* Due date is now 11:59pm on Wednesday, Oct 1 rather than midnight, to avoid confusion about whether midnight is part of the preceding day or the following day. * Operands are separated by whitespace, not commas. * jmp to an undefined location should be translated to FFFF, not F000. * The immediate operand in the rotr instruction is unsigned, not signed. * Branch instructions (bneg, bz) should generate entries in the type/refaddress table for their label arguments. The type for such an entry should be "b". The example .syms file in the project specification should then appear as follows: main y 0000 loop y 000A jmp 0012 done y 0014 b 000A jmp 0014 counter y 0016 lhi 0002 llo 0006 dummy y 0018 foo n FFFF jmp 001A