
svnsync is the Subversion remote repository mirroring tool. Put simply, it allows you to replay the revisions of one repository into another one.

In any mirroring scenario, there are two repositories: the source repository, and the mirror (or “sink”) repository. The source repository is the repository from which svnsync pulls revisions. The mirror repository is the destination for the revisions pulled from the source repository. Each of the repositories may be local or remote—they are only ever addressed by their URLs.

The svnsync process requires only read access to the source repository; it never attempts to modify it. But obviously, svnsync requires both read and write access to the mirror repository.


svnsync is very sensitive to changes made in the mirror repository that weren't made as part of a mirroring operation. To prevent this from happening, it's best if the svnsync process is the only process permitted to modify the mirror repository.

svnsync Options

--config-dir DIR

Instructs Subversion to read configuration information from the specified directory instead of the default location (.subversion in the user's home directory).


Prevents caching of authentication information (e.g. username and password) in the Subversion administrative directories.


In the case of an authentication failure, or insufficient credentials, prevents prompting for credentials (e.g. username or password). This is useful if you're running Subversion inside of an automated script and it's more appropriate to have Subversion fail than to prompt for more information.

--password PASS

Indicates that you are providing your password for authentication on the command line—otherwise, if it is needed, Subversion will prompt you for it.

--username NAME

Indicates that you are providing your username for authentication on the command line—otherwise, if it is needed, Subversion will prompt you for it.

svnsync Subcommands

Here are the various subcommands: