Homework assignment 2

This assignment is due Friday night, January 30, at 11:59pm. It's an individual assignment; do your own work. Submit your solution to Expertiza as you did with assignment 1.

Write a program named processLines.c that processes input lines as follows.

  1. After reading a line, it removes the character '#' and any characters that follow it from the line. If after that removal, the line consists entirely of white space, it is discarded.

  2. A line containing some non-whitespace is assigned a number. Numbers start at zero and increase by one for each nonblank line.

  3. If any word on the line ends with a colon (':'), the word is printed, followed by a tab (\t), followed by the current line number, followed by a newline.

Here's an example, with input given on the left and explanation on the right.


  b c: # hello there
hello world # xyz
foo is on line 0
the result of removing # and subsequent chars leaves a blank line
a: appears on line 1
bbb: appears on line 2
two blank lines are ignored

b and c: are on line 3
d: is on line 4
hello world is on line 5
e: is on line 6

The output is

a:    1
bbb:  2
c:    3
d:    4
e:    6

You may assume that lines are at most 80 characters long and words are at most 20 characters long.