Lab 9: Thread Level Parallelism

  1. Setup
  1. Copy the lab files to your home directory with:

                                cp -r ~cs61c/labs/sp11/09 ./lab9

  1. Introduction to OpenMP
  1. Basics

All semester we have been using the Macs in 200 Sutardja Dai, and in this lab we finally take advantage of their multiple cores. OpenMP is a parallel programming framework for C/C++ and Fortran. It has gained quite a bit of traction in recent years, primarily due to its simplicity while still providing good performance. In this lab we will be taking a quick peek at a small fraction of its features, but the links in the Additional Reference section can provide more information and tutorials for the interested.


There are many types of parallelism and patterns for exploiting it, and OpenMP chooses to use a nested fork-join model. By default, an OpenMP program is a normal sequential program, except for regions that the programmer explicitly declares to be executed in parallel. In the parallel region, the framework creates (fork) a set number of threads. Typically these threads all execute the same instructions, just on different portions of the data. At the end of the parallel region, the framework waits for all threads to complete (join) before it leaves that region and continues sequentially.

OpenMP uses shared memory, meaning all threads can access the same address space. The alternative to this is distributed memory, which is prevalent on clusters where data must be explicitly moved between address spaces. Many programmers find shared memory easier to program since they do not have to worry about moving their data, but it is usually harder to implement in hardware in a scalable way. Later in the lab we will declare some memory to be thread local (accessible only by the thread that created it) for performance reasons, but the programming framework provides the flexibility for threads to share memory without programmer effort.

  1. Hello World Example

For this lab, we will use C to leverage our prior programming experience with it. OpenMP is a framework with a C interface, and it is not a built-in part of the language. Most OpenMP commands are actually directives to the compiler. Consider the following implementation of Hello World (hello.c):

                int main() {

# pragma omp parallel


int thread_ID = omp_get_thread_num();

printf(" hello world %d\n", thread_ID);



This program will fork off the default number of threads and each thread will print out "hello world" in addition to which thread number it is. The # pragma tells the compiler that the rest of the line is a directive, and in this case it is omp parallel. omp declares that it is for OpenMP and parallel says the following code block (what is contained in { }) can be executed in parallel. Give it a try with “make hello; ./hello”. Notice how the numbers are not necessarily in numerical order and not in the same order if you run hello multiple times. This is because within a omp parallel region, the programmer guarantees that the operations can be done in parallel, and there is no ordering between the threads. It is also worth noting that the variable thread_ID is local to each thread. In general with OpenMP, variables declared outside a omp parallel block have only one copy and are shared amongst all threads, while variables declared within a omp parallel block have a private copy for each thread.

  1. Additional References
  1. Hands On Introduction to OpenMP
  2. Official OpenMP Tutorial Listing

  1. Exercise 1: Vector Addition

Vector addition is a very parallel computation and it makes for a good first exercise. You will implement the v_add function inside v_add.c to return the array that is the cell-by-cell addition of its inputs x and y. You can run your code (“make v_add; ./v_add”) and the testing framework will automatically time it and vary the number of threads.

The best way to do this is to decrease the amount of work each thread does. There are several possible ways to handle this problem (Note: For this lab, assume that the number of threads always divides the array size.):

  1. First, have each thread handle adjacent sums: i.e. Thread 0 will add the elements at index 0, Thread 1 will add the elements at index 1, etc.  To aid you in this process, two useful OpenMP functions are:

        int omp_get_num_threads();

        int omp_get_thread_num();

The function omp_get_num_threads() will return how many threads there are in a omp parallel block, and omp_get_thread_num() will return the thread         ID.

  1. While perhaps intuitive, the first approach is actually quite inefficient. Why do you think this is so? (Hint: Think about what happens when thread 0 and thread 1 access elements that are next to each other in memory. This problem is called false sharing.) Implement this alternate approach: If there are N threads, breaking the vectors into N contiguous chunks, and having each thread only add that chunk (like the figure above).


For this exercise, we are asking you to manually split the work amongst threads. Since this is such a common pattern for software, the designers of OpenMP made the for directive to automatically split up independent work. Here is the function rewritten using it:

void v_add( int n, float *x, float *y ) {

#pragma omp parallel


  #pragma omp for

  for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )

x[i] += y[i];



  1. Exercise 2: Dot Product

The next interesting computation we want to compute is the dot product of two vectors. At first glance, implementing this might seem not too dissimilar from v_add, but the challenge is how to sum up all of the products into the same variable (reduction). A naive implementation would protect the sum with a critical section, like (dotp.c):

double dotp(double* x, double* y) {

  double global_sum = 0.0;

  #pragma omp parallel


     #pragma omp for

  for(int i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE; i++)

                                     #pragma omp critical

global_sum += x[i] * y[i];


  return global_sum;


Try out the code (“make dotp;./dotp”). Notice how the performance gets much worse as the number of threads goes up? By putting the sum variable in a critical section, we have flattened the parallelism and made it so only one thread can do useful work at a time. This contention is problematic, and as the number of threads goes up, so does the contention, and the performance pays the price. Can you fix this performance bottleneck?


  1. First, try fixing this code without using the OpenMP Reduction keyword in a way that achieves speedup. (Hint: Try reducing the number of times a thread must add to the shared global_sum variable).
  2. Now, fix the problem using the built-in Reduction keyword. Is your performance any better than in the case of the manual fix? Why?