CompSci-61B Lab 2b
ADT Lists

Instructor: Prof. Robert Burns

In this assignment, we complete the development of a CompSci-61B version of the "AList" class that appears in Carrano chapter 5. The classes "MyArrayList" and "MyLinkedList" are similar to Java's own "ArrayList" and "LinkedList" classes. They implement the "MyList" interface from the previous lab, and are stored in the package "compsci61b.testing". New versions of these classes will be written in future labs and stored in the package "compsci61b", when "iteration" support is added.

This assignment is worth 40 points, and consists of 4 exercises. Zero points will be awarded for programs with misspelled filenames, or incorrect case. Zero points will be awarded for programs that do not compile or run on the department's UNIX server. Partial points will be awarded for programs that are run but do not conform to all specifications, at the discretion of the grader. Be sure to complete both exercises and post the lab2b.jar before midnight of the due date, because there is a 5-point-per-day lateness penalty for late work. Check the course outline for due dates for lab assignments.

EXERCISE 1: Interfaces For Identification (10 points)
Classes that implement "" are flagged so as to allow the I/O feature of object serialization to be applied to them. The interface includes no method specifications, so there is no requirement to add methods. From now on, all of our data structure classes will implement this interface from the Java class library.

It will be convenient in future labs to identify data structure classes as being either array-based or linked-list-based. So we will create two interfaces: "MyArrayBasedDataStructure" and "MyLinkedDataStructure", to be implemented in data structure classes. (These will be resuable for future labs, so they will be placed in the package "compsci61b" -- the first items to be placed there.)

Write the interface in package compsci61b, using lab 2a's exercise 1 as a model. Include no method specifications -- the space between the curly braces of the public interface should be blank.

Compile and jar, but do not run, because this is an interface, and because it has no main.

Apply the same as in lab 2a's exercise 1, changing the class name to MyArrayBasedDataStructure, and add this import statement:

import compsci61b.*;

EXERCISE 2: More Interfaces For Identification (10 points)
Write the interface in package compsci61b, using this lab's exercise 1 as a model. Include no method specifications -- the space between the curly braces of the public interface should be blank.

Compile and jar, but do not run, because this is an interface, and because it has no main.

Apply the same as in lab 2a's exercise 1, changing the class name to MyLinkedDataStructure, and add this import statement:

import compsci61b.*;

EXERCISE 3: An Array-based List: Non-iterable Version (10 points)
Write in package compsci61b.testing, using lab 2a's exercises 3 and 4 as models. (An "iterable" version will be developed in a later lab, and placed in package compsci61b.) Lab 2a's exercise 3 was about, which introduced multiple values without the complication of generics. Lab 2a's exercise 4 was about, which introduced generics without the complication of multiple values. In this exercise, the two features are combined, to create a useful class. Also, identification interfaces are included, although they are not used until future labs.

The class should be similar to Carrano's "AList" in chapter 5, without the 2nd constructor, with zero-based indexing, and with "toString" instead of "display", and with automatic array expansion so that the data structure is never full. Also, this new class should implement the "compsci61b.testing.MyList", "compsci61b.MyArrayBasedDataStructure", and "" interfaces. Since "MyArrayBasedDataStructure" is in a different package, you need to append "compsci61b.", or import it:

import compsci61b.MyArrayBasedDataStructure;
Unfortunately, Java generics are not advanced enough yet to allow expressions like "new T[INITIAL_CAPACITY]", so we are stuck with the following work-around. Use this expression instead: "(T[]) new Object[INITIAL_CAPACITY]". When compiling with this work-around, expect a compiler warning: "uses unchecked or unsafe operations".

To test the class operation, include a main inside the class. In main, create a "MyList" object using "MyArrayList", and exercise all of its methods. Make sure that the array expansion and shifting code works correctly. Your work will be scored using a separate testing program that is not provided to you. So make sure that your own testing is sufficient to assure yourself that the class works according to the specs. If you have any questions about the specs, ask in lab or use the online discussion group -- don't assume anything.

For public interface validation, use the same as in lab 2a's exercise 2, but use these statements to create and validate the data structure object:

MyList<Integer> a = new MyArrayList<Integer>();
System.out.println("Should be true: " + (a instanceof compsci61b.testing.MyList));
System.out.println("Should be true: " + (a instanceof compsci61b.MyArrayBasedDataStructure));
System.out.println("Should be true: " + (a instanceof compsci61b.testing.MyArrayList));
System.out.println("Should be true: " + (a instanceof;

EXERCISE 4: A Singly-linked List: Non-iterable Version (10 points)
Write in package compsci61b.testing, using exercise 4 as a model. (An "iterable" version will be developed in a later lab, and placed in package compsci61b.) The difference is that the data is to be stored in a simple linked list (with head and next references), and not in an array.

The class should be similar to Carrano's "LList" in chapter 7, with "toString" instead of "display". Also, the class should implement the "compsci61b.testing.MyList", "compsci61b.MyLinkedDataStructure", and "" interfaces. Since "MyLinkedDataStructure" is in a different package, you need to append "compsci61b.", or import it:

import compsci61b.MyLinkedDataStructure;
It should have a private inner class named "Node", as in Carrano chapter 6, but with no methods -- the data members will be accessed directly within the "MyLinkedList" class. So write it like this:
private class Node implements
  private T value; // a single value (or a reference to one, actually)
  private Node next; // link to downstream Node
In the methods of the "MyLinkedList" class, access "value" and "next" directly, and do not use accessors and mutators for this purpose.

To test the class operation, include a main inside the class. In main, create a "MyList" object using "MyLinkedList", and exercise all of its methods. Your work will be scored using a separate testing program that is not provided to you. So make sure that your own testing is sufficient to assure yourself that the class works according to the specs. If you have any questions about the specs, ask in lab or use the online discussion group -- don't assume anything.

Here is a useful private method and the "toString" to get you started, for a head reference named head, and #of values tracked in nValues:

  private Node getNodeAt(int index) // seek index from head
    Node result = null; // null if index < 0 or index >= nValues -- usually when index == nValues (adding to end)

    if (0 <= index && index < nValues) // validate index
      result = head;
      assert result != null;
      for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
        result =;
        assert result != null;
    } }

    return result;

  public String toString()
    String buf = getClass().getName();
    if (isEmpty())
      buf += " is empty";
      int i = 0;
      for (Node p = head; p != null; p =
        buf += "\n value[" + i++ + "] = " + p.value;
    return buf;

For public interface validation, use the same as in lab 2a's exercise 2, but use these statements to create and validate the data structure object:

MyList<Integer> a = new MyLinkedList<Integer>();
System.out.println("Should be true: " + (a instanceof compsci61b.testing.MyList));
System.out.println("Should be true: " + (a instanceof compsci61b.MyLinkedDataStructure));
System.out.println("Should be true: " + (a instanceof compsci61b.testing.MyLinkedList));
System.out.println("Should be true: " + (a instanceof;
Create your final version of lab2b.jar, with files from this and all previous labs. Post your lab2b.jar file to your student UNIX account for grading and credit.

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