Instructions for EE128 Lab Writeups: 1. Lab experiments may be done in groups, but lab writeups are done individually. 2. Writeups are to be done with a word processor so that I can read everything clearly. 3. Include your name, the names of your group members, the date, and your lab section on each lab. 4. Include a lab objective and a lab conclusion and be sure to write in complete sentences! What I don't want is "2. 0.18" <-- I have no idea what this is 5. Lab writeups should be self contained in that I shouldn't need to go back and look at the original lab as I did for quite a few of the lab 1 writeups. This means including block diagrams that you have analyzed as well as showing or describing how you reached a particular answer, equation, etc. 6. Include well labeled diagrams, plots, schematics, etc. A picture of a decaying sinusoid doesn't tell me what this plot is supposed to be. 7. If using Matlab, give me a general idea of your command line input/output. I don't need things like g = 9.8, but the major commands would help make things clear. 8. If using simulink, show me the system diagrams you used. 9. Explain significant problems as well as discrepancies between analytical and experimental results. 10. Explain anything you did that is unique or novel in approach. 11. The lab writeup will be a part of every lab grade - if you follow the above instructions, you shouldn't have a problem.