Package ucb.gui2

package ucb.gui2
Provides the classes needed to implement a simple graphical user interface, containing buttons, a menu bar, simple canvases allowing arbitrary graphics and responding to the mouse or keyboard, and modal dialogs and messages. The class TopLevel provides top-level displayable windows. Typically, you will extend this class and use its constructor for your extension to set up menus, buttons, etc., and to arrange the necessary callbacks that happen when these items are clicked. Your main program creates a new instance of the extended class, and uses its display method to make it appear. The class TopLevel extends JFrame, serving as a top-level application frame to contain various JComponents, plus menus. The class Pad is such a JComponent, by default a blank area the is sensitive to mouse and keyboard actions. Typically, you will extend Pad to provide whatever functionality you want. The class LayoutSpec encapsulates information needed to place items into a TopLevel. You provide either a LayoutSpec or a set of arguments for its constructor whenever you add something to the TopLevel.
  • Classes
    A LayoutSpec specifies how an item is to be laid out in a TopLevel or other graphical container (here, we'll refer to such things collectively as containers).
    A Pad is a blank slate that may be inserted into a TopLevel.
    A top-level window with optional menu bar.