CS61C Spring 2018 Lab 3 - RISC-V

Welcome to lab 3. At the end of this lab, you should have an idea of how to:


Copy the lab files from the instructional servers to your lab account with

$ cp -r ~cs61c/labs/03/ ~/labs/03/ 

Alternatively, secure-copy (scp) them from the instructional servers to your own laptop with

$ scp -r cs61c-[xxx]@hive[yy].cs.berkeley.edu:~cs61c/labs/03/ ~/YOUR_FILEPATH

And if you want to secure-copy them back to your class account:

$ scp -r ~/YOUR_FILEPATH/03 cs61c-[xxx]@hive[yy].cs.berkeley.edu:~/YOUR_LABACCT_FILEPATH

Intro to Assembly with RISC-V Simulator

The following exercises use a RISC-V simulator developed by Keyhan Vakil (now a CS161 TA). The simulator is called Venus and can be found online here.

Assembly/Venus Basics:

For the following exercises, please save your completed code in a file on your local machine. Otherwise, we will have no proof that you completed the lab exercises.

Checkoff Checklist:

Have the following files open BEFORE asking for checkoff.


Exercise 1: Familiarizing yourself with Venus

Getting started:

  1. Paste the contents of lab3_ex1.s into the editor.
  2. Click the "Simulator" tab. This will prepare the code you wrote for execution. If you click back to the "Editor" tab, your simulation will be reset.
  3. In the simulator, to execute the next instruction, click the "step" button.
  4. To undo an instruction, click the "prev" button.
  5. To run the program to completion, click the "run" button.
  6. To reset the program from the start, click the "reset" button.
  7. The contents of all 32 registers are on the right-hand side, and the console output is at the bottom
  8. To view the contents of memory, click the "Memory" tab on the right. You can nagivate to different portions of your memory using the dropdown menu at the bottom.

Task: Paste the contents of lab3_ex1.s in Venus and Record your answers to the following questions. Some of the questions will require you to run the RISC-V code using Venus' simulator tab.

  1. What do the .data, .word, .text directives mean (i.e. what do you use them for)? Hint: think about the 4 sections of memory.
  2. Run the program to completion. What number did the program output? What does this number represent?
  3. At what address is n stored in memory? Hint: Look at the contents of the registers.
  4. Without using the "Edit" tab, have the program calculate the 13th fib number (0-indexed) by manually modifying the value of a register. You may find it helpful to first step through the code. If you prefer to look at decimal values, change the "Display Settings" option at the bottom.

Checkoff [1/4]

Exercise 2: Translating from C to RISC-V

Open the files lab3_ex2_c.c and lab3_ex2_assembly.s. The assembly code provided (.s file) is a translation of the given C program into RISC-V. Your task is to find/explain the following components of this assembly file.

Checkoff [2/4]

Exercise 3: Factorial

In this exercise, you will be implementing a function factorial in RISC-V that has a single integer parameter n and returns n!. A stub of this function can be found in the file factorial.s. You will only need to add instructions under the factorial label, and the argument that is passed into the function is configured to be located at the label n. You may solve this problem using either recursion or iteration.

As a sanity check, you should make sure your function properly returns that 3! = 6, 7! = 5040 and 8! = 40320.

Checkoff [3/4]

Exercise 4: RISC-V function calling with map

This exercise uses the file list_map.s.

In this exercise, you will complete an implementation of map on linked-lists in RISC-V. Our function will be simplified to mutate the list in-place, rather than creating and returning a new list with the modified values.

Our map procedure will take two parameters; the first parameter will be the address of the head node of a singly-linked list whose values are 32-bit integers. So, in C, the structure would be defined as:

struct node {
  int value;
  struct node *next;

Our second parameter will be the address of a function that takes one int as an argument and returns an int. We'll use the jalr RISC-V instruction to call this function on the list node values.

Our map function will recursively go down the list, applying the function to each value of the list and storing the value returned in that corresponding node. In C, the function would be something like this:

void map(struct node *head, int (*f)(int))
  if(!head) { return; }
  head->value = f(head->value);

If you haven't seen the int (*f)(int) kind of declaration before, don't worry too much about it. Basically it means that f is a pointer to a function, which, in C, can then be used exactly like any other function.

You will find it helpful to refer to the RISC-V green card to complete this exercise.

There are exactly nine (9) places (8 in map and 1 in main) in the provided code where it says "YOUR_INSTRUCTION_HERE".

Task: replace these markers with instructions the implementation of map, and to provide a sample call to map with square as the function argument. There are comments in the code that explain what each instruction should accomplish. When you've filled in these instructions, running the code should provide you with the following output:

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
81 64 49 36 25 16 9 4 1 0

The first line is the original list, and the second line is the modified list after the map function is applied.

Checkoff [4/4]