Usage: Life1D This program simulates 1D Life: the simplest class of one-dimensional cellular automata in a x grid starting with a single live cell in the middle of the top row using rule . These 1D rules are defined in Wolfram's Elementary Cellular Automata: This program will print to stdout data in plain PBM file format. This output can be easily viewed using the display command or converted to a another format using the pbmto* and ppmto* utilities. A plain ascii PBM file can be created by adding a header line "P1 " and followed by a grid of data (0 = dead = white, 1 = live = black). Add a comment on the first line with a brief description of the image. Arguments: is a positive integer specifying the number of rows to generate (not counting the first "seed row" which is all dead except for a central live cell). The columns are computed automatically -- enough so that the rule, if it were to grow in the normal triangular pattern, would just perfectly reach the edge. Off the board is considerered "dead". is a number from 0-255 specifying the rule to use.