Listed below are descriptions of the control signals appearing in P&H Figure 5.17. These descriptions are drawn from Figures 5.12 and 5.16.


signal namemeaning if 1meaning if 0
RegDst The destination register is specified in bits 15-11. The destination register is specified in bits 20-16.
RegWrite A register value is being replaced. No register value is being replaced.
ALUSrc The second ALU operand is the sign-extended lower 16 bits of the instruction. The second ALU operand comes from a register.
Branch The instruction is a branch. The instruction is not a branch.
MemRead Data is to be read from memory. No data is to be read from memory.
MemWrite Data is to be written to memory. No data is to be written to memory.
MemtoReg A register's value is to be replaced by a value read from memory. A register's value is to be replaced by an ALU output.

ALU control

instructionALUOpoperation function fielddesired ALU actionALU control input
lw00load worddon't careadd0010
sw00store worddon't careadd0010
beq01branch equaldon't caresubtract0110
slt10set on less than101010set on less than0111