This week: 11 March - 15 March, 2002

Homework 8 Hints & Errata

In problem 1(a), the emitter-injection efficiency (gamma) is approximately equal to the alpha-F factor.

In problem 1(e), we are looking for the input impedance Zin, which is the parallel combination of r_pi, C_pi, and C_mu.

In problems 3 and 4 (the book problems), you might need the diffusion constants of electrons and holes - you can either find them by using the doping to get a mobility, and the use Einstein's relation (kT/q = D/mu) to get the diffusion constant, or just assume the following:

For problem #1, there isn't enough information given to do part (d) and (f). Assume the following:

Sorry for the confusion; an updated version of Homework 8 with the appropriate changes highlighted is available on the homeworks page.

Midterm 1 News

Midterm 1 solutions can be found here. Sorry for the delay (due to the power outage).

Error in HW6 Solutions

In the problem about the circular mosfet, the average circumference that was calculated (to be used as the effective gate width) is wrong; it should be pi * 8um, not pi * 7um.

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