Proj1 Notes - cs61c-rc

Common mistakes, point deductions, and error codes follow. If you got some sort of letter-number combination in your comments, and you're wondering what it means, you're in the right place. If unspecified, an error is probably worth half a point, although half point errors may be nullified through good programming practices or if more major errors existed which caused your score to drop substantially.

I wasn't really able to provide a lot of analysis of common mistakes with this project because I was mostly looking at autograder results and this project is more time consuming to look through. Some test cases were thrown off by randomness since I'm not exactly sure what the autograder did to combat randomness (my guess is fixing the random seed, which might be thrown off if you used a different random generator than the TAs expected). Obviously I didn't deduct for this, but this is why there were a lot of false negatives on the autograder tests and why it took some time to grade.



12 points for part 0 (6 tests, 2 each) - no savefile - - no items and monsters - - some items - - some monsters - - items and monsters - - max items and some monsters 12 points for part 1 (6 tests, 2 each) - add_item() and num_item() - find_item() - delete_item() - __make_inventory_iterator() and next_item() - remove_last_item() - delete_inventory_iterator() 8 points for part 2 - full points for passing the test, partial credit assigned sensibly =) 8 points for part 3 - same as part 2

Part 0

Part 1

Part 2