CompSci-61B Lab 1a
Hello, World

Instructor: Prof. Robert Burns

The first thing to do when using a computer language for the first time is to write the "Hello, World" program. The purpose is to become familiar with an editor and compiler for the language, and to work out the details of creating a working program. Of course, the "Hello, World" program does not do very much. But if you can get it to work, everything else is just a matter of learning the language.

There are several options for writing Java programs. They range from the very simple, in which you edit and save a file in a folder, compile and run with command line commands, to very complicated, using an IDE (interactive development environment) that manages (and hides) all the details from you. In this class we take an intermediate approach.

IDEs will not be taught in lecture, but you are free to use one if you wish. The problem with using IDEs at this stage in your introduction to Java is that some important logistical details are hidden from you. This is fine for experienced programmers who know and appreciate these details, but not for the beginner.

But the simple approach is too simple. So we will use an approach that applies "packages" and "jars", for organizational and distribution reasons, but uses simple text editing and command-line compiling for the complete experience that is denied in IDEs.

As you will in most of the lab assignments in this class, you will write several programs following the specifications below. After you complete the programs, you will assemble the various files into a single ".jar" file (named lab1a.jar), and post that to your student UNIX account for grading. In Java and in UNIX, filename case matters, so make sure that you spell and case files exactly as specified.

To prepare for this lab, do the following:
  1. Pick up an account form from your Lab TA.
  2. Login to your account using the temporary password and answer the questionaires. Enter the same name as you used for your telebears registration. If you made a mistake during registration, press control-C and enter the command "re-register".
  3. Use the command "check-register" to make sure your registration information is correct.
  4. Use the command "passwd" to change your password. Use "ssh update" to change your shell (ignore this if you are not sure what UNIX shell is).

Warning: Do not, at this time or any point in the future, delete the .login, .cshrc, and .emacs files in your directory. If you would like to customize your account, do so by adding new commands to the end of these files, not replacing the files.

This assignment is worth 20 points, and consists of 2 exercises. Zero points will be awarded for programs with misspelled filenames, or incorrect case. Zero points will be awarded for programs that do not compile. Partial points will be awarded for programs that are run but do not conform to all specifications, at the discretion of the grader. Be sure to complete both exercises and post the lab1a.jar before midnight of the due date, because there is a 5-point-per-day lateness penalty for late work. Check the course outline for due dates for lab assignments.

EXERCISE 1: "Hello, World" (10 points)
Using any code editor or text editor, write the following program and save it as But replace the ?? characters with the correct date or your own name, where appropriate (-5 points for not doing this modification). Also, make the other changes that are included in the specification below.
// javac compsci61b/intro/
// java -ea compsci61b.intro.HelloWorld
// jar cf lab1a.jar compsci61b/*
// java -ea -cp lab1a.jar compsci61b.intro.HelloWorld

// Programmer: ?? ??
// Assignment:
// Date: 06/??/2007
// Version: original

package compsci61b.intro; // the folder where this .java file MUST be stored

public class HelloWorld // class name MUST match filename
  public static void main(String[] argv) // container for statements to be executed by the program
    // to output "Hello! My name is ?? ??" on one line to the console (without the quote marks)
    System.out.print("Hello!"); // output to the console
    System.out.print(" "); // followed by a space
    System.out.print("My name is "); // followed by more text
    System.out.println("?? ??"); // more text and a EOL (end of line)

Here are the detailed specifications:

Note: to list file in a ".jar" file, use this command: jar tf lab1a.jar. To extract files from a ".jar" file, use this command: jar xf lab1a.jar. It fully recreates the folder structure, and also creates a folder names META-INF which can be discarded.

Do not post this version of lab1a.jar -- wait until you complete the remaining exercise, which adds to it.

EXERCISE 2: "Hello, World", the Sequel (10 points)
Write, using exercise 1 as a model. Fully replace the contents of the main container with the following, replacing the ?? characters with your own name, as in exercise 1. Note that any text that follows // on a line is a "comment", and is ignored by the compiler. So these may be expressed in your own words, if you wish.
    String s; // a declaration statement for a string reference variable (local) UNUSABLE UNTIL ASSIGNED
    s = "Hello"; // an assignment statement, refering "s" to the immutable string value "Hello"
    System.out.println(s); // output the value referred to by "s"

    s = "?? ??"; // "s" now refers to the value "?? ??"
    System.out.println("Hello! My name is " + s); // outputs a label and a referenced value, with an EOL

    // another way -- the long way, explicitly creating an object
    String name = new String("Hello"); // spins off new object with same value as "Hello", referenced by another local variable

    // releasing the reference
    name = null; // without references, new String("Hello") is ready for "garbage collection"

Remember that the filename and class name must match, and the "package" statement tells where the source file must be stored.

Once the program is fully working, further embellish it by adding two or more String variables, assigning values to them, and printing them with text labels.

With your files from exercise 1 still in place, complete exercise 2. Then when you recreate lab1a.jar, the files from both exercises will be in the single ".jar" file.

Post your lab1a.jar file to your student UNIX account for grading and credit.

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