BOOL objects, known as *PY-TRUE* and *PY-FALSE* respectively. We send the '__eq__' message to "obj" and receive a PY-PRIMITIVE, a "Python primitive function" that expects another PY-OBJ object as argument and determines if "obj" is equal to the argument object. Much like in MC-APPLY, we use the PY-APPLY procedure to apply this PY-PRIMITIVE onto a list of its arguments, which here contains only the argument object. We receive a PY-BOOL object as an argument and ask if it is a true-valued PY-BOOL object. You have to use higher-order functions and/or recursion to implement this check for each element of a list of PY-OBJ objects. * As a note on convention, we use the '__eq__' message because >> 3 == 4 False translates to the equivalent >> (3).__eq__(4) False You will be able to completely test your '__contains__' method after question B5. For now, you can always create, in Scheme, a Python list and a Python number, and determine if the Python number is an element of the Python list. For example, STk> (define test-num-1 (make-py-num 3)) STk> (define test-num-2 (make-py-num 2)) STk> (define test-list (make-py-list (list (make-py-num 3) (make-py-num 4) (make-py-num 5) (make-py-num 6)))) STk> (ask (ask test-list '__contains__ test-num-1) 'true?) #t STk> (ask (ask test-list '__contains__ test-num-2) 'true?) #f *** PERSON B *** B4. (**) Implement the NEGATE-BOOL procedure stub in the "py-primitives" Scheme file. This procedure takes in a PY-BOOL object and returns the PY-BOOL object with the opposite value. In other words, if the argument is a PY-BOOL object whose value is #t, then the return value is a PY-BOOL object whose value is #f, and vice-versa. Potentially helpful notes: * PY-BOOL objects return the correspoding Scheme boolean through the method 'val'. * You may find the global true and false PY-BOOL objects, known as *PY-TRUE* and *PY-FALSE* respectively. You will be able to completely test your NEGATE-BOOL procedure after question B5. For now, you can test your code as follows: STk> (ask (negate-bool *PY-TRUE*) 'true?) #f STk> (ask (negate-bool *PY-FALSE*) 'true?) #t *** COMBINE WORK NOW *** ======================== MODIFYING THE EVALUATOR* ======================== Enough talk; let's get our hands dirty and modify the existing evaluator. The following exercises should be done separately. After both partners have finished coding (and testing!) their answers, combine both answers. *** PERSON A *** A5. (**) Python has support for the Boolean operators 'and' and 'or', which work exactly as the corresponding Scheme special forms work: >>> x = 3 >>> (x == 3) and (x == 4) False >>> True and 3 and 5 5 >>> True and 3 and False False >>> True or 3 or False True The Python equivalents for #t and #f are True and False, respectively (capitalization is important). We will add this functionality to Schython. Since 'and' and 'or' are infix operators in Python, we will add this support to the HANDLE-INFIX procedure. This task involves the following steps: 1. Add one clause to the COND-statement, after the INFIX-OP? clause, that checks if the next token in the line object is "and". The local variable TOKEN is already the next token in the line object. You may find the AND? infix selector useful; it is located in the section labeled "Infix selectors". 2. For the new clause, add functionality to make the 'and' operator work. Potentially helpful notes: * Recall that the argument VAL (to HANDLE-INFIX) is an object that stores the value of the "left" operand. Since VAL is a subclass of the PY-OBJ class, it understands the 'true?' method. We will need this method to determine if VAL (or any PY-OBJ object) is true or false. * If the "left" operand turns out to be true, then return the result of evaluating the rest of the line object using PY-EVAL, which we trust (recursively) returns an object of the PY-OBJ class or any of its subclasses. * If the "left" operand turns out to be false, then return a PY-BOOL object that contains the value #f Before returning this object, however, we need to "eat" the rest of the expression, so that the rest of the expression is not evaluated: you may find the EAT-TOKENS procedure useful. * Remember that HANDLE-INFIX must return an object of the PY-OBJ class or of its subclasses, *not* a Scheme symbol or primitive. Notice that this is very similar to how we implemented AND in the metacircular evaluator: if the first argument is true, we evaluate the rest of the arguments; otherwise, we return false. Once you are done, add similar functionality to make the 'or' Boolean operator work. *** PERSON B *** B5. (**) Python has a special 'in' operator, which is its analog to Scheme's MEMBER? predicate: >>> 1 in [1, 2, 3] True >>> 4 in [1, 2, 3] False Internally, Python converts these expressions to: >>> [1, 2, 3].__contains__(1) True >>> [1, 2, 3].__contains__(4) False The Python equivalents for #t and #f are True and False, respectively (capitalization is important). We will add this functionality to Schython. Since 'in' is an infix operators in Python, we will add this support to the HANDLE-INFIX procedure. This task involves the following steps: 1. Add one clause to the COND-statement, after the INFIX-OP? clause, that checks if the next token in the line object is "in". The local variable TOKEN is already the next token in the line object. You may find the IN? infix selector useful; it is located in the section labeled "Infix selectors". 2. For the new clauses, add functionality to make the 'in' operator work. Potentially helpful notes: * Recall that the argument VAL (to HANDLE-INFIX) is an object that stores the value of the "left" operand. * We will need to evaluate the "right" operand of the 'in' operator, but we don't have to evaluate the rest of the line object, because the expression containing the 'in' operator could potentially be part of a bigger expression: >>> (2 in [2, 3, 4]) and (3 in [4, 5, 6]) In the above case, we want to evaluate "[2, 3, 4]" for the first 'in'-operator, not the rest of the line object. Use the EVAL-ITEM procedure to evaluate the next item on the line object. We will obtain an object that understands the '__contains__' method, as was defined in question A4. An object that understands the '__contains__' method takes in another object as an argument and returns a PY-BOOL object. * Remember that HANDLE-INFIX must return an object of the PY-OBJ class or its subclasses, *not* a Scheme symbol or primitive. Once you are done, add similar functionality to make the 'not in' operator work. The 'not in' operator works exactly opposite to the 'in' operator: >>> 1 not in [2, 3, 4] True The new functionality that you add should be similar to what you added for the 'in' operator. Potentially helpful notes: * The NOT? predicate will need to take in both the current token. You will only need to check that the current token is 'not' and that the next token is 'in'. The next token *needs* to be 'in', since 'not in' is the only infix operator that contains the 'not' token. * Do not forget to remove the 'in' token from the line object. * You will find the NEGATE-BOOL procedure, defined earlier in question B4, useful. The test cases provided above should now work. *** COMBINE WORK NOW *** At this point, both partners should have code that successfully manages to evaluate expressions containing the 'and', 'or', 'in', and 'not in' operators. Let's step back a bit and look at what you have just done: you have done something particularly cool. You have read characters from the user, separated the characters into usable tokens, evaluated certain tokens and converted them into Python objects, provided an interface (through methods such as '__contains__') that allowed Python objects to communicate with Scheme, recognized the existence of an operator (such as 'in') in a line of Python code, and evaluated the entire line. You have basically finished a portion of the evaluator that reads a line of Python code from the user and understands it completely! Go on and take a bow. Better yet, take a break. ======= BLOCKS* ======= We will now modify the evaluator to understand the statements available in regular Python that use blocks, such as the 'if'-statement and procedure definitions. =In Schython, blocks are internally represented as lists whose first element is the word *BLOCK*.= Currently, Schython understands procedure definitions. Let's look at how Schython implements procedure definitions so that we can recognize a pattern in evaluating a statement that uses blocks: 1. We first need to be able to recognize procedure definitions. How do we know that we are about to start defining a procedure? With the 'def' token. Hence, as a first step, we add a clause to the EVAL-ITEM procedure that determines if the current token is a DEF token, using the DEF? predicate. 2. Then, we read the procedure definition and body from the line object and from the prompt. We then construct a "DEF-block", a new abstract data type, using the MAKE-DEF-BLOCK constructor. Internally, the "DEF-block" is a list of four elements: the word *BLOCK*, the word *DEF-BLOCK*, a pair of the name and the parameters, and the body. The DEF-BLOCK-NAME, DEF-BLOCK-PARAMS, and DEF-BLOCK-BODY selectors allow us to extract different sections of a "DEF-block". 3. Once we have obtained a "DEF-block", we stick it back onto the front of the line object, and then rerun PY-EVAL on the line object. On the second pass through the EVAL-ITEM procedure, the new "DEF-block" satisfies the BLOCK? predicate and gets handled by the EVAL-BLOCK procedure, which strips off the *BLOCK* tag and passes the block to the EVAL-DEF-BLOCK procedure. (This should remind you a bit of data-directed programming.) 4. The EVAL-DEF-BLOCK procedure finally creates a PY-PROC object using the MAKE-PY-PROC procedure and uses the DEFINE-VARIABLE! procedure to store it in the environment where the Python procedure was defined. We will be using these steps as a general guideline to implementing statements with blocks in Schython. Basically, we are running EVAL-ITEM two times: in the first pass, we first collect user input, package the user input into a "DEF-block", and then we stick the "DEF-block" back to the front of the line object. In the second pass, we detect this new "DEF-block" and evaluate it. =========== WHILE-LOOP* =========== The 'while'-loop is a construct in Python that allows code to be run so long as a certain condition is met. For example, >>> x = 3 >>> while x < 5: ... print x ... x = x + 1 The block containing the lines 'print x' and 'x = x + 1' will be evaluated so long as the variable 'x' is less than 5. As a result, these lines will be evaluated twice. The corresponding Scheme code would be: STk> (define (loop x) (if (< x 5) (begin (show x) (loop (+ x 1))))) STk> (loop 3) The 'while'-loop in Python has several additional features: (1) The 'break'-statement breaks out of the 'while'-loop, and prevents future loops from running, even though the condition may still be satisfied. For example, >>> x = 2 >>> while x < 5: ... print "Foo" ... if x == 3: ... break ... print "Bar" ... x = x + 1 would print "Foo" two times (when 'x' is 2 and 3) and "Bar" one time (when 'x' is 2), because the 'while'-loop breaks when 'x' is 3. In the absence of the 'break'-statement, however, the 'while'-loop would have printed "Foo" and "Bar" three times. (2) The 'continue'-statement skips over the rest of the statements in the 'while'-loop, but does not break out of the loop. For example, >>> x = 2 >>> while x < 5: ... print "Foo" ... x = x + 1 ... if x == 3: ... continue ... print "Bar" would print "Foo" three times and "Bar" two times, because the 'while'-loop skips the 'print "Bar"' statement when 'x' is 3. (3) 'while'-loops can also have an 'else'-block, which is run after the 'while'-loop finishes, but only if the 'while'-loop was never broken out of using the 'break'-statement. For example, >>> x = 2 >>> while x < 5: ... x = x + 1 ... print "Foo" ... else: ... print "Bar" would print "Bar" once, after "Foo" was printed three times. If, however, there was a 'break'-statement inside the 'while'-loop, "Bar" would not be printed. *** COMMON EXERCISE *** 6. Let's start off with a common exercise and implement the 'while'-loop. The main task is to read input from the user and package the input into a "WHILE-block", a new abstract data type. A "WHILE-block" is essentially a "compound" token that we will construct from user input and stick onto the front of the line object, as you can see from the EVAL-ITEM procedure. Then, when we rerun the PY-EVAL procedure on the line object, we will detect the "WHILE-block" and process it using the EVAL-BLOCK procedure, which eventually calls the EVAL-WHILE-BLOCK workhorse procedure. We have already provided the EVAL-WHILE-BLOCK procedure for you. However, it uses constructors and selectors that have not been implemented: the MAKE-WHILE-BLOCK constructor, and the WHILE-BLOCK-PRED, WHILE-BLOCK-BODY, and WHILE-BLOCK-ELSE selectors. Fill out these procedures so that they represent constructors and selectors on a "WHILE-block" abstract data type. The MAKE-WHILE-BLOCK procedure should return a "WHILE-block", which is represented as a list of at least two elements, where the first two elements are the tags *BLOCK* and *WHILE-BLOCK* (used for data-directed dispatch, as explained above); the rest of the list can contain whatever information you wish, in whatever order you wish, but the selectors should work properly with your implementation. Potentially helpful notes: * The MAKE-WHILE-BLOCK procedure is given, as an argument, the first line of the 'while'-loop, stored in a line object but without the 'while'-token (because at this point, the 'while'-token has been identified and eaten). You may want to implement a helper procedure that collects a list of tokens in the predicate: all tokens on the first line *before* the :-character (you have performed a similar task before). Assume correct syntax; you do not need to worry about errors for incorrect syntax. The WHILE-BLOCK-PRED selector should return the list of tokens in the predicate, =prepended with the indentation of the first line of the 'while'-loop=. This indentation is important because the line will eventually be passed to the MAKE-LINE-OBJ procedure. * We need to collect the body of the 'while'-loop into a list of lines and blocks. Based on the syntax described above, the body of the 'while'-loop starts with the next line, and contains the subsequent indented lines. We stop collecting the lines of the body at a line with the same indentation level as the first line of the 'while'-loop, *unless* the line begins with an 'else:' token, in which case =we keep collecting lines=. We have provided a READ-BLOCK helper procedure that you can use, which takes in the indentation of the first line of the 'while'-loop (you may find the 'indentation' method of the LINE-OBJ class useful here) and the current environment as arguments. The READ-BLOCK helper procedure returns a list of lines (each prepended with their indentations), and of blocks for each nested block; it calls itself recursively for each nested block it sees, so you do not have to worry about these nested blocks. * One issue with the READ-BLOCK helper is that it returns the packaged "ELSE-block" along with the rest of the body of the 'while'-loop. The WHILE-BLOCK-BODY and WHILE-BLOCK-ELSE selectors need to return the body and the "ELSE-block" separately. You may find the SPLIT-BLOCK procedure useful here; read its comments to figure out how best to use it. The WHILE-BLOCK-ELSE selector should return #f if the 'while'-loop has no associated 'else'-block. The code that deals with "ELSE-block"s, by the way, may be able to provide more hints and suggestions on approaching the problem. Once you are done with the 'while'-loop, the following test cases should now work: >>> x = 3 >>> while x < 5: ... print x ... x = x + 1 >>> x = 3 >>> while x < 5: ... print x ... break >>> x = 3 >>> while x < 5: ... x = x + 1 ... continue Now that you have some experience dealing with blocks in Schython, we will implement more blocks from scratch. The following exercise should be done separately. *** PERSON A *** ========= FOR-LOOP* ========= A7. The 'for'-loop is a looping construct in Python that *iterates* over a COLLECTION of objects; in other words, the 'for'-loop goes through each item in a collection, and runs its body for each item that it sees. >>> for i in [1, 3, 5, 2, 4]: ... print i "[1, 3, 5, 2, 4]" is the collection that the 'for'-loop iterates over, which also happens to be a list. 'i' is a LOOP VARIABLE that, during the first run of the 'for'-loop, contains the value 1; for subsequent loops, it contains the values 3, 5, 2, and 4. The equivalent Scheme program is STk> (define (for-loop lst) (if (not (null? lst)) (begin (print (car lst)) (for-loop (cdr lst))))) STk> (for-loop '(1 3 5 2 4)) The 'for'-loop also supports the 'break', 'continue', and 'else'-statements that the 'while'-loop understands, and these statements function similarly. The collection that the 'for'-loop iterates over need not necessarily be a list; it can also be the result of a 'range' function call. 'range' is a Python primitive that generates a list. It comes in three forms: >>> range(7) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> range(3, 7) [3, 4, 5, 6] >>> range(3, 10, 2) [3, 5, 7, 9] In its most basic form, with only one argument, the 'range' function returns a list of numbers from 1 to the given number. In the two-argument form, it returns a list of numbers from the first argument to one less than the second argument. In the three-argument form, it returns a list of numbers from the first argument to the second argument, with increments equal in size to the third argument. As a result, we can create 'for'-loops such as: >>> for i in range(3, 10, 2): ... print i You will implement the 'for'-loop in Schython, including constructors and selectors for the "FOR-block" abstract data type, and the procedure that evaluates a "FOR-block". We have provided the stubs for these constructors and selectors: * The MAKE-FOR-BLOCK constructor is given, as an argument, the first line of the 'for'-loop, stored in a line object but without the 'for'-token (because at this point, the 'for'-token has been identified and eaten). The MAKE-FOR-BLOCK procedure should return a list of at least two elements, where the first two elements are the tags *BLOCK* and *FOR-BLOCK* (used for data-directed dispatch, as explained above); the rest of the list can contain whatever information you wish, in whatever order you wish, but the selectors should work properly with your implementation. ** The FOR-BLOCK-VAR selector takes in a "FOR-block" and returns the loop variable as a token; ** The FOR-BLOCK-COLLECTION selector returns a list of tokens corresponding to the collection (the tokens after the 'in' token and before the ':' token); ** The FOR-BLOCK-BODY selector returns a list of the lines (each prepended with their respective indentations) and the blocks in the body of the "FOR-block", and ** The FOR-BLOCK-ELSE selector returns the 'else'-block, if any (including the *BLOCK* and *ELSE-BLOCK* tags). In implementing the above selectors, you may (and should) refer to your implementation of the 'while'-loop: both tasks are similar. The EVAL-FOR-BLOCK procedure takes in a "FOR-block" and the current environment as arguments. A few helpful hints on implementing this procedure: * We use the selectors that you defined above to extract different sections of the "FOR-block". * We need to evaluate the collection in the current environment. In order to achieve this, we convert the collection to a LINE-OBJ object, and rerun the PY-EVAL procedure on the resultant LINE-OBJ object. However, since LINE-OBJ objects need an indentation as the instantiation variable, we use the word '*DUMMY-INDENT* as the indentation. Why? We do not care about the indentation when evaluating the collection, because all the evaluator needs to do is recognize what the collection is. * PY-LIST objects understand the '__iter__' method. Since the result of PY-EVAL-ing the collection is a PY-LIST object, the core of the EVAL-FOR-BLOCK procedure is calling the '__iter__' method on this PY-LIST object. The '__iter__' method takes in three arguments: the name of the loop variable, the body of the "FOR-loop", and the current environment. The '__iter__' method uses the loop variable and the collection to evaluate the body (multiple times) in the current environment. * If the result of the '__iter__' method is the word *BREAK*, this implies that a 'break'-statement was used to break out of the 'for'-loop. If this is the case, then the EVAL-FOR-BLOCK should return a None object. (Recall that there is a global *NONE* variable that stores an instance of the 'none' class, a subclass of the PY-OBJ class.) Otherwise, the 'for'-loop was not broken out of, and so if there is an 'else'-clause, then EVAL-FOR-BLOCK should return the result of evaluating the 'else'-clause. If there is no 'else'-clause, then EVAL-FOR-BLOCK can return nothing; since Scheme procedures must always return something, however, EVAL-FOR-BLOCK should then return *NONE*. * To evaluate the 'else'-clause, we need to make a line object out of the 'else'-clause using the MAKE-LINE-OBJ procedure, and pass this line object to the EVAL-ITEM procedure; recall that the EVAL-ITEM procedure evaluates one item at a time in the environment provided. Remember also that the 'else'-clause extracted from a "FOR-block" already has the indentation prepended. Once you are done, the test cases provided above should now work. *** PERSON B *** ============= IF-STATEMENT* ============= B7. We have shown the 'if'-statement in the introduction to this project, which works similarly to the IF special-form in Scheme. 'if'-statements also have a syntactically useful feature: 'elif'-blocks. We have seen nested IF-blocks in Scheme before, in situations involving multiple conditions: (if (= x 3) (+ x 1) (if (< x 4) (+ x 2) (if (> x 5) (+ x 3) (+ x 4)))) Using 'elif'-blocks, the corresponding Python expression is >>> if x == 3: ... print x + 1 ... elif x < 4: ... print x + 2 ... elif x > 5: ... print x + 3 ... else: ... print x + 4 In other words, 'elif'-blocks allow the 'if'-statement to become the Python equivalent of Scheme's COND construct. You will implement the 'if'-statement in Schython, including constructors and selectors for the "IF-block" abstract data type, and the procedure that evaluates a "IF-block". We have provided the stubs for these constructors and selectors: * The MAKE-IF-BLOCK constructor is given, as an argument, the first line of the 'if'-statement, stored in a line object but without the 'if'-token (because at this point, the 'if'-token has been identified and eaten). The MAKE-IF-BLOCK procedure should return a list of at least two elements, where the first two elements are the tags *BLOCK* and *IF-BLOCK* (used for data-directed dispatch, as explained above); the rest of the list can contain whatever information you wish, in whatever order you wish, but the selectors should work properly with your implementation. ** The IF-BLOCK-PRED selector takes in an "IF-block" and returns the predicate as a list of tokens with the indentation prepended; ** The IF-BLOCK-BODY selector returns a list of the lines (each prepended with their respective indentations) and the blocks in the body of the "IF-block", and ** The IF-BLOCK-ELSE selector returns the 'elif'-block or the 'else'-block, if any. A note on the IF-BLOCK-ELSE selector: it returns either an 'elif'-block (with tags *BLOCK* and *ELIF-BLOCK*) or an 'else'-block (with tags *BLOCK* and *ELSE-BLOCK*), depending on which immediately follows the 'if'-statement. An 'elif'-block contains *all* of the blocks that follow the initial block. Why? Because the code: >>> if x == 3: ... print x + 1 ... elif x < 4: ... print x + 2 ... elif x > 5: ... print x + 3 ... else: ... print x + 4 is equivalent to >>> if x == 3: ... print x + 1 ... else: ... if x < 4: ... print x + 2 ... else: ... if x > 5: ... print x + 3 ... else: ... print x + 4 In other words, an 'if-elif-else' construct can be converted into an equivalent series of nested 'if'-statements. As a result, to simplify processing and to allow for recursive processing, as we will soon see, the 'elif'-block contains all of the other blocks (in this example, from the case 'x < 4' onwards). Basically, an "ELIF-block" is simply an "IF-block" that has been nested inside the 'else'-clause of another "IF-block". In implementing the above selectors, you may (and should) refer to your implementation of the 'while'-loop: both tasks are similar. Once you are done, also implement the constructors and the selectors for the "ELIF-block". The EVAL-IF-BLOCK procedure takes in an "IF-block" and the current environment as arguments. A few helpful hints on implementing this procedure: * We use the selectors to extract different portions of the "IF-block". We then evaluate the predicate using the PY-EVAL procedure. However, since PY-EVAL expects a line object, we use the MAKE-LINE-OBJ procedure; remember that the predicate extracted from an "IF-block" already has the indentation prepended. * If the result of evaluating the predicate is a true PY-BOOL object (how can you check?), then simply run the EVAL-SEQUENCE procedure on the body of the "IF-block", which evaluates the body in the environment provided, and returns a PY-OBJ object. If not, and if there is an 'else'-clause, then EVAL-IF-BLOCK should return the result of evaluating the 'else'-clause. If there is no 'else'-clause, then EVAL-IF-BLOCK can return nothing; since Scheme procedures must always return something, however, EVAL-IF-BLOCK should then return *NONE*. * To evaluate the 'else'-clause, we need to make a line object out of the 'else'-clause using the MAKE-LINE-OBJ procedure, and pass this line object to the EVAL-ITEM procedure; recall that the EVAL-ITEM procedure evaluates one item at a time in the environment provided. Also, implement the EVAL-ELIF-BLOCK procedure. We take advantage of the structure of an ELIF-BLOCK to simplify our work here. As we noted above, an ELIF-block contains any other clauses, but in a nested manner. As a result, all we will need to do is to write an ELIF->IF procedure, to convert the "ELIF-block" into an "IF-block", and then run the EVAL-IF-BLOCK procedure on this new IF-BLOCK. To perform this conversion, simply convert the tags to *BLOCK* and *IF-BLOCK*. Why does this work? Because an "ELIF-block", remember, is simply an "IF-block" that has been nested inside the 'else'-clause of another "IF-block". Once you are done, the test cases provided above should now work. *** COMBINE WORK NOW *** By this point, your code should now be able to understand and evaluate 'while'-loops, 'for'-loops, and the 'if'-statement. *** COMMON EXERCISE *** ==================== Parsing Dictionaries ==================== 8. Dictionaries in Python provide a useful way to associate a key with a value. (Dictionaries are also called hash tables or associative arrays. Dictionaries are the equivalent of Associative Lists/ 2D Table that we saw in Lesson 9). Python provides a nice, literal syntax, to describe dictionaries. (Similar in style to the way lists can be written as literals in Python). Let's see some usages of dictionaries: >>> x = {"hello" : "world", "foo" : "bar"} # define a dictionary, named x, with two keys and two values >>> x { "hello" : "world", "foo" : "bar" } >>> x["hello"] # dictionaries can be subscripted, like lists. They expect keys as their subscript input, and if the dictionary contains that key, it will return the associated value 'world' >>> x["foo"] 'bar' >>> x[1] = 2 >>> x { "hello" : "world", "foo" : "bar", 1 : 2 } >>> x["hello"] = x[1] + 3 >>> x { "hello" : 5, "foo" : "bar", 1 : 2 } Dictionaries in python can be defined using following syntax: dict = { key1 : val1 , key2 : val2 , ... ... keyN : valN } Dictionaries can be defined as the empty dictionary: dict = {} With one key-value pair: dict = { key : val } Or with more than one key-value pair: dict = { key1 : val1, key2 : val2 } For this question we expect you and your partner to write the scheme COLLECT-KEY-VALUE method (found in 'py-meta.scm'). It takes in a LINE-OBJ, an ENV, and a CLOSE-TOKEN. The LINE-OBJ passed to COLLECT-KEY-VALUE already has the open brace ('{') token removed. CLOSE-TOKEN is always a close brace ('}'), but make sure to compare tokens in LINE-OBJ against the CLOSE-TOKEN variable (in case we ever want to change our syntax). Your implementation of this method should evaluate each key and each value, and return a list of scheme pairs where each pair is the evaluated key paired with the evaluated value. For example, the following dictionary in Python: x = { a : b, c : d } Should produce the following Scheme list: ((a . b) (c . d)) Where '(a . b)' is produced by calling (cons a b) Remember that you must evaluate a, b, c, and d, in this Python example, and produce this list of pairs with their evaluated values. Here are some notes on proper syntax for python dictionaries: * Separating each key and value is a colon (':') * If the dictionary contains more than one key-value pair, each pair is separated by a comma (',') (note that the last key-value pair doesn't have a comma following it). * It is valid to have compound statements for keys and values. For example: >>> x = { 1+2 : 10 + 2} >>> x { 3 : 12 } Your procedure should terminate when it encounters the CLOSE-TOKEN in the LINE-OBJ. You will find the use of the COLON? and COMMA? predicates useful for testing to see if a token is a comma or a colon. If the user doesn't enter proper syntax for a dictionary, for example, if they don't separate keys and values with a colon, or they don't separate key-value pairs with a comma, COLLECT-KEY-VALUE should throw a SyntaxError. You can throw an error in scheme using the PY-ERROR procedure and passing it a string. For example: (py-error "SyntaxError: Expected comma separating key-value pairs in dictionary parsing") After completing this problem, make sure your work from problem 'B5' also works with dictionaries. A dictionary, like a list, has a method named '__contains__' (ideally, you shouldn't have to change any code from B5). 'in' checks to see if a dictionary contains a particular key. 'not in' does the opposite of 'in', it returns 'True' if a dictionary does not contain a particular key. Here is an example: >>> x = { 1 : "a", 2 : "b" } >>> x { 1 : "a", 2 : "b" } >>> 1 in x True >>> 2 in x True >>> 2 not in x False >>> 3 not in x True After completing problem 8, you have finished the implementation of a Python interpreter. You've implemented a well-known and well-used language ... in *another* well-known and well-used language. Play around with your implementation of Python. *** COMMON EXERCISE *** ===================== Programming in Python ===================== Now that we've implemented our Python interpreter, lets see what it can do! Remember our good friend Leonardo Fibonacci and the Fibonacci sequence? We're going to be playing around with this sequence, so if you've forgotten the sequence, lets jog your memory. In Python, we can define a function that computes the Fibonacci sequence as follows: def fib(n): if n == 0 or n == 1 : # fib(0) = 0; fib(1) = 1 return n else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) # fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) Type the above definition in a file and name it `programs.py` Let's run this code to see what it does. Open up a terminal and launch `stk-simply` from the same directory that you made the `programs.py` file. STk> (load "start") >>> import programs (n) Let's run this with a few inputs to see what we get. >>> fib(1) 1 >>> fib(0) 0 >>> fib(4) 3 What happens if we try to compute fib(100)? Let's try >>> fib(100) um... Has your function returned yet? Trick question, it hasn't. And it won't... As least it won't for a long time. But fear not, there is a way to compute Fibonacci of 100 efficiently! Remember that we can define a Fibonacci procedure using memoization (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoization). Recall that the main idea behind a memoizing Fibonacci function is to prevent repetitive computation of of function calls that contain same input. We can do this by storing the result of previous computations. For example, when computing the Fibonacci of 10, the Fibonacci of 2 and Fibonacci of 3, etc, have to be recursively computed over and over, many times, unnecessarily. Lets see what a memoizing Fibonacci procedure looks like: def make_fib_memos(): fib_memos = {} def fib(x): if x in fib_memos: #fibonacci(x) has already been computed, return this value return fib_memos[x] elif x <= 1: return x else: t = fib(x-1) + fib(x-2) fib_memos[x] = t return t return fib memo_fib = make_fib_memos() print memo_fib(10) #prints 55 print memo_fib(50) #prints 12586269025 print memo_fib(100) #prints 354224848179261915075 This procedure first checks to see if it has already computed fib(x), if it has, it returns this value. There is no need to compute fib(x) again. The fibonacci of 'x' for every 'x' never changes, so recomputing this value is a waste. Memoization is pretty cool, right? A problem that was effectively incomputable before (like computing fib(100)) is now computable (and quite efficient!). But Fibonacci isn't the only procedure that benefits from being memoized. Consider computing the factorial of a number. How would we write a memoizing factorial function? In essentially the same way we wrote a memoizing Fibonacci procedure. Lets see: def make_fact_memos(): fact_memos = {} def fact(x): if x in fact_memos: # we've already computed fact(x) return fact_memos[x] elif x <= 1: return x # fact(0) = fact(1) = 1 else: t = x * fact(x-1) fact_memos[x] = t return t return fact memo_fact = make_fact_memos() print memo_fact(0) #prints 1 print memo_fact(2) #prints 2 print memo_fact(20) #prints 2432902008176640000 Writing these memoizing factorial and Fibonacci procedures is nice, but wouldn't it be way cooler if we could solve the memoizing problem in some general form? Our goal is to be able to define a memoizing Fibonacci procedure as follows: def __fib(x, memo): if x <= 1: return x else: return memo(x-1) + memo(x-2) fib_memo = memoize(__fib) We pass the 'memoize' function the logic of our recursive procedure, in our example, the '__fib' procedure. We then define 'fib_memo' to be the return value from 'memoize(__fib)'. This indicates that the 'memoize' procedure must return another procedure! Lets consider the 'memoize' procedure further. This function takes in a procedure that it will use to compute future values to be memoized. Because the return type from the function 'memoize' is another procedure, 'memoize' demonstrates that our python interpreter supports higher order procedures. Remember, the point of 'memoize' is to store the return values for a given input of a function. If it hasn't seen a given input, 'memoize' should calculate the value for the given input, then store it (or memoize it, in memoization parlance). You will find that using dictionaries for this assignment will be helpful. As another example of using 'memoize', here is how we want to be able to define 'factorial': def __factorial(x, memo): if x <= 1: return x else: return x * memo(x-1) factorial = memoize(__factorial) 9. Define the procedure 'memoize'. Note that procedures can be defined within other procedures, and procedures can be returned from other procedures. As an example, consider the following: >>> def compute_square(): ... def square(x): ... return x * x ... return square ... >>> y = compute_square() >>> y(10) 100 Create a file name 'memoize.py' and write your answer in that Python file. (Please note that our interpreter does not currently support new lines in function definitions or block statements while importing a file. The following IS okay: def compute_square(): def square(x): return x * x return square But this is NOT okay: def compute_square(): def square(x): return x * x return square ) >>> IMPORTANT: Indicate, as a comment at the beginning of py-meta.scm, >>> who is person A and who is person B. >>> IMPORTANT: Turn in a copy of transcripts indicating that you have >>> run and tested your project. Turn in your copy of parser.scm py-meta.scm py-primitives.scm memoize.py =(^_^)= ** END OF PROJECT ** =(^_^)= Congratulations! You have finished the project! Go home and get some well deserved rest. OPTIONAL FOR EXPERTS: Implement list comprehensions and default parameters for Python procedures.