#include #include #include #include /* where intrinsics are defined */ #define CLOCK_RATE_GHZ 2.26e9 /* Time stamp counter from Lecture 2/17 */ static __inline__ unsigned long long RDTSC(void) { unsigned hi,lo; __asm__ volatile("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo),"=d"(hi)); return ((unsigned long long) lo)| (((unsigned long long)hi) << 32); } int sum_naive( int n, int *a ) { int sum = 0; for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) sum += a[i]; return sum; } int sum_unrolled( int n, int *a ) { int sum = 0; /* do the body of the work in a faster unrolled loop */ for( int i = 0; i < n/4*4; i += 4 ) { sum += a[i+0]; sum += a[i+1]; sum += a[i+2]; sum += a[i+3]; } /* handle the small tail in a usual way */ for( int i = n/4*4; i < n; i++ ) sum += a[i]; return sum; } int sum_vectorized( int n, int *a ) { /* WRITE YOUR VECTORIZED CODE HERE */ return 0; } int sum_vectorized_unrolled( int n, int *a ) { /* UNROLL YOUR VECTORIZED CODE HERE*/ return 0; } void benchmark( int n, int *a, int (*computeSum)(int,int*), char *name ) { /* warm up */ int sum = computeSum( n, a ); /* measure */ unsigned long long cycles = RDTSC(); sum += computeSum( n, a ); cycles = RDTSC()-cycles; double microseconds = cycles/CLOCK_RATE_GHZ*1e6; /* report */ printf( "%20s: ", name ); if( sum == 2*sum_naive(n,a) ) printf( "%.2f microseconds\n", microseconds ); else printf( "ERROR!\n" ); } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { const int n = 7777; /* small enough to fit in cache */ /* init the array */ srand48( time( NULL ) ); int a[n] __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); /* align the array in memory by 16 bytes */ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) a[i] = lrand48( ); /* benchmark series of codes */ benchmark( n, a, sum_naive, "naive" ); benchmark( n, a, sum_unrolled, "unrolled" ); benchmark( n, a, sum_vectorized, "vectorized" ); benchmark( n, a, sum_vectorized_unrolled, "vectorized unrolled" ); return 0; }