CS61C Spring 2014 Project 2: MapReduce

TA: Sung-Roa Yoon / Shreyas Chand
Part 1: Due 03/19 (WEDNESDAY, NOT SUNDAY) @ 23:59:59
Part 2: TBA


All updates to the project spec will be listed in this section.



The goal of this project is to get you familar with the MapReduce programming model using the Hadoop framework. The first part of the project will give you an opportunity to turn minimax game tree search (an algorithm you're hopefully already familiar with) into a format that is compatible with the mapreduce framework. The second part will require you to run your implementation on a large cluster of Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud (AWS EC2) servers in order to crunch through a large problem. We hope that by doing this project you will gain an appreciation for the MapReduce programming model, and at the same time pick up a very marketable skill.

Part 1 (Due 3/19 @ 23:59:59)


Connect N

The game we will try to completely solve in this project is a variation of Connect Four. Connect Four is essentially like Tic-Tac-Toe, but players are required to "drop" their piece into a column rather than arbitrary place it. Furthermore, instead of winning by placing three pieces in a row, they must place four. For a better idea of game mechanics, you can play the game here (or on any of a plethora of flash game websites) and read more about it on Wikipedia.

For the purpose of this project, we are going to be solving smaller versions of the complete game. Our game board will only be a maximum of 5 by 5 (instead of the standard 6 by 7). This is in order to limit the amount of time and space your code will require to run. In fact, for the first part we recommend you solve a game board of 3 by 3, with the win condition being three, instead of four, pieces in a row. With a smaller case, it should also be easier for you to verify the correctness of your output. Of course, you can use larger parameters if you have enough time, and space on your hard drive.

Minimax Game Tree Traversal

The actual algorithm we want you to implement consists of two main parts: 1) Constructing a full game tree for connect four, and 2) Solving the game by running minimax to label each game state with a win, loss or tie value.

In the first part, you will begin from an empty board, generate all possible subsequent game board configurations and link each of the new states to the original parent. This process will be repeated for each of the generated states until you reach a game state that is a winning state for either one of the players.

In the second part you will walk through the tree you have generated from the bottom up and propagate up the win/loss/tie value according to minimax. Essentially, there are three different scenarios (as detailed in the diagram below) and in each case you simply have to choose the optimal option to update your value. We will record the win/loss/tie state, and the number of moves it will take to get to that state from the current state.

Getting started

Copy the files in the directory ~cs61c/proj/02 to your proj2 directory, by entering the following command:

$ mkdir ~/proj2
$ cp -r ~cs61c/proj/02/* ~/proj2

The files you will need to modify and submit are:

You are free to define and implement additional helper functions, but if you want them to be run when we grade your project, you must include them in the above classes. Changes you make to any other files will be overwritten when we grade your project.

The rest of the files are part of the framework and should not be modified. However, you will need to look at them as well. The particularly interesting/useful classes are bolded.

Your Job

Task A (Due 3/19): Your task will be to implement the two MapReduce jobs.

The first mapreduce job you have to write is in PossibleMoves.java. This job is called once per level in the full game tree, with each call to map getting as input the output of the previous map phase. The first run of the job gets the output from the InitFirst mapreduce job (this basically gives it an empty board representation). Therefore, your map function should take the game state represented by the key (a game state that has been hashed into an int using the hash method in the Proj2Util class). The reducer for this job sets up the actual game tree by emitting a MovesWritable object associated with every passed in child gamestate. The MovesWritable object will at this point encapsulate all the possible parents and a win/loss/tie value for this state. The parents is simply a combined list of all corresponding values for the provided key. The win/loss/tie value needs to be determined by you by scanning through the game state representation. If there are connectWin pieces in a row somewhere in the game board, you should determine this and set the correct win value (0b01 for a O win, and 0b10 for a X win). If this is the lastRound and you don't find a win, then you should set the status to a tie (0b11). If none of these conditions exist, then the value for this state is undecided (0b00).

The second mapreduce job you have to write is in SolveMoves.java. This job is called once per level in the almost full game tree (not the bottommost level), working bottom up instead of top down like PossibleMoves. The first run of the job gets the output from PossilbeMoves exclusively, while all of the remaining levels of it gets the output from PossibleMoves from the layer below as well as the output from SolveMoves from the layer below. Therefore, your mapper should receive the key of the current board state, and the value of a MovesWritable class, which contains the board state, moves to end, and parents of the current board state. From here, your mapper should pass each instances of the parent state as output key, and the value of the current board as the output value. That means that your reducer will receive all of the parents which contain the values from their children, so you can generate the next level up. You should use minimax to determine which value should be used, with the help of the diagram above, and you should also generate the parents of this state. It is okay if you don't generate the parents perfectly, as long as you AT LEAST generate all of the parents. (As in you can generate the impossible parents here, as long as you can filter them out properly). The filtering should be aided by the outputs of PossibleMoves which should have distinctly different values from the outputs of SolveMoves. Think about what's different about the two, and write the code accordingly! Remember, if you have impossible board states in your final output, you will be deducted points!

Here are some tips and reminders:

Debugging and Testing

The provided Makefile gives you the ability to easily compile and run your code using variable arguments.

$ make // Compiles your code
$ make proj2 // Runs your code with the default 3 by 3 board and connect 3
$ make proj2 WIDTH=n HEIGHT=m CONNECT=i // Make sure to actually type the all-caps letters,
                                        //and generate your output with board width of n, board height of m, and connect to win of i.
$ make proj2 WIDTH=4 HEIGHT=5 CONNECT=3 // For example, this would run a four by five board, with connect 3.

The provided TUI.py will help you test your output, as you can use it to play against your AI, or see how the AI plays optimal moves on both sides.

$ python TUI.py 4 5 3 // This runs the TUI.py with your output, with board width of 4, board height of 5, and connect 3 to win.

In the ref_out directory, we have also provided you with the correct output we expect for two different game types, 2 by 2 Connect 2 and 3 by 3 Connect 3. You can use this to verify whether or not your program is working for at least the small case.

While you are working on the project, we encourage you to keep your code under version control. However, if you are using a hosted repository (i.e. GitHub, BitBucket, etc), please make sure that it is private, or else it will be viewed as a violation of academic integrity.

If you mistakenly break parts of the skeleton, you can always grab a new copy of the file by running the following command, but BE VERY CAREFUL not to overwrite all your work.

$ cp ~cs61c/proj/02/<NAME OF FILE> ~/proj2

Before you submit, make sure you test your code on the Hive machines. We will be grading your code there. IF YOUR PROGRAM FAILS TO COMPILE, YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY GET A ZERO FOR THAT PORTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT There is no excuse not to test your code.

How your project will be graded:


The full proj2-1 is due Wednesday (3/19/2014), to account for the exam on the previous Wednesday. To submit proj2-1, enter in the following. You should be turning in PossibleMoves.java, and SolveMoves.java.

$ cd ~/proj2
$ submit proj2-1