Name: Corten Clemente Singer Login: Email: Mini-Biography -->Where did you grow up? What was your academic path? I grew up in San Diego, CA. I always enjoyed studying math and physics and came into Berkeley with the intention of majoring in either of those two fields. However, I took CS 61AS in my Freshman year and knew immediately that Computer Science was the major for me. I particularly like studying low-level software systems. I also have a double major with Cognitive Science…studying the brain is awesome, as well. -->How much programming have you done(& what languages)? I have programmed enough to pass all my Berkeley CS classes. Through this, I have gotten a lot of practice with C (personal favorite) and Python. On my own time, I have picked up the Arduino programming language, and I once made a website (HTML/Javascript/CSS). -->What are your hobbies? I like to sketch/draw things and grow plants. I love to play instruments and jam with my friends. I am also learning how to hack everyday electronics with my Arduino and make creative things with them. --> What are some of your talents and skills? I have surfed my whole life. And I am a very skilled quesadilla maker. --> Have you done anything remarkable? Has anything really memorable happened to you? Traveling has been a remarkable experience for me. I have visited 12 countries outside the US including a semester abroad in Chile. The surf trips are always very memorable. --> What commitments will be consuming your cycles this term? Aside from tutoring and coursework, I am also a Research Assistant for the D’Esposito Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, which uses various neuroimaging techniques (i.e. fMRI) to investigate neural pathways involved in attention, working memory, and inhibitory control. I also hope to make some cool projects with my friends :)